Top articles for Fitness

Comparison of Personal Training Certifications

Comparison of Personal Training Certifications

Personal trainers are fitness professionals who instruct their clients in many areas of wellness including exercise. The profession can be gratifying and lucrative for the person who knows what he's doing. To become a fitness trainer you need to obtain the right training and become certified by a recognized certification organization. more

About Certified Personal Fitness Trainers

About Certified Personal Fitness Trainers

The NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) certification was established in 1993. Certified personal trainers are health fitness professionals who have completed training programs in health and fitness. They are educated on the parts of the body and its functions. Hands-on training is required for certification. more

How to Get in Shape for Winter Sports

How to Get in Shape for Winter Sports

Winter sports require strength, agility and energy.  It’s important to prepare your body for winter sports ahead of time to minimize the risk of injuries and perform at your best through the cold season.   There are a few important preparation and training guidelines you should follow to get in shape for your favorite winter sports. more

Tips on Health Fitness

Tips on Health Fitness

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is extremely important. If you cut down on all of the things that will cause harm to your body and start to exercise more, you will become fit in no time. Making healthy choices is hard to do at first, but it will get easier. more

How to Exercise With the Total Gym

How to Exercise With the Total Gym

The Total Gym is one of the most popular exercise equipment machines for the home that is available today. The smaller options can fit into spaces such as an apartment and it can easily fold down and be stored. It also comes fully assembled, which most home users want when they look for workout equipment. more

About Gym Exercise

About Gym Exercise

A gym is a facility used for physical activities. They are often found in schools, community centers or in their own buildings. These fitness centers can vary in size, function and equipment, but all are used with the same intent of working out. Gyms offer exercise in many different forms and methods to accommodate a variety of people. more

How to Stick to a Workout Program

How to Stick to a Workout Program

You’ve decided you want to get back into shape, and made the first step by creating a program. Workout plans are great because they provide a clear map of what to do and where you are headed. But when it’s down to the heavy lifting, you’re worried you won’t be able to follow through. There are several approaches that can help you stick to your program. more

How to Work Out at the Gym

How to Work Out at the Gym

Working out at the gym is a great alternative to home workouts. You get to use top-of-the-line equipment, attend fitness classes and access to thousands of variations to fulfill your workout. However, if you are new to a gym, learning how to use the latest equipment and resources can be intimidating with so many people around. more

How to Do Abdominal Workouts at Home

How to Do Abdominal Workouts at Home

Abdominal, or ab, workouts are an important part of any exercise regimen. Regardless of whether you are trying to lose extra belly fat or tone an already trim waistline, abdominal exercises will also help improve your posture and can eliminate back pain. If you do not have a gym membership but want to reap the health benefits of abdominal exercise, you can do so in the privacy of your own home. more

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