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Billie Lynn IC Zurvita


By Anonymous

This "merchant" attempts to solicit business by prospecting off the internet, and (if he knows anything about the internet) knowingly engages in digital interactions that cost his prospects money.....for the priviledge of hearing his pitch. more

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Portraits In The Park / April 6th 10am-2pm

Portraits In The Park CD will be mailed to your home. Directions coming From Fort Worth Directions coming From Dallas more

By Lee Albert Photography March 29, 2013


Do you know your purpose?   It calls to you, it wakes you up in the middle of the night, you dream about it when you sleep.  Purpose.  Everyone on this earth is here for a purpose, you are not a number, you are not a nobody.  YOU matter, especially to God.  God put you here on this earth at just this time, He gave you your DNA, nobody but your Momma and your Daddy could have created you; so even if you are disconnected to your parents, one of them or both; still, God had this in mind for you: To take you and bring you to a destiny that is wonderful, full of promise. Even if nothing but bad things have happened to you all your life, I'm here to tell you the truth:  God can make the bad things that happened to you and turn them in to blessings for you.  Even soured milk can be made into delicious cheese.  You think that God Himself can't take you and make you into a winner.  I know He can!  Dare to come to Him and let Him lead you, let Him love you, and He will put you in a spacious place full of the blessings, so many you will be astounded.  Purpose, you have a destiny, but to try to get anywhere without direction, you will end up stranded, on a dead-end road, or worse face down in a ditch, drowning in your sorrow.  Perhaps you already feel like you can't get up.  Let me tell you, you can; and when you do, the only place to run is to God, He's the only One who loves you unconditionally.   If you don't know your purpose, then it is time to ask the One who designed you with purpose in mind.  Adam was created to have dominion, Eve was created to be a help meet for Adam.  If God designed the first 2 people on earth to have purpose, then He has purpose for you. You are not an accident.  You are a blessing, just looking for the right place to blossom.  You need the Right Soil. The Right Son. and The Right Truth. Be blessed, and if you would like to have a career that can change your life like no other, and help you to change others lives as well, then contact me.  I can help you get where you would like to be.  Agape, BillieLynn Williams more

By Billie Lynn IC Zurvita October 11, 2010


Zig Ziglar once said, "If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough people get what they want." This is a basic law of the universe that has been in effect since Adam and Eve.  "As long as the earth remains, there shall be seed-time and harvest."    What does that mean for you?   Simple, whatever you sow, you reap. Everything??  Yes, absolutely everything!  You sow a kind word to someone, you will reap kind words back; sow your time and you will be compensated, either by money or something tangible; be a friend and you will gain friends.   Think about it, every action you do, brings about a reaction.  Say a mean thing, and you will reap the same. (This will make you think about your words.)   Let's go deeper!  Remember the first part of this quote spoke of dreaming of a thing?  Your thoughts are so powerful, what you think and meditate on becomes the words that you speak. The words you speak, become the actions you do.  The actions you do, become the habits of your time. Your actions determine what you receive.   Today, make a decision to dream!  Dream about the future! Put your focus on the positive!  If you have had failure, don't fret, 'FAILURE IS NOT THE END OF YOUR LIFE, IT IS THE MOTIVATION TO CHANGE YOUR DIRECTION!" Dream about the home you want, dream about the car you want to own, dream about the things you would do with all the money that is coming to you.  You see money has an attraction factor, it is attracted especially to those who desire it.  Money is neither good nor evil, money is a servant, it serves a master, the master determines that the money is used for good or evil.  Now, determine what you will do in exchange for the compensation of money, you must have a vehicle for God to use to bless you.  God blesses the work of your hands.  You determine the vehicle that God will bless.   I found out something, if you want more money than what you have now, you have to have a bigger vehicle!  If a wagon cannot hold the amount of wealth you want, then you must get a bigger vehicle!   Blessings are coming your way everyday, but the blessings you keep ARE determined by the vehicle you have to contain the blessings.  Get yourself a 18 wheel tractor trailer! Get your self a 757 jet liner! Get yourself a HUGE vehicle and you can and will have the means to contain your dream. Now if everything I said is confusing you, let me explain.  Your J O B will pay you a reasonable amount of money for the time you spend at that job. But you have to be the one, and the only one exchanging time for dollars.   There are only 24 hours in a day, 8 of them you need to rest, 8 of them you need to play, that leaves 8 hours in a day to work.  But if you leveraged that time, if you used that time to help others to get their dreams accomplished, and you were compensated for their time as well as yours, now you are multiplying the amount of compensation benefits to yourself.   J O B; translates to me as JUST OVER BROKE, barely enough to get by, working 2 jobs to make ends meet and still never having enough to have your dreams. Get yourself a business, let the power of leverage begin to compensate you for your time and get the reward of a better life.  Zurvita is giving me this power of leverage, and I'm sharing it with others to help them achieve their dreams.  Get yourself a Zurvita business, let me be your sponsor and introduce you to the life you were meant to live; A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE!  Moms, work at home and spend quality time with your family!  Own a home-based business that gives you the tax advantages of the wealthy.  LIVE, DREAM, BE HAPPY!  You only live this life once, make the changes today that will give you back your life!! more

By Billie Lynn IC Zurvita September 10, 2010

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