Top Events and Occasions Stores in Carrollton, TX 75006

I recommend the services of Wedding Essentials to make your next event a success. ~~ Angela Dallas CalligrapherRead Moreā€¦

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Wedding Essentials


By Calligraphy by Angela

I recommend the services of Wedding Essentials to make your next event a success. ~~ Angela Dallas Calligrapher more

Wedding Essentials


By Katie McCaslin

I visited this store with my friends when they were getting married and they had the coolest things! The owner was always so friendly and my friends were very pleased with the quality of items purchased and the service. You can only imagine how excited I was to find them online! Everyone knows getting married is a very busy time and schedules are hectic! I shopped online at my convenience, called and spoke w/ April (owner) and was very impressed with her knowledge of the industry; from proper etiquette to the latest trends. She was also extremely helpful with suggestions! April - Thank you so much for helping me plan my special day! I will continue to refer everyone I know getting married to your new "online" location! ~KT 11.24.08 more

Wedding Essentials

If you've been around the Addison scene for a while, you will remember Wedding Essentials on Inwood, the incredible shop owned and operated by April Barnes. After seven years of running her retail store offering the best service in the entire metroplex, her business became in 2007. We are so happy to have April coming to Circle Park Bridal next month to meet with our brides, to show them all the incredible items she offers at internet prices, but with the same fantastic service! From incredible invitations, ceremony and reception accessories, gifts, apparel and favors, April's selection is immense! Call April to see how she can help you check off many "extras" on your to-do list. ~Andrea Porter, Circle Park Bridal Boutique of Addison more

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

I hope everyone had a great 4th.  We sure did.  We all slept late and then had a big brunch of pancakes, sausage, and eggs.  We ususally don't eat like that - but make exceptions for special occasions!  Then we all went our separate ways.  The woman child [had to finally stop calling her a girl] went to spend the day with her brother and sister-in-law and their little boy.  They have a new puppy, a Yorkie, whose name is Maxamillion!  She spent the day at the beach with them and came back tired, but happy. We decided to get our grocery shopping out of the way, as we knew the stores would not be very busy.  So we spent some time doing that and walking 1.36 miles while doing so!  Then we came home and put everthing away [that's the part we hate :) ]  Then we decided a walk was in order.  We've been looking at the construction of the "new" highway 12 for about 5 years now.  I've been curious as to how far west it extends.  So, we walked it - turns out it's connected in already to one of the new bridges over the marsh. The bridge isn't finished yet, but it doesn't look too far off.  At any rate, we went from Brown Road, across the new highway, and over to what will be old highway 12 once they're through.  Then we walked east along the sidewalk to just past thePeppercorn Grill [good restaruant.]   From there, we got onto the new highway and walked. . .and walked. . .and walked west.  Ok, so it's pretty much the same thing - not much variety.  We did see another hawk, and other birds galore.  And, of course, we got to see where the road to nowhere goes.  Turns out the tie in to the bridge is just past theDumasapple orchard.  it was interesting to see it from the back.  And amazing to figure out how far back it goes and how wide it is!  All total it was a 4.76 mile walk.  So, lots of exercise yesterday. We decided early [witness the pancakes and eggs] that we weren't going to be concerned with food yesterday, but really enjoy ourselves.  So, for dinner we had beef fajitas, a veggie plate of carrots, celery, and yellow and green bell peppers, a mexican bean dip that most of us wound up putting on our fajitas, and for dessert we had cheese cake or [and in some cases and] Angel Food cake with fresh strawberries!  It was a yummy way to end the day. So both our fridge and our tummies were replete with wonderful fresh food!  All and all it was a fabulous day, culminating in watching the 4th of July special on television - great music and great fireworks [no bugs, plus we got to slump on the couch.]  A perfect summer day. Hope yours was, too! more

By My Other Wife! July 05, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wow!  It was a long weekend and an even longer few beginning days of July!  Seems everyone is on a fresh veggie kick this week!  Must be those wonderful road side stands that have people's mouth's watering before they even get home to begin thinking about dinner!  At any rate, several of my regular customers called me this weekend to do some last minute grocery shopping - you got it, most of them wanted vegetables.  A few wanted my recipe for homemade salsa, too! What could be better this time of year than back yard cook out, complete with grilled foods, meats and veggies, and wonderful salads and great salsa and chips.  Throw in a couple of cold beverages and the day couldn't get much better. My daughter just returned from a five week stint in Cuernavaca, Mexico.  She was down there studying for school.  She came back armed with wonderful descriptions of the food her home stay parents fed her.  Fresh squeezed orange juice every morning, and meals redolent with the smell and taste of fresh vegetables and spices.  Cooking fresh food is so healthy for you.  Sit down and plan out some nutrious meals made with summer's finest fresh foods and limit the fat and salt - pretty soon the pounds will start coming off, too! {Well, to be fair you have to exercise a bit!]  Better yet, call me and I'll help you out with those menus and the planning! I'm also on the lookout for some first rate general contractors in the St. Paul area.  I've got some work that needs to be completed and will be looking to take some bids on the work within the next week or so... Like I said, it's been a very busy five days.  I do promise to not let so many days go by before I write again.  Oh, and we did do our customary 4 miles a day!  You can add a gopher to the list of critters we've seen! Happy Wednesday, everyone! more

By My Other Wife! July 02, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hi!  Sorry to be getting this out so late in the evening, but it's been a busy day.  Business is good, and if it keeps up at this pace, I may need another wife! :)  This will be short tonight, as I need to get to bed.  I started out just creating buttons - then I got curious [you know how that goes. It's kind of like that book,"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie!". the premise being that if you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk to go with it and before you know it he'll have taken over your whole life!  If you haven't read it, you should - even if you don't have children to enjoy it with, it's still worth reading.]  At any rate, I got curious once my buttons were working, about how I could make them a color to match the overall scheme.  Well unfortunately, I figured that out, and along the way figured out a few other things.  That led to me redoing some part of every page to clean it up a bit!  Seems like it's always that way - do one thing and that leads to doing 10 more... I also got theSmall Business Services page completed!  Yea!  Finally! So check it out!Only one more services page to go, then I can concentrate more on the Photo Management Services and get that last page done!  Then, maybe I'll take some time off!  Right!  I"m the other wife for too many people for that! :)  Oh, and if you do go check it out - sign my guest book!  It'll only take a minute!  I'd like to hear what you think! That's all for today folks!  Look for you later! more

By My Other Wife! June 25, 2008

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