Top articles for Consulting

Facts About Security Consulting

Facts About Security Consulting

While security consulting still involves securing homes and businesses from exterior threats, the vast reaches of the Internet has expanded security to new levels. Many companies keep all their private files and business communications in cyber space and need to have a ready system to protect the integrity of those sensitive documents. As a result, the need for network security consultants has grown exponentially. more

Creative Ideas for Starting a Design Consulting Business

Creative Ideas for Starting a Design Consulting Business

Design consulting businesses are those businesses which require your expertise and creativity in designing something for your client. This category includes graphic design, interior design, landscape design and many more. It is a vast field with lots of opportunities. There are a few creative ideas you can utilize to start a design consulting business of your own. more

How to Get Green Consulting Certification

How to Get Green Consulting Certification

A green consultant is an individual who has completed specific training in one of several environmental or ecological areas of specialty. Green consultants work professionally to assist homeowners, business owners or corporations to create a more environmentally conscious and sustainable set of practices. more

How to Get Network Security Consulting Jobs

How to Get Network Security Consulting Jobs

If you want to work as a network security consultant, there are some guidelines that you have to follow. You must have a college degree for most network security consultant jobs, and you also must have experience in the field. There are many places you can find a job in this field online. more

Technology Consulting Business

Technology Consulting Business

Information on a technology consulting business is important to anyone considering this as a business opportunity. Technology consulting is defined as the advising of businesses and organizations on how best to use their information technology to obtain their goals and achieve success. more

Types of Financial Consulting Groups

Types of Financial Consulting Groups

All businesses are faced with their own challenges some that may be financial. Many of these business owners need the help of those who have insight about how to handle different types of problems that they may be facing. Financial consulting firms are set up all over the world and can help businesses make effective decisions on how to handle their situations. more

How to Set Up an Investment Consulting Business

How to Set Up an Investment Consulting Business

If you are business savvy, you may want to consider setting up an investment consulting business. While it does take some previous knowledge of investments, you can develop the skills you need through online programs and build your business before you know it. more

Requirements of Security Consulting

Requirements of Security Consulting

A security consultant can refer to a consultant in many specialties, even though it generally means a consultant who specializes in information technology. The professional is able to create and implement a security system that serves the needs of a client. more

The Best SEO Consulting Business

The Best SEO Consulting Business

It is possible to have a functional website that is not search engine optimized. However, if an experienced SEO consultant upgrades online website content, social networking promotions, and advertising it can dramatically increase online efforts. Here are some tips on the best SEO consulting business. more

Facts About Business Consulting Agreements

Facts About Business Consulting Agreements

While the name implies an informal tone, business consulting agreements are a form of contract. Most are written contracts, signed by both parties. The laws governing such business contracts vary from one state to another. Certain provisions are universal, regardless of legal jurisdiction. more

How to Select a Consulting Company for a Project

How to Select a Consulting Company for a Project

Consulting companies work with businesses for a number of reasons. Consultants offers expertise and knowledge on a product or technology unfamiliar to businesses. Hiring a consulting firm can be a substantial investment for the business needing the services; therefore, selecting the right expert for a project is crucial. The right consultant adds value to project, while a poor choice can lead a business in the wrong direction and fail to achieve project goals. more

About Investment Consulting

About Investment Consulting

Investment consulting is someone who can help you with your long or short-term investment goals. An investment consultant will spend time helping you understand your investments and how to invest money. A person may consider working with an investment consultant to get the most out of their investments. more

How to Get Forestry Consulting Jobs

How to Get Forestry Consulting Jobs

If you like the outdoors, then working in forestry is a career path that you may want to consider. Working in forestry will allow you to manage how forests are used. You will also help to control pests and protect the wildlife that lives within a forest. Getting forestry consulting jobs is easier when you follow certain guidelines. more

Job Description for an HR Consultant

Job Description for an HR Consultant

 The role of a human resource consultant is to assist with interviewing, hiring, and managing employees for a company. They must also make sure that employee paperwork is up to date. Other individual tasks and duties will deviate depending on the type of company that the human resource consultant works for. more

What is Strategy Consulting?

What is Strategy Consulting?

In the business world, companies will need to use all of the tools available to them in order to succeed over the competition. This is really the concept behind strategy consulting. A consultant can be hired to provide strategies to increase profits without decreasing the quality offered to customers or clients. more

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Capital Computer, LLC


By Carol M. 1

I have had no hope on whether my computer can get repaired. When I brought them to you, you assured me that you will do your best to repair them. You did! Great job! more

Austin TV Repair & Electronics


By Francine B.

The repair service was amazing and the constant communication from the repair guy is very much appreciated. I would highly recommend to anyone. more

Austin TV Repair & Electronics


By Hannah V.

This repair shop has been one of my most trusted businesses for a long time. Great service personnel and the atmosphere of the place is perfect for repair services. I wouldn't hesitate to use them again. more

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Important Google Search Update

It seems Google has been hard at work lately and unfortunately, not a lot of people have taken notice. However, a Twitter fan reported his findings when he discovered the changes that had come to Google and what that might mean for those in the SEO business. As he originally began tweeting which was later reported by others, we’re now seeing that Google is changing the way we see and find things. First and foremost, they’ve extended the length of tiles which means you’re seeing longer headlines on the results that come up with a search. To coincide with this new change, we’re seeing extended meta keywords and descriptions being extended as well. This is pretty huge considering this makes a world of difference for not just those in the SEO industry, but those who use Google as well. People are now able to get a clear view of what they’re looking for with these extended titles and descriptions and page owners are able to optimize their pages even better to make them SEO friendlier. When a poll was done to find out just how SEO users were feeling about the change, it was fairly easy to say they hadn’t really noticed anything changed for the most part. If this wasn’t enough, we’re seeing longer title tags, and the fact remains that Google has brought up these huge updates that are making it easier for SEO users to really shine with their pages. For those who have happened to notice the changes, they’re seeing a lot of positive feedback over all. It’s a huge change for Google, but its great change for those using and leveraging these updates. Perhaps once more people notice these new changes, they’ll also be able to benefit from them and really be able to optimize their content and make it easier for people to find them. Likewise, I’m sure we’ll be seeing an increase in generated traffic for those that take advantage of these updates. While Google has been working hard, we’re hoping that once people take note of the changes we’ll have them here to stay for good. With all the buzz around Twitter, it’s really only a matter of time before others begin to take notice of Googles new and big updates and word really starts to get around to others. At this point it’s unfortunate that there is no news on whether or not Google intends to keep these new changes around. For now, it’s being called a test run essentially, for Google to see how things would go should they decide to. This also means that they can revoke these new changes at any time and SEO users would be forced to go back to their original setup for tags, keyword optimizations and so forth. In the meantime, it’d be a good idea for those who haven’t used the new changes to their advantage, to go ahead and get in on the action. This could  mean a great deal for a lot of websites. more

By Insignia SEO June 04, 2016

SEO Checklist

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are constantly changing their algorithms. This happens as people expect and look towards a better user experience. So with the many changes being made It’s important that your website Is up to date with the world of SEO and its do’s and don’ts. If your not constantly working on SEO you will fall behind against your competition. The following checklist should help you get back in the game and on track to a better positioning on any search engine. YOUR BASIC SEO CHECKLIST: Setup a Google Analytics Account. Get your website listed on the Google Search Console and while you’re at it, get it on to Bing Webmaster Tools. Make sure your page is loading quickly if your page takes more than 2 seconds to load you could be losing visitors, more than four and you are definitely pushing viewers away. Run the site through Google Page Speed to ensure you’re scoring at least an 85/100. Your Content Management System should have an SEO plugin already equipped with it to easily write titles, descriptions, headers, image tags and page tags. Your site needs to be responsive and provide an exceptional user experiences across any device. You can use Screenfly for this. Make sure your site doesn’t have Broken Links. You can use the Online Broken Link Checker for this. Upload a sitemap.xml to Google and Bing to ensure that Google and Bing are indexing your site constantly. You can use XML Sitemaps or a Plugin/Extension for this. Perform an SEO check to see what areas need to be fixed on your website. Small SEO Tools has a great tool for checking your SEO. Make sure your site is not listed on a spam server. MX Toolbox has a great tool for this. Make sure to test your website speed also to see how it handles multiple visitors at one time. You can useGTmetrix. Make a small investment for an SSL certificate. Buy this with your hosting/registrar provider. Be sure you claim your business on all directories and social media networks. ON PAGE SEO CHECKLIST: If you don’t already have a primary keyword list, create one. Utilize Google trends to discover which keywords are gaining in popularity. Keep your Title page to around between 60-65 characters and make sure it begins with a relevant keyword. The meta description should be close to 155 characters. Be sure to write image or ALT tags so the search engines can read them. Use anchor texts to link to other internal pages instead of the generic “Click Here” or “Learn More” text. CONTENT SEO CHECKLIST: Content should be written in a conversational tone. Make sure the content is relevant to the title. Unless you have written a scientific article or thesis your content should be easily understood by a 5th grader. Have a frequently asked questions page. Incorporate videos and images into your content. Add rich snippets to make your content look more appealing in search results. Rich snippets include products, reviews, recipes, videos, news and events and software application. While you want to ensure you website can check off all these items it will do you little good if you are not consistently delivering high-quality content. The algorithm is constantly changing but if you take care of these fundamentals your ensuring yourself great success. more

By Insignia SEO June 04, 2016

Can GIF Content Change Your Marketing?

IF content is becoming increasingly popular for content marketing and is beginning to revolutionize the way people share information. GIFs or Graphic Interchange Format, are a unique type of media file that can be sent through personal messages and can be displayed almost anywhere online to better express emotions and scenarios in an entertaining and interactive way. Gifs can be animated or static image files and first made their appearance in the late 1980's, but have gone through a number of transformations. Today GIFs can be found all over the web, from social media platforms to various websites, more importantly, Google has adopted the GIF properties into a number of their web properties and is working towards the possibility of GIF content to be easily read across all of its properties. While in 2010 GIF files were not supported by Google properties this quickly changed when Gchat and Google Hangouts allowed for GIF files which can lead to GIFs being added to Google image searches. A multitude of businesses and brands have created aLogo Designthat incorporates a GIF to enhance the user experience and get a better CTR. That Click Through Rate is a significant factor in the user friendliness Google looks for. For this reason, businesses hireSEO Expertsthat can incorporate GIFs as a means of traffic generation. How Does GIF Content Change Marketing? GIF files are a rich media type similar to that of a .jpeg or .swf file which means they need to provide text just like any other field. So Google will read, index and also have GIFs comply with WC3 Web Content Accessibility guidelines. But, how does it translate it into marketing? Just like with most other content you need to provide all the relevant information for alt tags, file names, image captions, associated links and image contexts. These fields should be filled out correctly but should not be overly stuffed with keywords as this might read as spam through Google's search engine. While GIF can appear to more closely related to video files they are actually a series of images and according to Google best practice guidelines should not include on-image text. Since GIFs are now included in the image results for Google search engines, marketers can use this to their advantage. Getting a GIF to rank higher can result in more traffic to your content, and when your GIF is shared to a wider audience Google rewards that. However, there is a downside to showcasing GIFs on your website. Since GIFs are considered dynamic content too many of them can significantly slow down your website speed and performance. Web Page speed is a key component in search engine rankings and those that are slow may ultimately rank lower. But, just ranking lower in search engine results is not the only negative effect. Slow loading webpages are a huge turn off to visitors, which means more often than not potential viewers of your page will abandon it before it has even finished loading. While GIFs have the potential to increase engagement, bring in more views, and expand your reach there needs to be a careful balance to how many you make available on your webpage.  With its proper use and application, you can effectively leverage GIF into your marketing strategy. more

By Insignia SEO June 04, 2016

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