Top Community Businesses in Arlington, TX

Great staff and service. 5 stars all the way!Read More…
Mr. Alband was great. He helped me with a criminal case that I was involved in and the case was dropped. The communication from him was top notch and I was always in the loop. My input into the cas...Read More…
Thank you for doing business with honesty and integrity. . A poem... SKIN DEEP Some people say that beauty… Is only as deep as the skin. When thinking of true beauty… I think it’s found within. It ...Read More…
City Life Center is a vibrant new church in Downtown Fort Worth. We're located off Henderson between Burnett Plaza and the Upper West Side. We are a diverse and growing congregation with people fro...Read More…
Madel's has a amazing selection of books, gifts, cards and even some clothing items. The clerks are very helpful and friendly and their is so much to look at you could spend a few hours here. They ...Read More…
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Our Vision To Carry the Gospel of Christ Jesus as a burning torch to a cold, dark and desolate world. To have rule over nations and kingdom, to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to throw down, to...Read More…
We provide any event designs, Invites,favors,catering & more.Read More…
The Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy combines compassion and personal attention with in-depth criminal defense knowledge and practical experience. If you're in trouble with the law, we're here to hel...Read More…
Any Lab Test Now provides direct access to thousands of lab tests to consumers, employers and other businesses. Affordable, upfront prices - no surprise bill in the mail. High deductible insurance?...Read More…
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River Legacy Foundation, a nonprofit 501 (c)(3), was formed as a unique public/private partnership with the City of Arlington Parks and Recreation Department in 1988. The Foundation was started by ...Read More…
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River Legacy Foundation, a nonprofit 501 (c)(3), was formed as a unique public/private partnership with the City of Arlington Parks and Recreation Department in 1988. The Foundation was started by ...Read More…
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Legal and Mediation Services in Matters of Commerce. Planning.Review.Litigation Because Your Business MattersRead More…
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Its two principals, Daniel E. Blumberg and Peter F. Bagley, have over 40 years of combined legal experience and are licensed to practice in state and federal courts. Through continuing education an...Read More…
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Worthington Monuments, Inc. is a family owned and operated business established in 2000 by husband and wife Matt & Ryan Worthington. Our principal office is located in Burleson, TX just south o...Read More…
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By Aggieem

I purchased the Living Social deal too, and I've been unable to get anyone to return my calls. They basically stole $50 from me, although I hope to get a refund from LS. We shall see. Anyone else had luck getting a refund from LS? more



By Bethany

I'm having the same issue as the previous reviewer. I purchased the living social deal and can not get anyone to return my calls to schedule the appointment. I am also trying to get my money back from Living Social. I emailed via the website that is linked and found out that this company has illegally linked to a company's website in NC! Heed my warning; DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY! WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME! more



By Katia

I purchased the LivingSocial deal for this merchant in September, and have been trying to schedule an appointment with the company for three months now. I left numerous voice mails, as no one seems to answer the phone, and I sent email messages as well. I have not heard back from the vendor. I am currently contacting LivingSocial to get my money back. Would not deal with this vendor. more

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Conditions to Hear the Shepherd

Please turn to John 10.  Let's examine that passage to discover how to be sure we can hear from the Shepherd. First, we must accept Christ.  We must be saved.  We have to be in his sheep fold.  Please read John 10:11.  When we place our faith in the one who laid down his life for us, he becomes our Shepherd and we become his sheep.  Now read verse 3.  In order for sheep to listen, they must have ears, right?  The glorious fact is that all sheep have ears.  The day you and I trusted Jesus as our Savior and became his sheep, we grew some spiritual ears that could clearly recognize his voice. You might be thinking, "Yes, but I just don't feel worthy enough for God to speak to me so directly."  Remember, worthiness has nothing to do with it.  None of us are "worthy" of anything but death; yet, by his grace, God has given you a good and perfect gift: You have ears. To consistently hear from God, however, it's not enough just to have ears; those ears must be sensitive to his voice. Now notice verse 4 of John 10.  The last part of that verse says, "His sheep follow him..."  But how do the sheep know to follow him?  The sheep "know his voice" because they've heard it before.  They've learned to recognize it. We all know that the Pharisees were "dull of hearing".(See Matthew 13:15)  But did you know that the disciples also had a "hearing problem"?  In Mark 8:14-21, the disciples' eyes failed to see and their ears failed to hear that they had all the bread they needed.  They had missed the point their Lord was making because they were insensitive to spiritual matters.  As ministers and leaders in his kingdom we cannot afford to miss such things.  We must learn to look below the surface of what we can see and hear with our physical senses.  We must discern what God is up to.  That kind of spiritual sensitivity takes time to develop. Just a day or so after they failed their first hearing exam, Jesus gave his disciples another opportunity.  This time they passed.  When Jesus asked, "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God."  Jesus blessed Peter and said man had not revealed that to him.  Only the Father in heaven could have shown him such a deep spiritual truth.  Likewise, only the Spirit of God can open up God's Word to us and help us to understand what the Lord wants to say to and through us.  Therefore, we must constantly stay sensitive to the Spirit's instructing. Even with ears open to listen, it's possible we could still miss God's voice.  there is one final condition that we must meet in order to be certain we can hear from God: We must surrender.  The idea here is that we have not only open sensitive ears, but bended ears wanting to receive whatever words of instruction God has for us.  Our attitude must be "Lord, counsel me, correct me, teach me, direct me, rebuke, just please talk to me!" Look at John 10 one more time.  Verse 3b says, "He calls his own sheep by name and leads them our."  Today's topic is "Our Most Necessary Ability!" Being able to hear from God is at the top of our priorities as worshippers and praise leaders for this simple reason: If we don't hear from God, we don't know what to do.  He is our leader, our Shepherd.  We are dumb sheep that need him to lead us.  In fact we'd best not take one step unless he is leading us!  This means laying down our pride and self will and allowing him to direct us. more

By The Official Bookkeeping Service July 29, 2012

Hearing God's Voice!!

There are four primary ways God speaks to his people today.  First and foremost, he speaks through his Word, the Bible.  Paul urged Timothy to listen to God by studying his Word when he wrote, "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong with our lives."  Of all ways God might choose to communicate, the Bible is the final authority. A Second way God speaks to us today is through other Christians.  Proverbs 11:14 tells us, "There is safety in having many advisers.."  the Lord often uses God focused on men and women to encourage us and counsel us, and sometimes even chasten us(2Samuel 12:12). A third way God communicates with us is through circumstances.  As someone wisely said, "circumstances drive us to our knees so that the only way we can look is up!"  The three armies headed for Jerusalem were enough to drive the children of Judah to their knees.  The circumstances don't have to be bad, sometimes he brings great blessings to get our attention.  Paul did say, "The goodness of God leads you to repentance." One other channel through which the Lord speaks today is his Holy Spirit.  Paul certainly knew this: "This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words."  "OK", you might say, "I know God spoke tough his Spirit back then, while the Bible was being written.  But what about now?  Is the Spirit still speaking to us now?" See for yourself----Read John 14:16 and 16:13.  Although the Spirit doesn't actually speak out loud, its pretty obvious Jesus wanted us to know that the Holy Spirit will most assuredly keep on speaking as long as we're in this world. All right, now that we know that god does still speak today, let's tackle the big question:  Can I hear God speak?  thankfully, the answer is a resounding Yes!  No matter where you are in life--even if you don't have a relationship with Christ--you can hear him as he draws you to him.  As he did Saul on the road to Damascus, God can break through even the hardest hearts and reveal himself to individuals.  However, for God to lead us and guide us with his still small voice, there are certain conditions we must meet. Tune in tomorrow for those conditions that we will need to meet to hear God!! God Bless Always, Susan Williams, Owner The Official Bookkeeping Service PUT YOUR PAPERWORK IN OUR HANDS AND CONSIDER IT DONE PROMPTLY ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD!! more

By The Official Bookkeeping Service July 28, 2012

Being a Blessing, Unto God!!

The Official Bookkeeping Service is now running based upon a donation basis.  We are following God's example to all by going out of our way to be a blessing to all and help those in need. We are willing to help out any business out there with any need of service they have and they are more than welcome to just give what ever the Lord puts on your heart to give as a donation for the blessing that we bestowed upon you or your company. Just give us a call or email us for what your need is and we will drop what we are doing to go out of our way to be a big blessing to all. You know the Lord Jesus Christ has been a great blessing to myself and my family and as I was doing my nightly reading of the book ,"Pure Praise" by Dwayne Moore, God reminded me that I need to run this business to be a blessing to others, just the way he is a blessing to us in our lives. In Philippians 4:4-19 Paul described the Philippians' gifts as "a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God,". In verse 18, giving financial aid to those in need is a wonderful way to express our love for God!! Please if you are need of any assistance, please allow us to be that blessing that you need. We are here to serve just as Jesus serves our needs every day. In Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust God from the bottom of your heart, don't try to figure out everything on your own.  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go." Blessing to all my connections and look forward to being a blessing  to all of you!! Blessings Always, Susan Williams, Owner The Official Bookkeeping Service 785-224-4160 more

By The Official Bookkeeping Service July 26, 2012

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