Top Private Investigating Services in Memphis, TN 38104

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Nation Wide Security


By Nunya

Their guards, especially would have to have an increase in IQ to be classified as stupid. They are very good at sleeping on the job, losing property and getting lost on a parking lot. They could not guard a rock if it was in their pocket. They are actually capable of breaking a cannonball with a rubber hammer. more

Nation Wide Security


By Dave

They used to have the Walmart contract until their sleeping guard let some cars be stolen more

Brewer Detective Service


By Tracy

They were available at anytime. They even worked for me on Christmas day and they were able to get the evidence that I needed to win my case. They are professional, polite and if anyone needs a detective, I say call Brewer Detective!! more

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Dont Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Effort

I hear it all the time from people. “I’m passionate about it.” “I’m not going to quit, It’s my passion”. Or I hear it as advice to students and others “Follow your passion”. What a bunch of BS.  ”Follow Your Passion” is easily the worst advice you could ever give or get. Why ? Because everyone is passionate about something. Usually more than 1 thing.  We are born with it. There are always going to be things we love to do. That we dream about doing. That we really really want to do with our lives. Those passions aren’t worth a nickel. Think about all the things you have been passionate about in your life. Think about all those passions that you considered making a career out of or building a company around.  How many were/are there ? Why did you bounce from one to another ?  Why were you not able to make a career or business out of any of those passions ? Or if you have been able to have some success, what was the key to the success.? Was it the passion or the effort you put in to your job or company ? If you really want to know where you destiny lies, look at where you apply your time. Time is the most valuable asset you don’t own. You may or may not realize it yet, but how you use or don’t use your time is going to be the best indication of where your future is going to take you . Let me make this as clear as possible 1. When you work hard at something you become good at it. 2. When you become good at doing something, you will enjoy it more. 3. When you enjoy doing something, there is a very good chance you will become passionate or more passionate about it 4. When you are good at something, passionate and work even harder to excel and be the best at it, good things happen. Don’t follow your passions, follow your effort. It will lead you to your passions and to success, however you define it. more

By Toran Hampton May 20, 2013

Should you keep separate bank accounts ? Toran Hampton

By Toran Hampton July 17, 2012

toran hampton

The psychology of money, now known as behavioral finance, has a positive side. It turns out you can use psychology to increase your financial happiness by reducing your money stress. Fortunately, this psychological formula is simple: Stress down equals happiness up. So how do you cut the stress? Try a new mindset: Stop blaming "them," take responsibility and then take positive actions. What's happening "out there" is no excuse for whining. You can't change them, but you can control you. Eight secrets of financial happiness: 1. Learn to want less.2. Get organized.3. Set goals.4. Plan your spending.5. Invest sensibly.6. Protect what's yours.7. Start talking about money.8. Find work that fits. Here are my thoughts on each of these: 1. Learning to want less is the first step inspending less than you earn, which is the first step inbecoming a millionaire. 2. I use Excel to budget, Quicken to track, and have files for all my paperwork. Being organized makes managing your finances easier, more effective, and less time-consuming. 3. We set annual goals as part of our budgeting process. 4. Yes, we plan our spending -- it's called a budget. Here are some good budget-related posts to review: Why We Hate Budgeting - But Shouldn't A Great Alternative to Quicken and Microsoft Money, Part 2 Five Keys to Developing a Successful Budget 5. Three keys to investing for me: 1.Invest regularly. 2.Time/the power of compounding. 3.Index funds. 6. Yes, you need to protect what's yours by making sure youhave a willand have allyour insurance needscovered. 7. Communication is key in a family, and this includes talking about money. If nothing else, planning/having a budget will force you to do this (which is a good thing). 8.Your career is your most valuable assetand bymanaging it correctly you can add millions to your earning potential. But you also need to enjoy what you're doing. If you don't, maybe acareer changeis called for. more

By Toran Hampton July 26, 2011

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