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Tips to Writing Website Content

Having a beautifully designed website is only part of a successful website. If the content on the website is not worded correctly to emphasize what your business is about, it will get lost in the shuffle with all of your competition. Well Written Content is what is needed to have your business found on the internet and to make it a successful website. Remember, Content is Key! There are three basic Content Writing sections that are important for your website’s success. There are actually more, but they get really technical. Since the point is to improve traffic to your website, we are going to stick to these three topics: Website Titles Web Page Content Keywords Title: The title is the most important thing on your web page for successful S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization). Unfortunately, most search engines only review the first 60 – 70 characters to identify your business and the services you provide. So, you need to be short, sweet, and to the point when giving your web page a title. Get your point across about what your page is about. It is important that your title be unique, descriptive, and relevant. Here are some examples of good and bad titles:  Wrong use of a Web Page Title: "Desert Rose Marketing is a Website Design&Graphic Design firm in Spring Hill, Tennessee specializing in Small Business Marketing." This title is over 133 characters and is very wordy. Search Engines will only look at the first half of it and most of the pertinent information will be missed.  Correct use of a Web Page Title: "Website Design & Graphic Design Company in Spring Hill, Tennessee" In 67 characters, we got all pertinent information in the title. The great thing about titles is that each page of your website has its own unique title. If your website has multiple pages, you can use other important information in the other page titles. But, don’t worry if you have only one page in your website, your content and keywords will help guide traffic to your website. You may have noticed that I didn’t use the business name in the “Correct use of the Title” wording. That is because your business name does not need to be in the title. Most people, who know your business name, will not need to use the title to find your site. They will just type the business name in the search bar and you will be found. You want to use the title wording to get new clients; the clients who are looking for someone who can do a certain service for them. They are going to search for a type of service, not your business name. The Content is a great place to mention your business name, and with proper Keywords they will still be able to find you. Content: The website content is the paragraphs and wording used on your website to tell potential customers what you and your business are and what services and/or products you offer. The content used on your website is what people will use to decide if they are going to use your services or not. So use this wisely and tell the world about what your business has to offer. You can be the ace of Internet marketing and own all the pages of Google, but if they get to your site and it is not written well, you are not going to get their business. Here are some tips to help you when writing your website content. Get Your Point Across Immediately: Most people do not want to read really long dissertations to get to the point about what you can do for them. If you wait until the bottom of your page to get your point across, most likely they will never see it. Don’t make your reader guess what your business is about. Content is Key: You want to make your website interesting and easy to read. Stay on track when describing your business and services. Don’t use words that just take up space and have little meaning to the reader. Short, precise and to the point. Good content can convey a thought in 100 words. Great content can convey a thought in 50 words. Don't use two words when one will do. Cut out flowery segues. Get to the point. Eliminate non-essential adjectives and adverbs. Don't repeat yourself. Use Lists: A great way to get your point across, or tell a potential client about the services you offer is by using lists. Use lists to tell people about your: Services Certifications & Qualifications Products Remember Your Grammar Lessons:  You are trying to inform people that you are a professional, don’t mess it up by sounding ignorant. Use Spell Check. Use Proper Grammar. Use Correct Punctuation. Have a few friends read it and see if the information flows. Short & Sweet:  Long paragraphs are one way to get people to not read what you have to say. Don’t be afraid to say what you need to say in the simplest terms. Have only one thought in each paragraph Paragraphs with two to three sentences are ok. Utilize your Keywords:  When writing your content, try to use as many keywords as possible that pertain to you and your services. It is OK to repeat keywords, just don’t over repeat them. If you use the same keyword 50 times, you will get ignored by the search engines. Keywords & Key Phrases One of the things, I am often asked is, “What are Keywords?”  Keywords are simply words or phrases that represent the content of your website and your business. These words are used by search engines to direct traffic to your website. But the key is to locate the best words that are being used by people when searching for your type of business or service. When writing your content, try to use as many keywords as possible that pertain to you and your services.  It is OK to repeat keywords, just don’t over repeat them.  If you use the same keyword 50 times, you will get ignored by the search engines. Keywords should Never try to mislead or trick humans or Search Engines. Help you identify and speak the language of your target market. Help Search Engines understand the content of your website. Drive more qualified traffic to appropriate web pages. Help consumers find you rather than your competitors. Help you get your content in front of the right people at the right time   For example, if you are a plumbing business, you are not going to use the phrase pipe fitter as a keyword. Proper keywords for your plumbing business would be: Toilet Sink Hot Water Heater Leak Pipes Plumber Plumbing Repair Replace Key Phrases are pretty much just like keywords, but put together to get stronger hits. Search engines take what people actually type in the search box to narrow down the results they will show you. Some good key phrases for a plumbing company are: No Hot Water Leaking Toilet Broken pipes Find a plumber An example of using good keywords and phrases in your website content would be: “If  you need to find a plumber to repair or replace your leaking toilet or broken pipes, contact Jim Smith Plumbing, Inc. Call our 24 hour emergency service number and we will get an experienced plumber to you quickly.” Remember, you need to think about what people are going to type in search engines that will lead them to your business. Someone who is looking for a plumber is going to type something like this: Where can I find a plumber to repair my leaking toilet? I need an emergency plumber to fix my broken pipe. I need a plumber for an emergency service call. You can see that many of the key words and phrases were used in your content: “If you need to find a plumber to repair or replace your leaking toilet or broken pipes, contact Jim Smith Plumbing, Inc. Call our 24 hour emergency service number and we will get an experienced plumber to you quickly.” As you can see, it is very important to use the correct keywords and phrases to direct the right kinds of traffic to your site. Another question, I am often asked is, “How do I find the Right Keywords or Key Phrases?” Google has a wonderful site that will help you find the right keywords and phrases to use on your website for your type of business.  Google AdWords Keyword Planner has a great tool for finding the past words and phrases to use in your website content. Please note, that Google is trying to get your to pay for their AdWords Service for advertising your website, but you do NOT have to buy any advertising to use this tool. It is a free service. I have used this keyword planner for all of my client’s websites and my own website. It has helped tremendously when writing the content for our sites. NOTE: You will need a Google account to use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool. So, if you concentrate on your titles, content, and proper use of keywords and key phrases, your website will quickly move up the search engine ranks and you will notice increased traffic and sales on your website. A good website design is important, but it is just as important that your website be well written and that it gets to the point about what you do. For more information on how to implement these tips, check out this DIY Guide to Getting Your Website Found on the Internet, and other DIY Guides on improving your website ranking. Desert Rose Marketing is website design, search engine optimization (SEO), and graphic design company specializing in small businesses.  We can help you with your internet marketing by designing you a professional website that is easy to maintain, register your website with all the major search engines, assist you in your keyword research, offer you SEO tips, and maintain your web site up with top of the line SEO tools. more

By Desert Rose Marketing November 09, 2014

Website Design Launch by Desert Rose Marketing in Spring Hill, TN

Desert Rose Marketing recently launched the new website for the Jim Smith Plumbing in Cape Coral Florida. This was an informational website design with custom logo and graphic design work.  Desert Rose Marketing also provided Search Engine Optimization, and Website Custom Graphics. Jim Smith Plumbing has been serving the Lee County, Florida area since 1990 and can take care of all your plumbing needs, including installation, service and repairs.  If you need help connecting sewer and water for the new UEP, they are the plumber to call.   Desert Rose Marketing is a professional website design, graphic design, and social media marketing firm in Spring Hill, Tennessee They serve Williamson County, Maury County, Spring Hill, Franklin, Cool Springs, Brentwood, Nashville, Murfreesboro, Columbia, and all of Middle Tennessee.  We have clients in Southwest Florida, Tennessee, Minnesota, and can help any small business anywhere in the United States with their website and graphic design needs. more

By Desert Rose Marketing November 09, 2014

Where do you need Professional Services ?