Blogs from Auto Repair Shops in Columbia, SC

Transmission Troubles - Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro tells all

Our Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro knows just how unnerving transmission problems can be.  That is why we wanted to highlight a few of the helpful auto repair articles on our website dealing with transmission problems and how to troubleshoot your transmission issues. Of course our ASE Certified Master Mechanic would love to take care of your auto repair problems, transmission and otherwise, if you need the help!  We are available for auto repair appointments and will schedule Saturday appointments to help accommodate your schedule.  The Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro knows your time is important and we provide the best auto repair and auto maintenance services at great prices and with superior customer service!  We are proud to have served the greater Columbia, SC area since 1989! Read more about your transmission problems at the links below: Transmission Repairs – Tips from a Columbia SC Mechanic To make transmission trouble less of a mystery, a basic comprehension of your transmission can assist in understanding what your repairs may involve. Troubleshooting Transmission Repair Help with Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro Your transmission repair problems fit into one of 2 categories. This transmission troubleshooting list could help you out before you hit the auto repair shop. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service February 21, 2014

How to Troubleshoot Auto Heating with Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

When your auto heater goes out, life can be tough. Before you just run off to the auto repair shop, you might want to do a little troubleshooting on your own. Sometimes the heating problem is not as big as you might think. The Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro offers an in-depth look at troubleshooting your auto heating problems, as well as a basic understanding of how your automobile’s heating system works. Using a systematic approach, you can sometimes work through an automotive issue and fix the problem for much less than you might think. All you need is the right information and little bit of direction, and we are here and happy to provide that. Taking a step by step approach, Sanford’s Automotive Service’s ASE Certified Master Mechanic walk you through a series of questions, checks and even some fixes you can do by yourself right now. Auto repairs cost enough as it is, but why take the car in for something easy that could have been done at home? Sanford’s knows that your car is important, but so is your hard earned cash. Read more on how to troubleshoot (and maybe fix) your automotive heating repair problems right at home here at more

By Sanford's Automotive Service February 11, 2014

Checking a Timing Belt with the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Have you ever inspected your timing belt?  Do you know how if you need to?  Inspecting the timing belt is among the simplest but most important components of regular auto maintenance.  The timing belt is in charge of keeping your motor running in perfect time.  If your timing belt does not function properly, other parts will also begin to malfunction. This will lead to you having to have auto repairs and expenses that could have been avoided. How Often Do I Inspect my Timing Belt? Because of its importance, the timing belt should be checked on a regular schedule.  In your vehicle owner manual there will be a manufacturer suggested timing belt replacement time, but make sure to inspect it at roughly every 10,000 miles.  In addition, you should be sure to follow the manufacturer guidelines for replacing the timing belt, even if you do not see damage. Where do I find the Timing Belt? The timing belt is pretty easy to access.  You may need a phillips screwdriver.  The timing belt is usually found by removing the plastic timing belt cover.  This will be found on the front part of your engine.  The cover is most commonly secured with clips, but there are some that may be actually screwed down. In this case you will need to remove the screws to gain access.  Be sure you keep them safe if you have screws to remove.   Losing your tiny screws can quickly turn a simple auto repair much more difficult and time consuming. How to Inspect the Timing Belt Once the cover is off you need to check the timing belt for any cracks.  Tiny little cracks that have formed will continue to worsen over time.  A couple of small cracks in the outer coating are okay, but if many or deep cracks are found it is considered extreme wear.  You will then want to inspect the other side of your timing belt.  Turn the belt over a little where you can see and inspect each tooth.  Even a single damaged section can be responsible for creating massive trouble.  If you have not found any trouble spots so far, congratulations. You also need to look for excess play in your timing belt.  You will do this by slightly twisting the belt.  If your timing belt easily turns over halfway around, you have too much play in the timing belt.  The owner manual for your vehicle will give you specifics for your exact auto, but this twist test turning past halfway is a simple rule of thumb to use. When Do I Replace my Timing Belt? Like previously stated, timing belt issues will lead to other auto repairs.  ALWAYS replace your timing belt when the manufacturer's specifications say you should, even if you cannot see any damage.  When excessive cracks, even small, are found on the smooth side of the timing belt, or if any broken or damaged teeth are seen on the back side, you need to replace it.  In addition, if you have excessive play in your belt it is time to be replaced.  The time to replace your timing belt is when you discover trouble.  Just like most other auto repairs, an issue left unfixed likely leads to larger, more complex auto issues that will, in turn, require bigger, more costly auto repairs.  If you do not address timing belt problems and your timing belt breaks or starts to shred apart on you, you will probably be facing some ugly auto repair bills. If you think you may have an issue with the timing and need a trusted, professional mechanic that can inspect things for you, bring your auto to Sanford's Automotive Service in Columbia, SC. We have been serving the Columbia, SC area since 1989.  Stop by today or call to schedule an auto repair or vehicle maintenance appointment now.  At Sanford's, an ASE Certified Master Mechanic finds you problem and gets it fixed right the first time! more

By Sanford's Automotive Service January 23, 2014

Rear End Differential Repairs with the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Before you head in to your mechanic for rear differential repairs, you should look through this list of common signs pointing to rear differential problems. Rear Differential Basics Your rear differential is in charge of distributing torque in the crankshaft. This is then transferred to your automobile’s wheels.  Without a properly functioning rear differential, you auto inoperable.  In short, the rear differential is essential for transferring power from your engine to the wheels. Signs of Trouble with Rear Differential Noises you may hear are the only real symptom of rear differential issues.  The noises are created by friction, but in some cases are not loud enough to be easily noticed. When heard, the sounds are often attributed to tire noises.  Diagnosing a rear differential sound as actually being your differential before it has completely failed is always best. Signs of Rear Differential Troubles Sound 1: Humming Noises Humming noises are commonly the initial sound of trouble.  Gear grinding within your rear differential causes this hum.  Low lubricant levels can be the cause at this stage.  If you are lucky, a slight boost to the lubricant level will get things working correctly.  If you deem the noise you hear to be the differential, you need to have a mechanic or auto repair shop to take a look.  All gears within your differential have to work with perfect accuracy.  Over time, grinding gears leads to more far-reaching damage if not fixed. Sound 2: Growling Noises When Turning Once you have surpassed basic gear damage, your rear differential begins to growl.  This noise, too, may be mistaken as tire noise. Listening Tip: The sound of your differential growling will only be noticeable while your automobile is turning.  You are likely dealing with a permanently damaged ring and pinion at this point.  We have now crossed into looking at more serious issues.  Getting your ring and pinion replaced requires an auto repair shop, like ours in Columbia, SC.  If your rear differential trouble is allowed to get too bad, you risk having your car could completely seize. Once the rear differential has entirely failed, the wheels stop turning and your automobile needs towing. Sound 3: Automobile Vibrations When the rear differential has begun causing vibrations, you are most likely beyond the point of repair.  Just prior to failing entirely your rear differential can cause your automobile to vibrate.  This is particularly noticeable while driving at high speeds.  You may feel this type of vibration in the floor or throughout the whole vehicle.  Once this has happened, your rear differential will break down entirely.  You will lose the capability to accelerate and fluids will begin leaking.  Now you are in need of a tow truck that will take you to your mechanic or the auto repair shop to have your rear end differential replaced. Because your rear end differential is so important, you should always investigate suspected problems right away. If you have any of the sounds of trouble discussed here, you need to seek a qualified auto repair professional.  Catching this problem early on may save money and buy time before you require a full rear end differential replacement.  Stop by to have our auto repair shop’s ASE Certified Master Mechanic take a look at your rear differential, or set your auto repair appointment to fit your schedule by calling 803-735-7902. Sanford’s Automotive Service has proudly served the greater Columbia, SC metro area with superior quality domestic and foreign auto repairs since 1989.  Sanford’s offers exceptional experience with customer service you are worthy of. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service January 06, 2014

Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro on Winter Auto Emergency Kits

An auto repair or auto emergency is never good, but with severe winter conditions, it can be deadly. Keeping the right stuff in your winter preparedness kit could provide the essential equipment that saves your life.   Building your Emergency Winter Preparedness Kit Stay Warm A wool blanket or at least a good warm blanket is a necessity.  Even better would be an over your clothes wraparound or over the head blanket wraps.  If you end broke down somewhere in extremely low temps, you won’t even care how silly it looks.   Work Light Flashlights are great, but a light that mounts under the hood is even better. Some are magnetic, easily sticking right to your hood. Battery operated models are fine but will also require you have spare batteries.  I recommend finding a model offering a cord to your cigarette lighter or auto accessory plug. De-Icing the Windshield You can purchase a de-icing product that sprays directly on the windshield.  A shot or two of this and it breaks the ice right apart.  Heated scrapers are another option, but the spray breaks it up pretty quick and helps reduce build-up.  A Lock De-Icer spray can also be handy if you have a frozen lock.  Don't risk breaking the key off, just give it a shot and you are good to go. Protecting Your Hands and Feet  If the situation should ever become so dire that you would need to abandon your car to seek help, it is not likely that your shoes will be something up to the task. A pair of CrossTrax slip-on shoe covers provides insulation and offers nylon webbing to increase your traction in snow and ice.  These are actually great in muddy or other wet conditions too. Glove and boot warmers are great.  They are versatile and are able to be placed anywhere from your gloves to your socks.  Depending on the severity of the situation, you can even pack your clothes to keep your body temp up. The Other Basics ALWAYS keep basic emergency supplies with you too.  This means bottled water and some food. Compact foods that are nutritious, vitamin packed and protein rich are best.  Granola bars or protein bars are perfect choices. Gathering it Together You have your list to build your Winter Auto Preparedness Kit.  You will need a big bag.  Something like a larger gym bag will usually work fine. Grab your bag and fill it up.   Sanford’s Automotive Service wants to provide you the information you need for you and your family to be safe on the road.  Unexpected auto problems and auto repairs are part of driving, but educated drivers will be prepared.  If you need domestic or foreign auto repair in the greater Columbia, SC area, stop by our auto repair shop located on Wilson Boulevard. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service December 21, 2013

Auto Repair and Automotive Gifts for Everyone

This season, give the gift of peace of mind; give the gift of auto repairs! We are all looking for Christmas gift ideas around this time of year.  Automotive items and auto repair services are great gifts for men and women alike.  The Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro has made a list of a few of your best affordable automotive gifts available. A vast amount of our lives is spent in the car, so what better gift to give? Auto Repair Gift Cards, Gift Certificates and Prepaid-Paid Automotive Services Some auto repair shops and mechanics will offer some type of prepaid automotive services.  A gift of a prepaid oil change is always useful.  You could offer the gift of a prepaid needed auto repair. If you will ask, most independent auto repair shops will work with you to find the best gift for your needs. Pre-Packaged Automotive Gift Sets There is a wide variety of ready to give automotive gift sets available.  You can find options ranging from wash and wax gift sets to full-scale roadside assistance kits. Auto related gifts are great for anyone at any age that drives a car!   Battery Jump Box A battery jump box can mean having the help you need, when you need it. This is an especially good automotive gift for someone that chronically runs down their battery. Portable Electric Air Pumps A portable electric air pump can be a real help if you are having tire issues.  Of course, you could just purchase one of many battery jump boxes that come with an air pump attached!  There are a variety of options with all types of little extras, but you will be able to find something to fit your needs and budget.   Auto Repair Tools or Packaged Automotive Tool Kits There are lots of automotive repair tools and accessories.  You can get automotive tool kits containing everything from the basic auto repair tools to extensive sets with tools, fuses, and more.  These make exceptionally good automotive Christmas gifts for young drivers as well as young mechanics.   To give a gift of auto repair in the Columbia, SC area this season, contact Sanford’s Automotive Service . We perform all types of domestic or foreign auto repair.  Sanford’s Automotive Service has been offering top quality auto repairs at reasonable prices since 1989! more

By Sanford's Automotive Service December 06, 2013

How to Remove a Stripped Screw with a Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Auto repairs can be labor intensive enough without the minute little problem that make an average job infuriating.  I’m talking about things like that screw that now refuses to come out because it is totally stripped.  As a mechanic for the better part of my life, I’d like to pass along how to easily get a stripped screw out.  This easy tutorial will guide you through removing a stripped screw with a mangled head.  If you haven’t faced this issue already, reading this now will save you lots of time and headaches when the time comes to use it. The stripped screw MUST come out!  Grab a Drill and Steel Drill Bits You will need a drill for this, but just about any drill will do.  Find a drill bit with a diameter just large enough to drill the very center of the screw head out.  For example, if you’re dealing with a mangled Phillips head screw, you will want to use a drill bit that is sized to only cover the star shape located in the middle. Slowly start drilling the center of the screw head.  Be sure to go slow since you will not be drilling deep.  You will only go in enough to disconnect the screw head from the screw post.  Usually the head will begin to spin as it separates. Remove the Screw Stump Once the mangled screw head has been removed, you can free the auto part you were originally trying to get to.  With a visual on the screw stump, a pair of Vise-Grips can usually get to it.  Firmly attach the Vise-Grips on the screw tip and slowly unscrew the stump.  And you're done!  Your stripped screw problem is solved. Now back to the auto repair you were working on. Sanford’s Automotive Service in Columbia, SC is a full service domestic and foreign auto repair and auto service shop.  We can help with all of your automotive needs.  Stop in, schedule an auto repair or set up your auto maintenance today.  We even set Saturday appointments to accommodate your personal schedule and to better serve your auto repair needs. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service November 22, 2013

Improving your Gas Mileage with the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Our Columbia, SC Auto Repair Pro recently published an article on 5 Tips to Improve Fuel Economy.  With costs as high as they are and the holidays on the way, I thought I'd share this money saving information with you here. There are five things you can go do right now that will ultimately save you money by improving your automobile’s fuel economy.   Tip 1: Keep your Air Filter Clean A clean air filter is essential.  You need to check it for debris and build-up.  Some air filter can be cleaned, but other types will have to be replaced.  For a quick way to check your filter, hold it up to the light and take a look.  If you can't see through, it’s time to take care of it!  Need a tutorial on how to replace your air filter? Just click here! Tip 2: Lighten Your Load A heavy, bogged down vehicle uses more gas.  Lighten the load by keeping a clean car or truck.  Rarely do people realize how much the junk they're carrying can weigh!  It doesn't take much to add 30, 40 or even 50 or more pounds in junk weight to your car or truck.  Simply keeping a vehicle cleaned out can help your gas mileage. Tip 3: Check Your Tire Pressure Under inflated tires create more rolling resistance.  This means you will burn more gas.  Keep your tires inflated to the specifications found in your owner’s manual.  Be extra careful about this in times of cold weather too, as tires lose pressure with lower temperatures. Tip 4: Choose the Right Wheels When you're driving on anything other than stock tires, you may be adversely affecting your fuel economy. While wider tires may provide the performance you want, they also create increased rolling resistance, in turn, lowering your fuel efficiency.   Tip 5: Slow it Down Out There Believe it or not, driving over the speed limit hurts your fuel economy.  In fact, you decrease your fuel economy the faster you go.   As an ASE Certified Master Mechanic, I know what it takes to keep your car running at its very best.  Poor gas mileage is a nearly universal problem for drivers everywhere.  The five tips above increases your fuel economy and will save your gas money. For more auto repair tutorials, Master Mechanic tips, and automotive information, the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro Blog is available for you 24/7.  Schedule your auto repair at our Columbia, SC Auto Repair Shop by calling 803-735-7902.  Sanford’s Automotive Service is proudly serving the greater Columbia area since 1989.  We have the experience you can trust. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service November 07, 2013

Loose Muffler or Broken Exhaust Straps w Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Who doesn't want to save money on auto repairs?  There are some things that can safely be done at home, even by a beginner mechanic.  Fixing a broken exhaust hanger is one of them.  If you would rather leave it to the professionals, bring your car or truck by our auto repair shop in Columbia, SC and we can get all of your exhaust problems solved. It usually starts with a clunk, the clunk of a loose muffler.  Sometimes it just breaks, leaving your muffler dragging behind.  We are talking about your muffler hanger, also known as an exhaust strap.  An exhaust hanger or strap is only a glorified, industrial strength rubber band.  The thick black rubber stretches over time, slowly loosening its hold on your muffler.  In some cases, it breaks off entirely, creating a dangerous situation where the muffler drags and creates sparks, which could become deadly.  Either way, it is pretty clear that a failing or broken exhaust strap or exhaust hanger must get repaired.   If you are not confident enough with your auto repair skills and ability to perform the steps in these instructions, bring you vehicle to a mechanic with a great reputation and track record, like Sanford’s Automotive Service in Columbia, SC.  We would be happy to complete this auto repair for you.  If you would like to take it on yourself, just follow our easy instructions found on our Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro Blog.  We even walk you through hanging your muffler when you can't find a helper! Sanford’s has been serving the drivers of the greater Columbia, SC area since 1989.  For an ASE Certified mechanic you can trust, visit us online, in our shop located at 7917 Wilson Blvd. or call us at 803-735-7902. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service October 23, 2013

Flushing Your Radiator with the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro

Proper routine auto maintenance will save you lots of unnecessary damages and costly auto repairs. Flushing your radiator should be a part of your regular maintenance schedule.  If it isn't already, I strongly suggest you add this important step to your personal routine.   Why Do I Need to Flush the Radiator? For your radiator and entire cooling system to work at its absolute best, the radiator and system must be able to flow freely, uninhibited by build-up and obstructions.  Antifreeze needs to be changed seasonally.  A clogged cooling system can create problems down the line and leave you sitting at the auto repair shop. Why cause yourself unnecessary trouble, time and expenses?  Flushing the radiator and cooling system can be done in an afternoon and will result in a clean and clear system, not to mention the peace of mind it brings to know you are doing all you can to keep your automobile running at its best. Can I Flush the Radiator Myself? With some basic tools, a little time and the ability to read and follow instructions, our Columbia, SC Auto Repair Pro can walk you right through the entire process.  This is a relatively inexpensive task and can easily be properly completed by a beginner level mechanic or auto repair amateur.  Be sure to follow all basic auto repair safety guidelines and NEVER, ever handle anything under the hood, especially any part of the cooling system, until it is completely cooled.  Doing so can result in massive auto damages, expensive auto repairs, not to mention the severe threat to one’s own physical health.   How Do I Flush My Radiator and Cooling System? Follow this auto repair tutorial from the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro and you will be able to complete this automotive task from start to finish.  Our auto repair blog offers step-by-step tutorials on many basic and beginner auto repairs, as well as a few that are a little more complicated.  You should never start on any auto repair or maintenance that you do not feel 100% able to handle.  It will only result in more trouble than you are starting with.  Our auto repair shop is always here for you – no matter what your automotive need may be.  Sanford’s Automotive Service is a leader in customer service and customer satisfaction.  Call us at 803-735-7902 and we'll even set appointments to repair you car or truck on Saturdays! more

By Sanford's Automotive Service October 07, 2013

How to Get Rid of Battery Corrosion with an Auto Repair Pro

We've all seen it.  That crusty white stuff building up around the battery terminals can leave you with a car that won’t start if you don't get it off.  The Columbia, SC Auto Repair Pro is here to walk you through getting your terminals clean and getting the best battery connection possible. When you don't remove this corrosion from the terminals, it makes it harder for your vehicle to keep a good connection with the battery.  Before long, an off and on problem becomes a big problem when the car won't start at all.  Yes, something as simple as some corrosion can be at fault. In order to get the corrosion off you will need to remove the battery cables.  ALWAYS remove the negative battery cable first. You may need two wrenches to get them disconnected. Head over to the full article on the Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro blog for more detailed instructions on removing your battery cables from the posts. Once both cables are free you need to clean the terminals.  You can choose to purchase a solution from any auto parts store or opt to make your own.  The at-home mechanic will likely pick the baking soda and water compound, which I believe will usually give as good a result as more costly options.  In a pinch, some Cola can do the trick, as long as you don’t forget to clean off the sticky residue when you can.  Having a brush to scrub once your solution has had time to soak in can be a big help.  Once you've scrubbed everything clean you’ll want to rinse with clear water.  When you are ready to reconnect the battery cables, connect the positive side first this time.   Once they are on, check that they are tightly secured.  That’s it!  A trip to the auto repair shop has been avoided and you have the satisfaction of having taken care of your problem with your own two hands.  For auto problems or auto repairs that are bigger than you can handle you can always call us, Sanford’s Automotive Service, for the best customer service and best auto repairs in Columbia, SC. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service September 24, 2013

Carpool Season Returns: Is Your Auto Ready? Asks Local Auto Repair Pro

Carpool Season Returns: The Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro Asks - Is Your Auto Ready? As school starts, many of you return to the neighborhood carpool, taking children to and fro.  This is a perfect time to do a thorough once over on your vehicle.  If you are not already following a setauto maintenance schedule, you need to start now.   Agood mechanic or auto repair shopwill be happy to perform asafety and maintenance check up.  They will check everything fromlightsandsignalstoengine fluidsandtire pressure.  You may even be due for an oil change or tire rotation.  Withoutproper maintenanceyour car or truck can experience all sorts of problems.  A great number ofauto repairscould be avoided if the car's owner would have kept up better with auto maintenance. Filtersget clogged causing flow problems in everything from air filters tofuelfilters. Hosescan develop cracks and leaks over time, creating multiple problems depending on the severity of the leak.  Loose or burnt out auto bulbs can cause severe automobile accidents, or even worse, fatalities.  While not allaccidents can be avoided, many could have been, and many more will be if you follow a regular schedule for properly maintaining your vehicle.  The little bit of time and money invested in this now will pay off greatly in better gas mileage, less frequent auto repair costs and in your own peace of mind. Taking your vehicle to areputable auto shopfor regular checkups and auto maintenance will ensure you are doing everything you can to keep your car running at its best for as long as possible.  Being sure that all of yourauto safety equipmentworks properly not only protects you but the precious lives you carry with you.  TheColumbia, SC Auto Repair Prowishes you all a wonderful start to the new school year and another year of safe driving and happy carpooling! more

By Sanford's Automotive Service August 24, 2013

Auto Dashboard Warnings - Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro Explains

Autos have so manydashboard warning lightsthat it is hard to keep up with what they all mean.  While they are often first warning signs to the presence of a problem needing repair, they will not diagnose what exactly your problem is. TheColumbia SC Auto Repair Prohelps you sort some of it out here. Oil Pressure Warning Every car needs oil, it is essential to your motor’s proper operation.  When theoil warning indicatorcomes on,NEVERignore it.  Check youroil levelright away.  If low, add some oil to bring it up to within the adequate levels shown on the dipstick. This warning light can also mean you are having a drop inoil pressure.  This is often a result of leaking from somewhere within the system, usuallygaskets,bad seals,piston rings,worn valve guides, orworn cylinderscausing oil to actually burn. You may also be experiencing trouble from a defectiveoil pressure sending unitor faultyoil pump. Leaks in your seals and gaskets are a reasonable price to get fixed, but some other parts could be a bit more costly.  If your engine is just completely worn and consistentlyburning oil, the only true solution is an engineoverhaulor total replacement of the engine. If youroil pressure warning lightcomes on and the oil level isn't too low, you need to have the problem diagnosed by amechanicorauto repair shop. Without proper oil levels and pressure, thebearingscan run dry, overheat and seize causing everything fromspun bearingsto wreckedconnecting rods. Air Bag Warning This warning light can look like aninflated airbag graphicor may possibly saySRS, which stands forSupplemental Restraint System. This light doesn't come on unless you have a problem within the car’sair bag system. Each time you drive, the airbag control module completes a self-check. Any problem within the SRS will engage the warning light.  A problem with any of theair bag modules, acrash sensor, or evensystem wiringcould be to blame.  Although your car may run fine without accurate airbag function, you compromise your own safety to drive this way.  We advise that you take your automobile to amechanicorauto repair centerfor SRS or airbag warning alerts to be diagnosed and repaired. ABS Warning TheABS Warning Lightalerts you to a problem within youranti-lock brake system. When the light has come on, your ABS is likely temporarily disabled. This should allow you to brake and stop normally, but you will not have anti-lock brake capabilities when making an abrupt stop or have to brake on slick or wet roadways.ABS Warningsneed to be diagnosed quickly, but if yourBrakewarning light is on as well you may be looking at serious problems.  As aColumbia, SC auto repair shopowner, I like to offer helpful information that aids all drivers in understanding their car, how it works, and knowing what auto related explanations really mean. I want drivers to understand why the problem happens and what they can do when it does.  If you have auto repair questions or want toschedule an auto repair or maintenance appointment in the greater Columbia, SCarea, Sanford’s Automotive Service will be happy to make you our next loyal customer! more

By Sanford's Automotive Service August 10, 2013

Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro Changing Spark Plugs and Wires

Changing your spark plugs is part of normalvehicle maintenance and auto repair.  Sometimes you have to change the plug wires as well.  It is always easiest to change the wires at the same time you are replacing the spark plugs.  While our auto repair shop would be more than happy to complete this task for you, we know you could do it yourself.  If you are mechanically inclined and willing to read and follow instructions, we would like to help you do it. Before you are ready to get started, you should always be sure you have the correct replacement parts.  You should also prepare your work area by gathering all of the necessary tools and implements to make the auto repair go as smoothly as possible.  For changing spark plugs and spark plug wires you need yourratchet wrench,spark plug socket, a12-inch socket extension, and thenew spark plugsandnew spark plug wiresto be installed.  The first step in starting either of these tasks is to locate your spark plugs and wires.  Finding your spark plugs is simple. Trace the thick, rubberspark plug wiresback to their ends.  This is where the spark plugs themselves attach to the end of each spark plug wire.  Spark plugs are located different places in different vehicles.  The spark plug placement is based on the engine.  On a4-cylinder engine, 4 spark plugs should be situated at the top of the engine.  They will be lined up in a row.  On aV8, it may require a bit of a reach.  On either side of the engine, reach down and you find 4 spark plugs.  With a6-cylinder engine, it can be either way.  Simplyfollow your plug wiresand you will find the spark plugs. Follow this link for adetailed auto repair tutorial on how to replace your spark plugs. If you will be changing your spark plug wires as well, be sure to read thishelpful step by step tutorial on how to change your spark plug wires. Most important: If you lack confidence in your mechanic skills or auto repair work, NEVER attempt home auto repairs.  Safety must come first. If you do not feel right about your ability to make a sound and safe repair, do not attempt it.  If you have questions or would like to have a professional mechanic perform this auto repair for you, justget in touch and schedule an appointment. Sanford’s Automotive ServiceinColumbia, SCcares about our customers and we are happy to serve all of yourauto maintenance and auto repair needs. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service August 01, 2013

Columbia SC Auto Repair Pro Talks Auto Air Conditioning

Check your auto’s air conditioning system with this checklist. You should ALWAYS use extreme caution when working or looking under the hood while the engine is operating.  Common sense says to be safe and aware of hot parts, but also take note of the dangers of rotating engine components.  Always keep loose clothing and hair a safe distance away from these parts.  Always use protective eyewear when performing this type of inspection. Check your compressor clutch for proper engagement With the car running, thecompressor clutchshould engage when the A/C is turned on.  If it does not, you likely have an empty or very low refrigerant level or anelectrical issue.  If you hear a rapid clicking or cyclic noise coming from the compressor it can indicatelow refrigerantamong other things. If you are having these types of issues, we advise you visit a trusted mechanic orauto repair shopto have your A/C inspected and professionally serviced. Check the A/C Air Temperature Ifcold enough air is not coming out, you possibly have a refrigerant issue. there are pressure gauges that can assess your refrigerant level, you may have to visit a professional auto repair shop that can add refrigerant if necessary.  You may want tohave the A/C system inspected by a professionalto determine why refrigerant levels were low.  If refrigerant is leaking, adding more may not help at all. Check hardware and the compressor clutch With the car on but the A/C off, are there noises coming from around the compressor?  If there is rumbling or knocking sounds coming from your compressor area it can point to acompressor clutchgoing bad. These noises could also mean mounting hardware has come loose. Check mounting bolts and hardware. Allmounting hardwareshould be checked.  Make sure the mountingboltsare properly secured and no other parts have loosened or may be rattling. Check your A/C service ports. You should inspect theA/C system service portsto make sure all caps are installed.  These are what seals in refrigerant and keep dirt and debris from getting into your A/C system. Check your A/C belts. With the engine running and the A/C on, check thatbeltsdo not vibrate.  If they do, you need to determine if the belt should be tightened or if there is a faultyautomatic belt tensioner. Visually inspect your belts for wear, tearing, cracks or glazing.  If they show signs of any of these issues, you need to replace them. Check your A/C hoses. Inspect all air conditioning AND cooling systemhoses. Look forcuts, abrasions,weak spotsor signs ofleakage.  OftenA/C hose leakscome from a buildup of oil and dirt, particularly at connection points and fittings. Check the A/C condenser. Obstructions should be removed from the A/C condenser area.  Insects, dirt, leaves and debris accumulate and create problems in your A/C performance.  The condenser is located in front of the radiator.  If obstructions are present, rinse the condenser with a garden hose. more

By Sanford's Automotive Service July 18, 2013

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Century Glass has always provided excellent work and very professional service. They have always taken care of me whenever I've had a need for their work. more

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