Top Animal And Humane Societies in Eugene, OR 97402

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Doggie Doos and Don'ts Pooper Scoopers and More!


By Tony

Such an awesome service! Very friendly staff and they really do mean it when they say satisfaction guaranteed. Thanks guys! more

Doggie Doos and Don'ts Pooper Scoopers and More!


By Anna

These girls are funny not only is the service worth paying for so is the entertainment! more

Virgil's Quality Air



Thanks for being part of our network! Hope your business is well and check out our merchantcircle page anytime for current specials on HID kits, flashlights and Diving lights. Wholesale price available with proof of Business License! DROP SHIP available! Pay only what you Sell! Thanks! Coupon codes: (Shipping/Tax included) fspecial-m ($15 off HID kits) tenpercentoff-m (10% off all bulbs) divingspecial ($50 off diving light) 50percentoff-m (50% off flashlights) Michelle more

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AD-renaline Marketing - Your All-in-One-Stop Advertising Company

Let me explain something about our original team. The Founder and CEO Clay Montgomery also launched another company last November 2009 calledGlobal Assist Team(GAT). GAT is a company designed to move entire matrices into new companies that will increase the earning capabilities of all it's members.AD-renaline Marketingis a sister company ofGATthat just launched last Friday April 16, 2010. Everyone that was in GAT prior to March 16th was automatically ported over to AD-renaline before any advertising or any information was released to the general public giving everyone in GAT an advantage at launch because they are already at the top of the company matrix when they upgrade. Now what happens is that some of those people that were ported over automatically fromGATwill unfortunately choose not to upgrade within the 7 day trial period, now extended to May 5th. What this will mean to everyone that signs up prior to May 1st. What that does before compression, is it leave holes in the matrix where those people were. What compression does is it moves everyone already signed up throughout the whole matrix, directly up however many levels it takes to fill all of those empty positions. Your advantage from that is this, you could end up with a lot more people in your direct downline as well as the possibility of making a substantial amount of extra instant income. It also makes sure that there are no vacancies within the organization above you so anyone sponsored into the company from above will automatically fall into your downlines. Please see Income Streams below for how this will benefit you. Pay special attention to the Income Stream called Revenue Injection Board (RIB). Good luck and also get signed up intoGlobal Assist Team(GAT) for future company ventures as well. It is Fantastic to wake up one morning and have an email saying that you had been transferred into a new company complete with all your downline intact and at the very top of the company matrix. All of this happened to me as I slept. It can happen to you to. Get signed up for both opportunities now before the compression on May 1st withAD-renaline MarketingandGlobal Assist Teamas well. If you are looking for a way to earn money and market your business, website, affiliate URL's, or any legitimate thing that you want then this is a new company calledAD-renaline Marketing. This company has launched as of Friday April 16, 2010. Not only is this company good for advertising at a very reasonable cost, but you can make some awesome income at the same time. I have included a copy of the company compensation plan. For you to see what this opportunity has to offer you. There are a total of six income streams, five of which are listed here, and three of those are passive, meaning you do not have to sponsor anyone to earn income. Everything is explained in detail for each separate income stream below. INCOME STREAM #1:2x12 Personally Forced MatrixThis is your home base, so to speak, and where your monthly residual income will build up and become something you can rely on month after month. Members are paid $1.00 per person, per level, for everyone who falls under you in your 2x12 matrix, whether it was from your efforts or someone else's. There is no sponsoring requirement in order to earn this matrix income. Therefore every member has a potential matrix income of up to $8,190 per month with or without sponsoring. Click here now to lock in your spot: AD-renaline Marketing INCOME STREAM #2: Performance-Based Matching Bonus on All Referrals' Matrix IncomeThis income stream was designed to give the aggressive marketers or heavy hitters the incentive they need to keep on bringing more people in and provide as much spillover as possible to their downline. The more people they bring in, the more their income exponentially grows. As a by-product of this incentive, those people will be building your matrix income, because the more you make, the more they make. Matching bonuses are paid on every one of your referrals' matrix incomes, no matter where they fall under you. Only your matrix income is limited to your 2x12 matrix. For example, if you have a personal referral that lands on your 19th level, that may not increase your matrix income but you are paid a matching bonus percentage on that referrals' matrix income every month. As their matrix fills, your income increases. As you get more referrals, your matching bonus percentage on their matrix income increases. There is NO LIMIT to how much you can earn with this part of our comp plan and this is always going to be a residual monthly income. The more referrals you have, the higher the percentage your matching bonus is on ALL of your referrals. The matching bonus qualification levels are as follows: 1-4 Personal Referrals = 20% Matching Bonus5-9 Personal Referrals = 30% Matching Bonus10-14 Personal Referrals = 40% Matching Bonus15-19 Personal Referrals = 50% Matching Bonus20-24 Personal Referrals = 60% Matching Bonus25-29 Personal Referrals = 70% Matching Bonus30-39 Personal Referrals = 80% Matching Bonus40-49 Personal Referrals = 90% Matching Bonus50+ Personal Referrals = 100% Matching Bonus Click here now to lock in your spot: AD-renaline Marketing INCOME STREAM #3:Revenue Injection Board (RIB)With every monthly membership fee, $10 of that is used to give you a new position in the Revenue Injection Board (RIB). The RIB is a revenue sharing, company forced 3x2 recycling matrix. Everyone falls into this matrix in the order they join or that their monthly fee comes in, and it fills top to bottom, left to right. Because this is company forced that means there are no sponsoring requirements in order to earn from the RIB. A 3x2 matrix has 3 positions on your first level and 9 on your second level for a total of 12 positions. When 12 people follow you into the RIB, you cycle. When you cycle two things happen. You earn $60, credited to your account balance immediately, and you are given a new paid re-entry back in at the bottom of the RIB, so you can continuously cycle and earn $60 all for that initial $10 position. Then every month you remain an active wholesale member, you are given a new $10 position in the RIB. The longer you are a member, the more positions you have cycling and recycling for $60 every time. It only takes one RIB cycle a month to more than cover your monthly membership fee. Click here now to lock in your spot: AD-renaline Marketing INCOME STREAM #4:Revenue Sharing Pool (RSP) - A lot of money being made with just this income stream alone!Again, with every monthly membership fee, $10 of that is used to give you a new RSP position. The RSP is our biggest revenue sharing element and one you won't want to take for granted. This Pool grows with every new wholesale member, existing members' fees coming in, member product or ad credit purchases, and every retail product page sale. As the pool grows it forces your RSP position(s) out with a revenue return of 150% of its original value. For example, your monthly fee gives you a $10 position every month. When that position is forced out of the pool it will pay you $15. If you purchase $100 in Ad Credits, you will not only receive highly responsive and targeted advertising worth much more than $100, but that purchase will give you a $100 RSP position that will pay you back $150. A realistic example to consider: If we have 10,000 active wholesale members, and not counting any product sales or purchases or any other new members coming in, just the monthly membership fees alone from 10,000 members would feed $100,000 a month into our RSP. We will have a LOT more revenue sharing funds than that though. Count on it. Those of you lucky enough to get in onAD-renaline'sfirst day or week of launch in April could stand to earn obnoxious amounts from our RSP. We'll leave it up to you to read into what ‘obnoxious amounts' might mean for you. Any active wholesale member can participate in the RSP with no sponsoring requirements whatsoever. This is purely passive income and a benefit that only wholesale members receive. All you have to do is keep your account active. (Please note that the Revenue Sharing Pool is just that, a company sharing its revenues with the members. We cannot guarantee an income from revenue sharing as it is 100% based on member participation and product sales. The more revenues the company has, the more revenues there are to share.) Click here now to lock in your spot: AD-renaline Marketing INCOME STREAM #5:Member Customizable Retail Products Sales PageEvery wholesale member receives, as an additional benefit, their own customizable retail products sales page. By default all the products we offer to wholesale members will appear on your personal sales page. Also by default, each product will already include a 25% markup. However, each member will have the capability of removing any products they do not wish to sell. Members can also change the markup amount in one of two ways. You can enter a markup percentage to apply to all products across the board, or you can select each product one at a time and mark them up as you see fit. There will be some built in restrictions on the markup. It must be a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 100%. The difference in the marked up cost, what we refer to as the retail price, and the wholesale member cost minus a 10% company margin (to help alleviate transaction fees) is what you earn, instantly paid to your account balance, upon a retail sale from your sales page. Then a portion of what's left is given to you as an RSP position that will earn up to 150% of its original value. This RSP positions' value and the earnings percentage is based on several variables, such as the discount allotted by a 3rd party advertising company on their products that we are reselling for them. Members will have the option of receiving ad credits rather than a new RSP position for each sale made on your personal sales page. This is a powerful income stream solution for those who wish to use our advertising products but have a limited budget for ad credit purchases. You can promote your sales page directly for the highly targeted, highly responsive advertising that it is, and generate up front commissions and additional RSP earnings or Ad Credits with no out of pocket expense for you. You may also end up with several retail sales from marketing your affiliate link for the business opportunity and some people are not interested in the business opportunity but do want to take advantage of the quality, responsive advertising. Click here now to lock in your spot: AD-renaline Marketing Prelaunch is over, we officially launched on April 16, 2010. It's extremely easy to get dozens of referrals when there is no financial obligation on their part. Just tell everyone you know that there will be a significant opportunity to earn on April 15th and all they need to do right now is secure their free position so they can receive updates and details about this opportunity. Let us do the convincing part for you. Nobody knows our business model or the benefits better than we do. If they upgrade, great, you make more money. If not, nobody gets hurt. This is a lot of information to digest all at once and there is a lot to lose for a delay in action at launch date, so please plan on attending as many of our scheduled webinars as possible to ensure you understand how best to maximize your earnings during this one and only launch phase of AD-renaline Marketing. Click here now to lock in your spot: AD-renaline Marketing more

By Virgil's Quality Air May 20, 2010

Read The Latest Newsletter from Virgil's Quality Air

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Virgil's Quality Air. Let us know what you think! Everyone is talking about how to react to what’s going on in the world. If you watch the news, the pundits are saying, “Energy costs are going up,” “savings are disappearing,” “2008 was the worst flu season ever,” “people can’t afford to fill up their tanks.” That’s a lot of doom and gloom. But in my office the other day, we were talking about how EcoQuest is an upside-down company. What does EcoQuest say? “Lower your energy costs, recession-proof your income part-time, EcoQuest will pay for your car, or at least help you with the gas, and we can reduce your exposure to germs like the flu, MRSA, and bugs that cause pneumonia.” We just aren’t normal. I’ve heard many people say a home business is not a “normal” business. Well, let’s look at normal then - investing in companies that cook the books and leave us out to dry, and worse, on the hook for their failures. A Government that creates a problem that costs us a bunch of money, and when that problem gets out of control they want more money to fix the problem they caused and to trust THEM to do it. (That’s like going to the tobacco companies for advice on how to quit smoking, or for help kicking the habit!). We’re spending more and more on health care but we just keep getting sicker. The environmental pollution inside and outside is embarrassing. The gas pumps are eating hundred dollar bills like a vending machine eats quarters! Everyone is wondering how they are going to pay the bills and survive this economy. Well, what about ditching this economy for a new one? I think it’s time to stop being normal. We need some revolutionary thinking. The world’s way isn’t working. We’ve got to turn things around, and the EcoQuest Economy just so happens to take all of the world’s weaknesses and turns them into strengths. How cool is that? Virgil Cook541-913-2340 more

By Virgil's Quality Air October 25, 2008

Cheap Energy No One Knows About?

So it appears a guy in Georgia figured out how to turn bio mass (things like tree limbs, corn stalks, and grass clippings) into fuel. He noticed what any farmer knows - his cows produced quite a bit of methane, and all they eat is grass. SO his team isolated and modified the bacteria that was converting the grass to methane and designed a process to produce hyrdocarbons on the cheap. Sounds like a scam, but it looks like it’s real. It has been reported by World Net Daily, perhaps the largest online news agency, as well as in the local papers. The Department of Defense is supporting it. The Department of Energy is in support. The USDA is supporting it. Here’s the latest story in the local paper. The reporter is shocked that his original story hasn’t been picked up by the AP: estimate it will cost about 25 cents a gallon. Call your local papers - ask them to look into the story and find out if it’s true, and then report on it. Call your House members and Senators - some are aware and are supporting but all need to know and talk about it. (And tell them we don’t need to subsidize it! Just support it.) It could mean much cheaper gas, and it’s better for the environment because it recycles existing carbon. If it’s all true, and it appears to be, I feel we need to get behind it as a nation. Tell your friends.David more

By Virgil's Quality Air October 23, 2008

Where do you need Animal And Humane Societies ?