So it appears a guy in Georgia figured out how to turn bio mass (things like tree limbs, corn stalks, and grass clippings) into fuel. He noticed what any farmer knows - his cows produced quite a bit of methane, and all they eat is grass. SO his team isolated and modified the bacteria that was converting the grass to methane and designed a process to produce hyrdocarbons on the cheap. Sounds like a scam, but it looks like it’s real. It has been reported by World Net Daily, perhaps the largest online news agency, as well as in the local papers. The Department of Defense is supporting it. The Department of Energy is in support. The USDA is supporting it. Here’s the latest story in the local paper. The reporter is shocked that his original story hasn’t been picked up by the AP:

They estimate it will cost about 25 cents a gallon. Call your local papers - ask them to look into the story and find out if it’s true, and then report on it. Call your House members and Senators - some are aware and are supporting but all need to know and talk about it. (And tell them we don’t need to subsidize it! Just support it.) It could mean much cheaper gas, and it’s better for the environment because it recycles existing carbon. If it’s all true, and it appears to be, I feel we need to get behind it as a nation. Tell your friends.
