Top Paranormal Phenomena Services in Beaverton, OR

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How to Perform the Eight Word Induction

One of the most effective hypnosis inductions you can perform is also one of the easiest. It's called the Eight Word Induction. So many people struggle with it because they don't properly understand it. In this article I will teach you how to perform the induction on anyone, anytime. I will describe what to say/do, why it works and how to execute it correctly.The Eight Word Induction is simply this: "Press on my hand. Close your eyes. Sleep!" What you do is have the person press on your hand and just as you ask them to close their eyes you take away your hand very quickly. In the moment of instability the person feels you give them the command to sleep.There are three reasons this works so effectively. First is that as a hypnotist you have a certain amount of clout behind you. Your reputation should precede you. This gives you a sense of authority to the person you are speaking to. Your pre-talk before the induction should give the person the impression that a hypnotic induction is going to happen. There should be no doubt what so ever.Secondly the word "sleep", said by a hypnotist, has a long established presence in our culture as the trigger for entering a hypnotic trance. We've all seen a hypnotist put someone into a trance simply by saying that word.Thirdly and finally, there is a moment of shock the subject's body experiences when your hand is taken way. Much like an NLP Pattern Interrupt, this shock leaves the person confused. It is during this confusion that they will latch onto the first thing that they hear. Combine that with your "power" as a hypnotist in their eyes and the long established history of the word "sleep" as a hypnotic trigger and boom, they enter a trance.To execute this properly you need to do several things. First you need to talk about what you will be doing in the session "once [they] are under hypnosis". Mention to them that you will be doing an induction and it will be putting them to sleep. Explain that it's not a real sleep, it's just a state where they are open to suggestion that will improve their lives. It's a state where your words will have a powerful affect on their emotions and their behaviour.Next you need to make sure that the person is relaxed and comfortable before you begin. Go through making them take a few deep breaths. Make sure that you tell them when to breathe in and when to breathe out and make sure it is at a slow pace. If you can pace the rate at which they breathe through commands you have already established a relationship in which you command and they follow.When you have them press on your hand make sure that they are pressing hard. Do this by firmly pressing back against their hand. When you get them to close their eyes very quickly take away your hand. The only time you don't do this is if you feel that they need to relax a bit more. Have them take a deep breath in and make the moment sudden by putting a long pause in before you remove your hand. Finally as you take your hand away say the word "sleep" in a very strong and authoritative tone. Make sure it is a command and not a suggestion.Once you do it their body should give you signs that they have entered a state of deep relaxation. Deepen the trance by repeating the word relax or by getting them to take slow deep breaths. One technique I use is to link the word relax with a four count, almost like a song. "4... 3... 2... 1... re... lax... re... lax..." repeated over and over. Say it slower and slower each time suggesting to them that the relaxation is getting deeper and deeper. The important thing about this induction is that you must very quickly follow it up with a deepening technique.Once they are in a trance it is now quite simple to give the suggestions or commands you want for the person. Be it for a hypnosis show or for a hypnotherapy session.How to Perform the Eight Word Induction by Ryan Clarke Hypnotism Techniques more

By January 18, 2011

Hypnosis Techniques to Fall Asleep

The techniques used for hypnosis and self-hypnosis are used to put people into a "trance". This is often expressed as putting someone to sleep. One of the challenges of putting someone into a really deep trance is also keeping them awake. If someone falls asleep it can prevent you from engaging them in a proper session. That same problem with hypnotherapy can actually be used to help yourself fall asleep. All you need is self-hypnosis induction to get into a relaxed state and then you just keep deepening the trance until you eventually fall asleep. For this example we are going to use the Elevator technique for the trance and the staircase technique for the deepening. Imagine all the detail of the elevator. For example imagine the colours and the materials, the size and shape, etc. Press the button for the basement of the below ground floor. Imagine you are on the 10th floor. Take slow deep breaths and with each exhale imagine that you have transitioned another floor until you reach the ground. The ground floor will symbolize the base level of your conscious mind. As you move to the basement imagine that this part of the journey takes a long time. Once you feel relaxed imagine the doors open and reveal the top portion of your unconscious mind. This symbolizes that even though you are in a trance there is still deeper to go. The staircase will symbolize your journey towards deep relaxation. Because there is no end and no distinct transitions, it is similar to the difference between being awake and being asleep. There is no fine line where you can say I was awake one second and asleep the next, it is transition. Once you exit the elevator imagine that it opens to a set of stairs. Walk down the stairs, one step at a time, taking regular, even steps. Remember to also take regular, even and deep breaths. A sometimes suggested technique is counting backwards by 3's from 300. The reason the stair technique is superior to ones like this one is that the "downwards" metaphor still exists but has no termination. It also engages you visually and can help lead straight into a dream. It's superior to a technique like reading a boring book because it is like the old "counting sheep" cliché, it is repetitive and boring. The final and important reason this works is because it uses hypnosis and NLP techniques. When you do this activity you associate it with wanting to fall asleep (in the form of an anchor). As you start to feel relaxed and drowsy when entering the trance, you are provided evidence that the technique works, re-enforcing the anchor. Article by Ryan Clarke – Online Hypnosis more

By January 09, 2011

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss for the Holidays

Did you know that the typical person will gain around 15 pounds over the holidays? Did you also know that hypnotherapy weight loss can change all that. You can even loss weight over the holidays if you want. You do not have to believe what I am saying and honestly if I was reading this I would not believe it ether. I would however believe scientific research conducted by leading institution and Universities. Below I have outlined several different studies that have been conducted on hypnotherapy weight loss. The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology published a study that found hypnotherapy weight loss was 30 times as effective as the control group. The study used sixty females that where at least 20% overweight. The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology did a followup study to see if people who used hypnosis for weight loss gained back the weight over the long term. They found that in a eight and twenty four month followup the people in the hypnosis group had continued to lose weight. People in the control group did not show increased weight loss. The University of Connecticut conducted a study where one group used hypnotherapy weight loss and the other used cognitive behavioral therapy. The people in the hypnosis group lost more weight then ninety percent of the people in cognitive behavioral therapy group. In addition they found that the hypnosis group where able to keep the weight off two years later. Another study was conducted where hypnotherapy weight loss was added to cognitive behavioral therapy. It was found that the weight loss more then doubled over the control group. The study also showed that weight loss increased markedly over time. Churchill Hospital in Oxford, UK conducted a study on sixty obese patients. The found that hypnotherapy weight loss with stress reduction achieved significant results over the other two control groups. The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology did another study that found adding a hypnotherapy weight loss program to any other weight loss program increased the weight lost considerably. They also found the benefits people achieved from hypnosis increased as time went on. As you can see from these few examples, hypnotherapy weight loss is very effective in the short term and long term. Hundreds if not thousands of studies have been conducted on the use of hypnosis for weight loss. Hypnosis is now considered an effective tool in addition to or as a stand alone weight loss program. If you would like to see more studies you can visit the site Hypnosis Review Quarterly and look under clinical studies. more

By January 09, 2011

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