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5 Reasons Why Travelling Changes Your Life

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain Are you sick and tired of your hectic routine? Are you thinking about travelling to a new country on your next vacation? If yes, then don’t let financial issues and other obstacles put you off from your decision. Travelling to a whole new country will be an experience you will remember for years to come. It will expand your horizon and help you learn valuable life lessons along the way. Here are five reasons why travelling can change your life. Broaden Your Horizon When you visit a new country, you get an opportunity to explore the culture, art and history, learn their language, experience the lifestyle of locals and indulge in festivals and rituals. You can learn more about a country by travelling to it than by reading about it. Know about their values and respect them to make your trip more enjoyable. When the local see you respecting their culture, they will be more open to engage with you. The more you blend in with the locals the better. Value Experience More than Things Whenever you are travelling, you prioritize experience over other things. This changes everything from your buying patterns to your mindset. You will start to valuedhow cruise DubaiMarina tour more than your luxurious cars. You stop purchasing expensive branded items and start investing your money on experiences. Once you are in that sort of mindset then you will also enjoy your trips. Travel is a way of life and it is not something you do. Live in the moment With our hectic routines, we have almost forgotten how to live in a moment and always worried about the future. Travelling get you out of fast paced life and play your life in slow motion when visiting your favorite destinations. Unplug yourself and enjoy the moment fully. It is a great opportunity to explore yourself as you can spend some quality time alone, which let you analyze different aspect of your life. Go with The Flow Travelling come with its share of challenges. Suppose your flights get cancelled or delayed or you end up losing your luggage. How would you deal with such a situation? The beauty of travelling is that it let you deal with this situation. If you put a non-traveler in a similar situation, they will react in a completely different way. Moreover, it will teach some valuable skills and lessons that will help you throughout their lives. Be More Open Every country is different and has a different culture and beliefs. Travelling creates more tolerance in you as you continue to accommodate other cultures and beliefs. This brings openness in your personality and thinking, which broaden your horizon and let you think in multiple direction. You start to see things from a different perspective and starts to respect everyone’s beliefs, cultural norms and religious rituals. In short, it makes you a better person overall and a good citizen of a society. What impact does travelling have on your personality? How does travelling changed your life? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section below. We would love to hear your stories regarding changes travel can make on your personal and professional life. more

By Alwasl Dhow October 31, 2018

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