Top articles for Alternative Medicine

How to Be Safe With Herbal Remedies

How to Be Safe With Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies can be great alternatives to controversial medications. Herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years, and it was only until modern history that they began to be considered as alternative healing methods. Of course, people using these methods should learn how to be safe with herbal remedies. more

Natural Solutions for Acne

Natural Solutions for Acne

Acne is a condition that many people suffer from, but it is more common among teenagers. There are several things that could cause the outbreak of acne such as your diet. Some people choose to use over the counter medications to treat the condition, but there are several natural solutions that you can use. more

How to Find a Naturopath

How to Find a Naturopath

A Naturopath is a physician who uses natural remedies to help cure ones pain, instead of using drugs or having surgery to fix a problem. A naturopath may look appealing to you if you don't like taking drugs and want a more natural way of healing yourself. more

How to Treat a Cold with Chinese Herbs

How to Treat a Cold with Chinese Herbs

Although there is no cure for the common cold, traditional Chinese medicine is widely thought to help treat symptoms and encourage rapid recovery. As with any treatment, it is important to use Chinese herbs at the first sign if illness, as they can stop it from progressing. However, if this is not possible, they can still be used to reduce symptoms. more

How to Locate Naturopathic Doctors

How to Locate Naturopathic Doctors

Naturopathy is an alternative form of modern medicine that looks for new ways to treat the human body and its illnesses. Naturopathic doctors lead the way in developing an innovative approach to treating a patient's emotional, physical and mental breakdowns. These doctors combine the best of what modern medicine has to offer with a holistic approach and teach the patient how to take care of their bodies through proper nutrition, exercise and inner wellbeing. more

How to Deal With Cancer Treatment

How to Deal With Cancer Treatment

Dealing with cancer is a life changing experience, but dealing with the treatment that sometimes come with it can be unbearable. There are different types of treatment for different forms of cancer, some a little more tolerable than others. There are some things that can be done to help some cancer patients be more prepared for the treatment. more

How to Cure Acne

How to Cure Acne

At one time or another, almost everyone has suffered from some form of acne. It is a very common condition ranging from mild to severe and can be painful and embarrassing. There is an inexpensive way to cure acne at home rather than having to use the services of a dermatologist. more

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