Top Chiropractor Offices in Matawan, NJ

We aim to educate our patients about Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Chiropractic, and other natural solutions to common health problems in order to motivate you to take...Read Moreā€¦

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Back Pain & Mattress Quality, Age and Style - What's Your Choice?

After 45 years of life (and sleeping on a mattress) and 19 years in practice as a chiropractor, I can tell you there is no doubt that many people are suffering with low back pain, sciatica, mid back pain, hip pain and other aches because of poor mattress quality. I have my personal choice for a matress but would like to get your input here as well. What has worked, or not, for you? And why?The majority of people are sleeping onconventional mattresses. By that I mean typical coil and foam type. The most important thing here is to replace the matress at the first sign of wear. Are there lumps, bumps or indentations? Do you roll into your "favorite groove" at night? If so, it needs to be replaced. Don't worry about how old it is that doesn't matter - if it has worn out, then it's done regardless of age. If it's not that old you can check the manufaturers warranty for replacement. BUT replace it!Choices vary drastically! I personally sleep on aselect comfort sleep number bednow for about 5 years and love it. It is a dual chamber model so my wife and I can have independent control over the firmness on our sides. Originally I thought big deal how often would I reall change the "firmness" of my bed. But, I have found that I do change it night to night depending on how I feel. I am a triathlete and when I have a heavy training day I find I sleep better and wake with less low back pain and general back stiffness when I decrease the firmness rfom what I would normally prefer. Great option!Other choices are water beds, tempur pedic, euro foam etc. What works for you? I have some opinions of what works and when but want to hear your ideas. more

By Pinnacle Wellness & Pain Relief, Dr. R. Marzo August 22, 2009

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