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When to Receive Chiropractic Services

Patients usually receive chiropractic services when they experience problems remedied through adjusting the spine. When the spine becomes misaligned due to repetitive activities, sports injury or an accident, pain and swelling occur. A chiropractor brings relief and guides patients back to recovery.


People usually seek out chiropractic services because they're experiencing pain along the spine. Pain in the lower back and neck are common reasons to visit a chiropractor. Some patients also use this treatment to remedy arthritis pain. 


Patients visit the chiropractor for help with a variety of conditions. A man in a car accident may need spinal alignment, without which he may experience constant neck or back pain. A tennis player may feel pain in her shoulder after repeatedly serving the ball in a tennis match. Some headaches are also caused by misalignment of the spine or injuries in the neck. People living with arthritis may also experience relief from chiropractic treatment.


Chiropractors typically examine the spine and perform a series of diagnostic tests. Their knowledge of the human spine, muscles and connective tissues is applied in determining the cause of persistent pain. A treatment plan generally includes manual adjustment of the spine. Some patients may be referred to a physical therapist, or instructed to apply heat or cold packs to the area. 

Supplements and Diet

Some chiropractors also prescribe nutritional supplements and believe that recovery is dependent not only on making adjustments to the spine, but also addressing the whole person. Adequate sleep, a nutritious diet, appropriate exercise and stress management techniques may be included in a chiropractor's recommendations.