Top Government Agencies in Barnstead, NH

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Town of Barnstead


By missheather843

What everyone doesn't know is that we were working in the area on ditch work and that was the closest place we could find to dump the useless material. We gave Oppertunities for other residents to have some if they needed it and a few did get what they wanted. So at the time all we were trying to do is save tax payers money by dropping it at the next closest place possible like has been done in the past for years.The biggest problem with this whole scenario is people only knowing half the story and making their own judgements on it. Chris has done a lot for this town since taking position as road agent. There have been many improvements that no one seems to mention they only like to mention the bad and forget about all the good he has done for the town.Former employee, not friend! more

Town of Barnstead


By Stephen D. Grigg

Dear Annie You are so right If the Barnstead Selectmen's are not going to do anything about your friend Mr. Carazzo repeatedly using town owned equipment and the road crew during regular work Hours. So Annie your right why should I get upset about it. So I hired a Law Firm. This week One of Mr. Carazzo's friend's will be notified. Then around February The Town of Barnstead will be notified. So now I can enjoy life again; it's a great feeling. Thank you for your concern. more

Town of Barnstead


By Annie

Steve Griggs is still at it.Get a life!!!!! more

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