Top Alternative Medicine Services in Lincoln, NE 68512

At Abundant Life Family Chiropractic, Dr. Wehling will take the time to ensure that your health goals are met. His exams are thorough and I feel wonderful after my adjustments. My kids love coming,...Read More…
With so many rules about what to eat and when to work out, losing weight can seem like an overwhelming task, but if you have the right support, you will start to see results. At Nebraska Weight Man...Read More…
Not only was my visit to this establishment disappointing but it was also extremely costly. The staff and doctor were very friendly and I enjoyed their company. However, the polite and cheery attit...Read More…
Lincoln Family Chiropractic is run by Dr. Corey Dousharm, a Chiropractor in Lincoln Nebraska. She is a family chiropractor who specializes in pediatric care, obesity prevention and general chiropra...Read More…
Dr. Kallio and staff have been providing quality Chiropractic care in Lincoln since 2000.Read More…
We are proud to be the finest CBD retailer in Lincoln, NE. We strive to provide dedicated care, service, and top quality products directly to our clients. Our mission is to provide our community wi...Read More…
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We are proud to be the finest CBD retailer in Lincoln, NE. We strive to provide dedicated care, service, and top quality products directly to our clients. Our mission is to provide our community wi...Read More…
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We are proud to be the finest CBD retailer in Lincoln, NE. We strive to provide dedicated care, service, and top quality products directly to our clients. Our mission is to provide our community wi...Read More…
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Welcome to The Joint Chiropractic - Lincoln! As your local Lincoln chiropractor, we invite you to join the millions of Americans who have not only found relief from back pain, but also a pathway to...Read More…
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Haymarket Pilates & Yoga Center


By Beth B. at Judy'sBook

I don't live in Lincoln, or even in Nebraska, but whenever I'm in Lincoln for work, I attend yoga or pilates classes at Haymarket Pilates & Yoga Center. The instructors are excellent and the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. It's located ... more

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CBD Research - What We Know

CBD HELPS WITH ANXIETY & ADDICTION, ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DRUG ABUSE A new animal study finds thatcannabidiol (CBD),a non-psychoactive chemical found in hemp, can help reduce the risk of drug and alcohol relapse. It can also reduce anxiety and impulsiveness often associated with drug dependence. The study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health. A report from the NIDA said “The researchers applied a gel containing CBD every day for a week to the skin of rats with a history of daily alcohol or cocaine self-administration. The CBD appeared to be effective in reducing reinstatement of drug-taking — considered a model of drug and alcohol relapse. It also reduced anxiety and impulsivity often associated with drug dependence. Notably, the reduced reinstatement, which was induced by stress or drug-related environmental cues, lasted for five months after the initial treatment was discontinued, when CBD was no longer detectable in either blood or brain." The report continued “CBD has been studied as a treatment for certain severe childhood epilepsy syndromes. These findings reinforce other possible therapeutic benefits of non-psychoactive cannabinoids.” (Reference: "Unique treatment potential of cannabidiol for the prevention of relapse to drug use: Preclinical proof of principle" published in Neuropsychopharmacology.) As CBD use becomes more widespread throughout the world, the World Health Organization has given the cannabinoid compound CBD its stamp of approval. After a comprehensive scientific review of CBDs, the WHO (World Health Organization)reported no known public health problems from CBD. In fact, the organization stated that CBD has “been demonstrated as an effective treatment for epilepsy" in adults, children, and even animals, and that there's "preliminary evidence" that CBD could be useful in treating Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other serious conditions. The report found no evidence that use of CBD resulted in drug dependence or the potential for abuse. The report concluded that because of the wide-ranging potential benefits of CBD, "Several countries have modified their national controls to accommodate CBD as a medicinal product." An earlier report by the NIDA called CBD a valuable supplement and dispelled any concerns about CBD and drug abuse. The report compared CBD to THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. It notes that “CBD, for example, does not make people high and is not intoxicating. And, there is reason to believe it may have a range of uses in medicine, including in the treatment of seizures and other neurological disorders. In the impassioned, often emotional debates these days over medical marijuana, CBD is often cited as one of the main reasons restrictions on marijuana should be loosened.” The way that cannabinoids work was explained in the report by the NIDA. “A basic understanding of the way cannabinoids affect the body and the brain is helpful…Most cannabinoids (including THC) interact with specific targets on cells in the body, the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are found mainly in the brain and are important for learning, coordination, sleep, pain, brain development, and other functions; CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system. The fact that chemicals in marijuana can speak the body’s chemical language (and cause both beneficial and harmful effects) is not surprising and does not make marijuana special. Many plants, including the opium poppy, tobacco, and coca are similar in that regard. Extracting and amplifying the medicinal benefits of such plants and minimizing their potential harms can lead the way to effective medications, but are also a major scientific challenge…because of its unique properties, CBD, especially, may be poised to make great inroads into our pharmacopoeia.” CBD acts differently on the body than THC, the report stated, and gives us the benefits of the marijuana plant without the harmful effects, according to the NIDA. “CBD has very little effect on CB1 and CB2 receptors. This is probably why it does not make people high and is not mind-altering.” The NIDA report explains the history of CBD therapy. “CBD has been considered as a potential therapeutic agent since the 1970s, when its anti-seizure properties were first examined in animal studies. A few very small randomized clinical trials were also conducted in adults with epilepsy, some showing positive results. But what has generated the renewed interest and excitement are the anecdotal reports that some children with otherwise untreatable severe epilepsies respond well toCBD extracts and oils.” Since the NIDA report, CBD-based medication Epidiolex has gone through clinical trials and been approved by the FDA for pediatric epilepsy. The report concluded that when it comes to CBDs, “Much more research needs to be done, but it should be done quickly… Besides the trials of Epidiolex, there are already many studies of CBD for other disorders being conducted, including at NIH (National Institutes for Health.). Studies related to its possible use in the treatment of substance use disorders are being funded by NIDA, while other NIH Institutes are funding work on the potential of CBD and other cannabinoids in treating neurological and psychiatric disorders, disorders of the immune system and metabolism and cancer.” “In short,CBDappears to be a safe drug with no addictive effects claimed so far, and the preliminary data suggest that it may have therapeutic value for a number of medical conditions. Addressing barriers that slow clinical research with CBD would accelerate progress. NIDA will do what we can to address such barriers and expedite the study of this potentially valuable compound, as well as other components of the marijuana plant.” Resouces:Forbes more

By CBD Remedies May 30, 2019

A Holistic Approach to Attention Deficit Disorder

What is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?   ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, are one in the same. There are actually six types of ADD according to Dr. Amen of Amen Clinics. ADD can be caused by a deficiency of adrenaline. Adrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. These small glands produce countless neurotransmitters and hormones, and control the autonomic nervous system.   A deficiency of adrenaline would indicate weakened adrenal glands. This weakening can occur due to excessive stress, chemicals, drugs, acid build-up within the body, or hormone ingestion or exposure. When the body is given something, such as a hormone that it naturally produces, the body will eventually slow production or stop production all together.   The most unknown source of adrenaline that is consumed on a daily basis is in the consumption of meat products. In a slaughterhouse setting, the animal can sense danger and smell death. The animals, like humans, go into a state of "fight or flight". During this state, the body releases adrenaline. After the animal is killed the adrenal remains in its flesh and is then consumed.   An acidic diet is also a major contributing factor. Acids are corrosive, irritating to the nervous system, inflammatory promoting, and damage cells. The glands and organs become damaged by acidic waste that is not being removed efficiently. This waste begins to affect cell health and function.   Heavy metals, drugs, food additives and specific foods could all be possible culprits. All of these things are harmful to the nervous system and can cause or acerbate symptoms. These substances can create an environment within the body that is conducive to irritation and inflammation of the nervous system, creating ADD like symptoms.   Possible Symptoms   - Frequently late, takes them longer than predicted to do projects   - Have a haphazard approach to projects   - Doesn't always learn easily   - Blurts things without thinking   - Not always truthful   - Having difficultly do boring things   - Can't always sit still for long periods of time   Treatment   The treatment commonly used to address ADD is a widespread use of stimulants such as Ritalin. The goal is to correct the behavior, however stimulants subdue behavior by impairing mental function and they often cause the very problem that they are administered to correct.   Effects of ADD Medication   Stimulants have a very powerful effect on the functioning of the brain and can lead to addictions and abuse. In most children these drugs cause a rebound reaction, causing a worsening of behavioral symptoms a few hours later after the last dosage. With larger dosages and prolonged use, they can lead to severe withdrawal reactions such as crashing and symptoms such as extreme fatigue, depression, and even suicidal feelings.   Stimulants can over stimulate the brain causing personality changes, insomnia, agitation, irritability, and nervousness; confusion and disorientation, apathy, social isolation, sadness, seizures, and very commonly severe depression. Stimulants can also cause paranoia involving fearful and even violent feelings towards others. In addition, stimulants can also create emotional disturbances and mania.   Causes and Contributing Factors   Processed Sugar - Children with ADD have weakened adrenal glands. One of the many responsibilities of the adrenals include sugar metabolism. When there is an excess sugar intake, sugar metabolism is hindered and there is an excess of sugar within the blood, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Our bodies use carbon as fuel, carbon is simply sugar. When processed sugars are ingested, there is an excess of fuel that can create ADD type behavior.   Excitotoxins - Excitotoxins are isolated amino acids that over-stimulate brain cells to death. The most common excitotoxins are MSG (mono-sodium glutamate) and Aspartame. These chemicals are found in almost all processed foods and even some health foods. Theses additive are often listed under different names on the food label   Neurotoxins - The adrenal glands are in control of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system controls all involuntary actions of the body including breathing, heart contractions, and the contractions of the digestive tract that move food through the body. A neurotoxin is a compound that poisons the nervous system. These chemicals are often found lying around a person's home in products such as laundry detergent, air fresheners, perfumes, etc.   Excessive Television, Video Games, and Computer Usage - Digital dementia is a new diagnostic term used among the medical community caused by the excessive usage of electronics for anything other than work. Video games and television also tend to be excessively violent; this exposure stimulates the weakened adrenal glands temporarily making the person feel better but further weakening the adrenal glands in the long-term due to over-stimulation.   Yelling or Scalding - Yelling or scalding a child creates the same reaction within the body as violent or scary video-games or movies. Yelling at a child or adult with ADD creates the same stimulating adrenal affect within the body as frightening movies. The adrenals are over stimulated, creating a false sense of well-being. This may cause a child to act out more in order to stimulate the adrenals to release hormones for that temporary feeling. Some adults may even display conflict seeking behavior and intentionally start fights and arguments seeking the same physiological response.   Holistic Approach   The first step to addressing any issue within the body is to stop treating the symptoms and begin addressing the cause or causes. When the cause is removed, only then can the body begin to heal and regenerate itself. Every person is dealing with different causes including genetic and glandular weaknesses and different states of health. Some may see improvement immediately with minor changes, while others may require complete lifestyle changes.   All illnesses and abnormalities within the body are due to inappropriate behavior of the cell that is subject to the environment of the internal fluids that are dependent on the functions of the nutritive and elimination processes. Once the body is brought back into balance, it is only then the body is capably of healing itself more

By Intuitive Health & Nutrition Consulting April 27, 2015

The Danger of Disease Suppression

The Anatomy of Disease Many have been taught that disease is something that happens by chance and that there is no rhyme or reason for a person falling ill. In the case of cancer, many believe that it is no different from a person being involved in a car accident… just a case of bad luck. Cold and flu-like symptoms are blamed on the infamous virus that could take our life at any moment. Our society is driven and controlled by fear in regards to health and the inner workings of the human body. We have been taught that our bodies are defenseless and need toxic drugs to act on its behalf to protect it from unknown microbes in the world that may harm us.Yet, nature has and will always take care of itself, and that includes the human body. The body is a self-preserving, self-healing, magnificent organism.  Disease does not happen to the body, the body produces them in an attempt to cleanse itself of toxic waste. During metabolism cells are broken down and rebuilt, cells also produce their own waste from daily functions; both of these actions produce what is called, cellular waste that makes up most of the body’s toxic load. There are also toxicities that are brought into our bodies from the outside world by what we eat, drink, breathe, and put on our skin. So what does this have to do with disease? The waste that is produced within the body and the waste that is brought into the body are acidic in nature; acids are corrosive and destructive. These acids must be eliminated from the body and when they are not eliminated efficiently, the body produces symptoms in an attempt to increase elimination. Examining common symptoms, it is easy to see what the body is attempting to accomplish. Fever is the body’s way of eliminating waste through the skin. A runny nose and cough are elimination through the nose and respiratory system. Diarrhea is elimination through the bowels. Even some tumors have been said to be the result of the body attempting to isolate toxins to keep them away from healthy cells.   What is Suppression? Suppression of symptoms is anything that stops these elimination or purging acts of the body. Suppression of disease is not only found in the medical community but can also be seen in the natural health community as well. This includes the improper use of herbs, natural supplements, and anything else that suppresses these symptoms instead of assisting the body in elimination.   Why Does Suppression Eliminate Symptoms? When the body begins to exhibit signs of elimination, the first thing that one should do is eliminate as many things that are contributing to their toxic load. This is not what the normal person does. If someone loses their appetite, we force feed them. If they are running a temperature, we give them medications and feed them chemical laden chicken soup. These things work because they add to the person’s toxic load and stop the body’s natural detoxification process. The body uses energy to produce symptoms and that is why a person that is sick is often tired. When new toxins are added to the body, they body’s energy is weakened and symptoms subside until the body is ready to attempt to purge itself once again.   Effects of Disease Suppression The general effects of disease suppression according to Dr. Herbert Shelton are: 1. To lengthen the course and severity of the disease and build complications. 2. To lock up the poisons in the system and these, with the drug poisons added, produce chronic disease. 3. To kill the patient Suppression of disease is the suppression of the body’s healing efforts. When the body’s healing efforts are suppressed, toxicity in the body builds. This is no different from a water pipe that begins to crack due to excessive water pressure. Suppression would be putting a band-aid over the crack. Without stopping the water that is causing the cracking, the crack is unable to be fixed and will only continue to the point of no return. Suppression of symptoms stops detoxification, poisons the body, increases the toxic load, and weakens and damages cells. When cells become weakened, they begin to malfunction. In a toxic body as such, cells begin to die faster than they can be replaced, and they cells that are replaced are replaced with weaker cells. This all leads to degenerative disease and finally death. What you suppress today may very well be your death tomorrow. more

By Intuitive Health & Nutrition Consulting April 24, 2015

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