Top Property Management Companies in Shrewsbury, MA 01545

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Central Mass Property Management


By patriots1088 at Citysearch

I lived in a property managed by this goon for over two years. Every week it seemed another annoying little letter was being sent out, and the joke of it all is that when I told him I wanted to talk about a couple issues in person - completely professional, in a non-threatening tone - he wouldn't have it. He said he'd ""send me away"" if I showed up at his office. This is clearly the archetype of your typical passive-aggressive bully; he sits at his little control pod in stodgy little Shrewsbury, MA off route 9, and writes his rantings for his ""girls"", as he calls them, to go deliver to everyone. He doesn't engage residents over the phone. I found it much more helpful to deal with one of his ""girls"" than with Mr. Monahan. He's a rude, obnoxious, self-righteous little man with an ego the size of Texas (and likely nothing in his personal physique that quite, ahem, matches up). (Digression): The best part was that when I was moving out, the condo association president of my building - who would GLARE at girls in the parking lot, the disgusting little guy - threw away a box as I was apporaching the dumpter for my last round of trash before moving. I happened to peek into the dumpster and, voila, big box of play boys and hustler mags was spilled out on the bottom of the dumpster for all to see. this is the kind of man that, to me, seemed perfectly at home doing business with a slug like Monahan. (End of disgression). Anyway, stay away from properties managed by this ""winner"". NOT recommended! more

Central Mass Property Management


By worcesterrez at Citysearch

I agree wholeheartedly with the other reviewer. Paul Monahan of Monahan Property Management is rude, obnoxious, and much worse than a short reiview can do justice. He creates a horrible experience for those that reside in properties that he manages. He charges exhorbitant fees which are completely out of line and much more than other property management companies in the area. He seems adverse to doing anything for the residents or the property if it involves any expense at all. He regularly sends out letters to owners and occupants with a threatening tone that show absolutely no respect to either. Paul Monahan regularly intrudes on our lives through these letters and occasional voice mails. He and his trustees should let people live their lives and stop interfering when it is clearly not called for. His letters will sometimes speak about being a good neighbor, but he is the worst neighbor and biggest nuisance of all! It is hard to feel at home in your own home when at any time this poor excuse for a human can interfere in your life for just about any reason. Residents and owners can attest to the poor job he does with the property and especially with his treatment of people! I have never heard a kind thing said about the man, and have heard complaints about him many times from my neighbors over the years. This man doesn't deserve to have a job interacting with people on any level. It's time we found new management! more

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