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La Porte Dentist | 6 Tips for Preventing Tooth Decay in Children

Dentist Near Me Oral health is important at every stage in life. Just because your children are going to lose their primary (baby) teeth eventually doesn’t mean that we can ignore the importance of dental care. Tooth decay can be painful and uncomfortable to treat. To protect your child’s smile, it is vital to understand optimal preventive care. 1.     Explain the important of routine dental care to your children and turn brushing and flossing into something fun that they look forward to each day. 2.     Schedule routine appointments to our office for cleanings and dental exams. Your child should start seeing a dentist as soon as their first tooth emerges. Make sure to continue visiting us twice a year for optimal oral health. 3.     Include crisp and fibrous foods into your child’s diet. Fruits and vegetables high in water content help keep your child’s mouth hydrated. Foods such as apples increase saliva which inhibit bacteria from sticking to their teeth. 4.     Avoid food and drinks that are high in sugar. Soda, juice and candy are all treats that most children love to eat. However, these can be detrimental to your child’s teeth and overall health. 5.     Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent tooth decay. Water flushes bacteria and acid away from teeth. Encourage your children to drink water especially after eating. 6.     Ask us about dental sealants for your children. Sealants can add a layer of protection to your child’s teeth where bacteria build up to prevent damage. Tooth decay starts out as a small problem, but left untreated can lead to serious oral health issues. By adding a few minor habits into your daily routine, your child’s oral health can change for the better. Simple changes in diet and routine can keep cavities at bay. Call us today to schedule an appointment for your child.   Apex Dental of La Porte 1011 Michigan Avenue, LaPorte, IN 46350. (219) 369-6882 more

By Apex Dental October 02, 2018

Dentist 46350 | 4 Ways to Make Oral Hygiene Fun

Dentist Near Me It can be difficult to get your child to practice proper oral care unsupervised. However, the long-term benefits of an early start to optimal oral hygiene are worth the effort. Below are some tips to help you make oral health a fun part of your child’s daily routine. 1. Brush with a Buddy. Your child will be much more excited to floss and brush their teeth if it’s a family activity. Brush your teeth with your child, or if they have siblings, have the kids brush together. This will help make the time more fun and help your child to subconsciously accept oral hygiene as a normal part of a daily routine. 2. Choose the Right Supplies. Let you child pick out their own toothbrush. This will help them feel like they have a say in their oral care routine. 3. Reward Good Behavior. A little incentive can go a long way. When trying to get your child to floss and brush on their own, it might be helpful to implement a simple reward system. For example, your child could track their own brushing on a calendar and trade it in for a small gift or prize after a month of twice daily brushing. 4. Educate to Empower. It’s important that your child understands why practicing good oral hygiene is so important. Use this as an opportunity to teach them about the dangers associated with poor oral health. There are a lot of strategies you can use to make brushing a fun part of your child’s day, rather than a chore. You know your child better than anyone, so don’t be afraid to come up with some additional techniques that will work better for them! Regular professional dental cleanings are an essential part of any good oral hygiene routine, so contact our dental team to schedule your child’s next appointment today. Apex Dental of La Porte 1011 Michigan Avenue, LaPorte, IN 46350 (219) 369-6882 more

By Apex Dental July 18, 2018

La Porte Dentist | Do I Really Need an Exam?

Dentist Near Me It's highly likely that after visiting our practice, you understand the value of a thorough, professional dental cleaning. It's also likely that you may not fully understand the importance of a complete exam and radiographs.    There are many reasons the exam is an important part of your oral health routine.    1. Exams allow the doctor to evaluate for signs of health conditions. Many health conditions present early signs and symptoms in the mouth, including: Crohn's, Addison's, Leukemia, Diabetes, Lupus, Anemia and many others. Skipping an exam could prevent your dentist from screening for oral manifestations of systemic disease.    2. According to research, one American dies every hour from oral cancer. A thorough complete examination can catch early signs of oral cancer, allowing for early treatment, which can be key to survival.    3. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and is related to serious systemic health conditions such as heart disease and stroke, among many others. Evaluating your soft tissue and bone health allows our team to identify early signs of periodontal disease, which can allow for prevention and early treatment. This is vital for your oral and overall health.    4. Radiographs provide valuable insight. Decay and other oral health issues are often hidden from the human eye. Radiographs (X-Rays) allow us to find what we could not otherwise see, allowing for early treatment and less invasive solutions.    Whether it has been 6 months or 6 years since your last appointment, please do not hesitate tocontact us. We're here for you and your heath and comfort are our main concerns. 1011 Michigan Avenue La Porte, Indiana 46350 Contact Information Phone: (219) 369-6882 more

By Apex Dental June 06, 2018

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