Top Insurance Companies in Kankakee, IL

Osterhoff Fence is a fence sale, installation, and repair company serving the Kankakee, IL area. We sell and install only the highest-quality fences, as well as split rail and chain link fences. We...Read More…
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What Accidental Death and Dismemberment Does for You

A life insurance policy is a valuable gift you provide to your family. It allows you to leave a lasting benefit to your heirs after you've passed away and with the death benefit proceeds your family can pay off debt, attend college, realize retirement savings goals and replace your income, allowing them to maintain the same lifestyle they enjoyed while you were alive. It may seem that with all of those benefits, an additional death benefit payable upon accidental death is unnecessary. However, an accidental death benefit can be extremely useful to your family in more ways than one. Additional Benefit after Increased Debt Throughout the course of your life, you will likely take on debt. After you buy the house, the car, the appliances and the expensive vacation, you may take out a Kankakee life insurance policy with a death benefit suitable for paying off these existing debts. What will you do if you create other debts over the subsequent years? Or, if it takes you longer than you thought to pay off the original debts? If you don't increase your death benefit immediately upon increasing your debt, your family is at risk. An insufficient life insurance death benefit will prevent them from being able to settle all debts after your death. It will reduce the effectiveness of your overall legacy and will limit the power of the funds received. When adding an accidental death benefit rider or policy to your insurance portfolio, you ensure that your family will receive an additional amount of death benefit when your death occurs after an accident. This can supplement your existing life insurance policy and pick up the slack from any additional debt you've taken on but not yet compensated for in your existing death benefit. Other Injuries and Liabilities It's impossible to know what may cause an accidental death, that’s why it’s an accident. In addition, you can’t know if the accident will injure other individuals present, or how it could adversely affect your home, your vehicle and other property. An accidental death benefit supplements the proceeds your survivors receive after an accidental death. It allows them more funding with which to pay for the any additional fallout that may result from the accident that causes your death. Accidental death insurance benefits can help your beneficiaries pay for liabilities incurred in the accident and/or property damage, and can also provide necessary funds for medical treatment of any other injured family members. Benefits for Dismemberment Some accidental death riders and policies include benefits for dismemberment. With this benefit, an individual who experiences the loss of one or more limbs, their sight or their hearing may have access to a portion of their life insurance death benefit as a result of the dismemberment. This can help the individual adjust to life after the dismemberment. It can provide access to much-needed funds in order to complete home improvements that enable them to function normally in spite of their dismemberment; it can allow for modifications to a vehicle to accommodate their new physical state; and it can help them and their family gets any necessary counseling to help deal with the sudden change of physical capabilities. Accidental death benefits are easy to add to your portfolio and, best of all, they are affordable. If you are ready to give your family the added layer of protection and resources that accidental death and dismemberment benefits can provide, give HomeStar Insurance Services a call 815-468-8763. more

By Homestar Insurance Services December 04, 2013

Dangerous Sports: What Does Your Health Insurance Cover?

The Affordable Care Act will ensure that no one can be refused medical insurance on the grounds of a pre-existing condition. While that could make insurance easier to come by for millions of Americans, those who regularly participate in dangerous sports and activities could still be refused coverage, face exorbitant premiums or have their claims refused. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question, as different providers will have different exclusions detailed in their respective contracts.What Is a Dangerous Sport?Again, the definition of a dangerous sport or activity is dependent on the insurance provider. It may be that a particular policy excludes certain named activities from coverage, so it is vital that you study the small print of a contract before signing up for coverage. A dangerous sport could be anything that puts you at a heightened risk of injury than would normally be the case, but this is a subjective point of view.Scuba diving at a depth of more than 150 feet, for example, is usually considered a dangerous activity, as it accounts for around 150 deaths in America every year. Hang gliding, mountain climbing and sky diving are also usually considered dangerous by insurance providers, and participating in these activities will probably inflate your insurance premiums significantly.Be careful during the application process, as failing to declare regular participation in these activities could invalidate your claim in the event that hospital treatment is required after an accident. Some providers will insist on a far higher deductible as a condition of coverage for dangerous sports, but that is the price you have to pay for exposing yourself to danger on a regular basis.Does Travel Insurance Cover Dangerous Sports While Abroad?Some sports, including sky diving, base jumping and mountain climbing take participants to some of the most stunning locations in the world. However, the majority of travel insurance policies will have specific exemptions from coverage, and injuries resulting from dangerous activities are usually included in those exemptions. This could leave you without cover for medical treatment, and if you̢۪re in a country with a substandard state healthcare service, you run the risk of jeopardizing your recovery. Fortunately, there are some insurance policies and specialist providers that will offer coverage for named activities abroad that are considered to be dangerous. While they can be expensive, they will cover the cost of medical treatment in most cases.If the dangerous activities you are taking part in are part of your job, there is a chance that you will have professional coverage, but you should seek clarification before taking it for granted. Insurance policies are highly complex legal agreements that usually have several exemptions, so it is important to get professional advice and guidance.If you regularly take part in dangerous sports or activities and need advice or clarification onKankakee health insuranceissues, callHomeStar Insurance Servicesat815-468-8763, and one of our experienced agents will be happy to guide you in the right direction. more

By Homestar Insurance Services August 28, 2013

The Top 5 Causes of Car Accidents and How They Affect Insurance

The simple truth is that, in most cases, car accidents are usually caused by carelessness or negligence. The word "accident" is often used to describe any collision on the road, yet true accidents are relatively rare. The majority of auto collisions occur as a result of only five factors.Equipment FailureThere are a number of design specifications and standards that manufacturers must adhere to by law when producing cars. Many years of tests and accident investigations lead to these standards being formulated, but it is inevitable that mechanical parts will fail from time to time. Making sure your vehicle is well-maintained and serviced at all times can reduce your risk of getting into an accident. According to, only around five percent of all accidents occur as a result of mechanical failure; it is believed that many of those accidents could be prevented with regular safety checks. Particular attention to brakes and tires is essential, as accidents caused by defects to these vital parts could invalidate yourKankakee auto insurancecoverage.   Road DesignIt is common for drivers to blame factors such as roadway surfaces, traffic control devices and hazard visibility for the accidents they have caused. Government and private contractors spend millions of dollars ensuring that public roads are as safe as possible, but it is impossible to catch every hazard before it causes a problem. While the condition of a road can be blamed for a small number of accidents, the driver's failure to adapt to the conditions is usually the underlying cause of a collision. If you're driving on unfamiliar roads, take your time and remove all unnecessary distractions.Poor Road MaintenanceIncessant heat, moisture and wind attack road surfaces over time, and they can become worn, uneven and unsafe. Debris, faded traffic signs and potholes are just some of the hazards that can lead to auto accidents. However, altering your driving style accordingly should enable you to avoid an unnecessary collision. Bad WeatherInclement weather, particularly ice and heavy rain, can create extremely slippery road surfaces. Braking distances are drastically increased in such conditions, so giving yourself space and extra time to react should keep you out of harm's way.  And remember: no tailgating!Driver BehaviorDriver behavior accounts for the vast majority of accidents on the roads in America. In fact, if you can modify your own driving style to meet ever-changing conditions, you could greatly reduce the risk of an accident due to bad weather, poor road maintenance, road design or equipment failure.Driver behavior is the key to lower insurance premiums, and that is why most insurance providers provide substantial discounts and no-claims bonuses to drivers with a proven track record of safety.  Drivers who don't have accidents rarely claim against their insurance policy, and that means they can take advantage of greatly reduced premiums. If you want more information on auto accidents and how they can affect your insurance premiums, callHomeStar Insurance Servicestoday on815-468-8763.  One of our specialist advisers is waiting to take your call. more

By Homestar Insurance Services July 22, 2013

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