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Mommy Tyme Bath Products


By Chrysalis Designs

Fabulous, one of a kind gifts! quality handmade items made from quality materials and ingredients. Wonderful service Too! more

Mommy Tyme Bath Products


By Braggin' Rights Bath

Have used this merchant's bath products, I must say that I am impressed with the quality! more

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Mommy goes overboard in Marketing!

In my attempt to market my products and advertise my items, I started spending endless hours scouring the web, free website submission services, joining social networks, etc. What has now happened is I have joined so many groups and signed up for hundreds of free web surfing sites that I actually spend about 2 ½ hours each morning just trying to catch up with my obligations to the groups I have joined. I then found Twitter. Wow! I thought this is a fantastic opportunity to advertise my items and my sales to thousands of people. That, of course, led to face book, my space and more….   So, what I have run into is about 240 emails each morning when I wake up that need answered. After that I have to check all of my stores (which I also went overboard on, and opened one in several marketplaces), then my pay pal account, and finally, as time allows, I get the chance to update my own website, blog, and add items to my store. This is crazy! I have put myself out there in so many places that I am spending more time on the web then I am on creating the projects I love.   So, this week I have decided to review, reduce, and downsize my outlets and marketing attempts. The reality is, that when you spread yourself so thin, the work you are doing is quantity and not quality. Just putting a badge or banner up on a social network page and showing a few pictures, really isn't what social networking is about. The idea behind the social networking groups is to show yourself to others, make friends (thus the word social), learn new techniques, ideas, share thoughts and more. Your social networks should not just be networks that you think you can sell yourself at, or that you think you can market from. Social networks are not designed for that purpose unless that is in the name and description of the network. Rather, the social network is designed to meet new people, make friends, and find similar interests with others that you can share. Somehow I have missed some great friendship opportunities on these networks because I am so busy trying to catch up with every network.   Another mistake is joining several free web submission services that require you earn credits by surfing pages. Joining one or two of these sites is truthfully all one person can handle if they only have 1-2 hours on the internet a day. If you are not familiar with these programs, the idea is that you surf and review other's people's web sites. You earn credits for each site reviewed. You can then spend these credits by having your website posted for others to review in the same program. This does bring traffic to your site; however, it is not the right traffic. That is the key. You want traffic to your site and stores of people who are interested in purchasing or shopping for your line of items. That is the mistake so many of us make. We think that the odds are in our favor if we get enough individuals browsing our sites, but reality is these individuals are viewing your sites for the same reason you are viewing theirs. Not because you are interested, but because you need credits. So, if you agree to these programs, make sure the program is one which allows you to choose your interests for the sites you will be viewing, and that allows you to plug your site into certain categories that a viewer can choose to look at. So, you would not want to list your site under web development if you are selling jewelry. Otherwise the people who are searching web development may look at your site, but they are not interested.   The same concept applies to your twitter messages. You don't want just any followers, you want the right followers. The same applies when you are searching twitter for people to follow. If you are interested in free web submission, and you type that in, that is what you will get. You can follow these individuals, but it may lead to you getting followers who are interested in free web submission services- not the true items you are marketing. So, at least once or twice a week you should look for twitter's that has key words relative to your items. Examples would be, "shop for jewelry", "green gem stones", etc. Or if you have bath and body products, "lotions on sale", "buy handmade soap", etc. Once you find the twitter's with these key phrases, follow them. Even if they are a seller, too, you may gain some of their followers by the follow list posted to the side. Make sure you tweet some general interest items once in a while, too. People want to get to know the seller, and short brief phrases allow some insight into your personality.   So, learning from my mistakes the past few months, my agenda is now to downsize some of my outlets. I am going to review all the social networks I belong to and reduce my participation to those that I really enjoy, those that I have made friends on, and those that have similar interests to my own. I have listed a few great sites below, and hope if you have time you will check them out! Second, I am going to withdraw my site surfing programs to only two. The two that I choose will allow the viewer to choose categories of sites they want to view, and categories for which they can list their own sites. Finally, I am going to review my twitter follow list and reduce to those that I actually want to read and follow. Hopefully, this will free up at least half of the time I currently spend on the internet and allow me to get back to Creating! I haven't been in the kitchen for a week to make a batch of lotion, soap, or melts. I have barely picked up my crochet hook! Without my time for those interests, I feel empty and lost.   I hope this helps someone else out there who find themselves being sucked into a variety of outlets, and unsure which ones to let go and which ones to pursue. There are only so many hours in the day, and the majority of those hours should be spent doing what you love. If you love marketing on the web, then you are fine, but if you love creating with your hands, you may want to consider downsizing. more

By Mommy Tyme Bath Products July 10, 2009

Contest, Drawing, free prizes, free patterns...

Here is a fantastic opportunity to try Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts Products, For Free!From Now until July 29th, visit the Mommy Tyme website, sign the guestbook, and leave a comment on what you like, don't like, would like to see more of, etc. about the site. You are then automatically entered into a drawing to win a basket of Mommy Tyme products! Easy? Well, then get busy, visit the site, browse, tell me what we need to do to make it more interesting, more fun, and something you would come back to again and again! That is all you have to do!Visit www.mommytyme.orgor clickHERE Posted byMommyn Tyme Bath and Gift Productsat0 commentsLinks to this postLabels:accessories,bar soap,bath,beaded,beaded bracelet,beaded necklace,bracelets,bubble bath,comment,drawing,free patterns,how to,jewelry,necklacesReactions:  Saturday, June 6, 2009 Crochet Wire Beaded Bracelet Pattern - Free!Here is a simple and easy to use pattern for making bracelets.You can use any kind of bead, button, or even leave it plain for a really unique look.You can take this basic pattern and create it into your own work by changing a stitch or two, embellishment, length, clasp, etc.There is a lot of room to experiment with this one.The only catch is it is a crochet bracelet with wire, so you need to have basic crochet stitch skills.You will need:Spool of 30 gauge wire (you can get this at any craft store, but sometimes it is much cheaper in the floral design section)About 50 beads (any size- you create the pattern)Size 6.5 MM crochet hook or smaller (the larger the hook, the easier to work with- so for your first few trials you may want to use the 6.5)To start:1.Do not cut the wire.Youwork with the wire as it is still strung on the spool.Load your beads onto the wire in your pattern of choice.Best to use 2-3 medium size beads, followed by a single large, or several small seed beads, then 2-3 medium beads, followed by a single large or several small seed beads (keep repeating).2.Make a slip knot leaving about 3" tail of wire hanging.Slide crochet hook through the knot and make one chain stitch.Pull tight.Make chain stitches (do not pull tight, but try to keep even) until work is approximately 2" longer than fits around wrist.3.Chain 1, turn.SC first ch.Slide 2-3 beads up close to hook, then sc.*Slide a few beads up close to hook, then sc next stitch* Repeat until you reach the end of your work.4.Ch. Turn. Slip Stitch full length of work (not adding beads).5.Ch 1, Turn.SC in the front loops of the first slip stitch. * Slide 2-3 beads up close to hook, then sc in front loopof the next slip stitch * Repeat until you reach the end.6.Cut wire approximately 4" length from your last stitch.Weave this tail into the end of your work on the short side; pull it out into the center of the short side of the bracelet.Twist this wire till taught.Attach a toggle to this reinforced piece of wire.7.Cut a second piece of wire about 4" in length and weave through the opposite short side of bracelet for the clasp.Weave through and pull out at center of short side, twist to reinforce, then attach clasp for the toggle.Make sure you wrap the wire through the clasp hole several times, followed by wrapping up and down the stem of the wire.(See photos).You are finished.You can design and add any type of embellishments or beads to this basic bracelet beading pattern.To see more patterns, recipes, craft ideas, etc. Visit the Mommy Tyme web site:www.mommytyme.orgPosted byMommyn Tyme Bath and Gift Productsat0 commentsLinks to this postLabels:beaded bracelet,beaded patterns,bracelet,bracelet patterns,crochet,how to,pattern,wireReactions:  Friday, June 5, 2009 Check out the new Web site Please take some time today and check out the Mommy Tyme website- Brand New and Listed Today!Lots of information, discussions, questions, links, link up to the marketplaces and shop right from the site....I created this web site for Mommy's... Tell me what you want on there, and that is what I will post...Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and browse for ways to de-stress and simplify your life. Find patterns, products, advice and more...Sign in at the guestbook and tell me what types of information you would like to see posted in the future.Updated weekly!http://www.mommytyme.orgRemember- The new product contest is still open! Send your entries to Posted byMommyn Tyme Bath and Gift Productsat0 commentsLinks to this postLabels:advice,bar soap,bath,crafts,discussions,forums,jewelry,marketplaces,Mommy Tyme,new products,new site,questions,shop,shopping,vendors,venues,web site Reactions: more

By Mommy Tyme Bath Products June 09, 2009

What we have to offer...

Mommy Tyme Natural Bath Products and Relaxation Products is an online web store with a lot to offer.  We have handmade custom blended bath products which utilize essential oils to help you relax and unwind.  We also have great skin care products with natural ingredients to address your individual needs.  At the web store you will also find candles with unique custom scents, fragrances and perfumes created with unique blends and are one of a kind, lotions, bath teas, etc.  Along with this you will find a wide selection of used books to help you wind down after the busy stress of our daily lives.  Please don't forget to check out the specialty bath bars such as the PMS bar, serentity bar, and "Oh my Aching Back" bar.  We utilize essential oils known to address specific needs such as cramps, back pain, sore muscles, etc.  You will find a wide variety of products here.  Click on the store icon from the web site and go directly to shopping.  Please note, all of your information remains confidential once you register at the site.  If you have any concerns about this, you can email me directly to purchase items at  I will send you an order form.  My site uses Pay Pal which is a well respected and secure financial transaction company.  Pay Pal is used for ebay and Etsy, they have great customer service and secure network. This alleviates any concern with my site's security.  However, you are welcome to use check or money order if you prefer.  Please visit and see what we have to offer.  Everything is handmade and customized.  You get unique products. more

By Mommy Tyme Bath Products April 10, 2009

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