Blogs from Organization Services in Atlanta, GA

Strategies to Improve the ROI on Your Enterprise Application

Each and every business who invest in enterprise mobility solutions want to know How can enterprisemobile appsincrease ROI? This is the main concern for the business.  Mobile apps play a very vital role in the growth of your business and this is known to every business of all sizes. Now there is a need to understand how exactly the ROI for enterprise mobility solutions is calculated and how these mobile apps can Increase the ROI of your Business. The Present State of Enterprise App Like the world, the business domain is also going mobile with the many perks that Enterprise mobility offers, the present situation is that there are a number of companies that are finding themselves getting behind their competition in the absence of anenterprise application. There is a need for introducing technology and mobility to the workforce is something that is contributing to shaping the enterprise mobility market to a phase of constant growth.  1. Enterprise Apps Increases Productivity A survey held by Adobe found that more than 51% of the respondents felt that the biggest advantage of enterprise applications is the scope of high productivity that it brings. And 47% of people felt that not having an enterprise application can make companies lose out potential sales or new clients. 2. They Drive Growth and Revenue It has been estimated that the enterprise market is going to get in $240 billion revenue when we reach 2020, is something that is modifying the market.   They are meant to solve the time restrictions that are bought by jobs, employees and the teams, a lot of time spent for the sake of research and company growth.    3. The Usage is Continuously Growing High usage an adoption of enterprise mobility solutions in business across industries are being brought by the benefit that is being brought by apps.  It has been cleared, ho the enterprise app market is forming, now its time to talk about what are the features of a good enterprise application, and the time to talk about the various ways enterprise apps’ ROI can be measured, and the ways you can increase the number. But before we make a strategy of increasing the ROI of an enterprise app, there is a need to understand what is important for high ROI worthy enterprise application.  Features of an Efficient Enterprise App As the software does promise of smooth functioning but instead of this, there should be more that should go behind an enterprise app that could be considered as efficient.  Let us look at what those features are: 1. Scalability Scalability is one of the main features that should be taken into consideration while talking about the enterprise app. The enterprise mobility offering that you give should grow as your business grows and even reduce if the team size gets small.   2. Real-Time Access Real-time access is considered to be one of the main reasons to bring enterprise on mobile. This whole idea was generated in order to make it possible for the teams to view, download, upload, and share information in real-time. 3. Security There is a need for an enterprise app to function around multiple sensitive data and information on the basis of every time and this will require them to be 100% hack proof with minimal to zero scopes of security breaches. 4. Heavy Integration An enterprise app should avoid working as an individual silo. There is a need for proper linking with emails, social media, native call functionality, payment modules, etc. In fact, syncing it to other devices can be of great help to – an event which has made wearables an important part of the enterprise application development services. There is only paper integration which can ensure the performance of the app.  5. Instant Conversation Let’s focus on the last big feature of a successful enterprise application which is the ease of instant, real-time conversation. Your stakeholders should be given the ease to have real-time conversations with everyone else using the application.  After meeting the various good features of enterprisemobile application developmentand play a contributory role in defining the ROI of an enterprise application, it’s time to focus at the last thing to know before we look into the ways to increase the return on investment that you are able to garner – How to know the ROI that you are getting on today’s date. How to Estimate the ROI of Your Enterprise App – Insight from Appinventiv, a Leading Enterprise Software Development Company Here is the time when we are going to share a process that follows to help our business mobile app development clients know what their apps’ ROI. The ideas to measure ROI for your enterprise apps revolves around a three-step process. The next stage is to measure the output the enterprise app was able to deliver. And the way to do that is through enlisting KPIs.    Here are some of the KPIs that can be used to measure the effectiveness: Sales number Amount of paperwork Response time of field technicians Production Cost Once you have the before and after numbers against these and other KPIs, the time of the last stage comes. The last stage of measuring Enterprise mobile apps’ ROI is Calculating the ROI. Doing that will require you to weigh the outcome against the investment made in developing the enterprise application.  Source: more

By Graymen Technologies July 29, 2019

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By WhereTo GA® July 28, 2019

How Much Does Mobile App Development Cost?

This the most important question for everyone that, how much doesMobile App Developmentcost? There are various kinds of mobile apps whether it is ordering food booking a flight, chatting with your friends or reserving a cab, the one thing that comes to mind is your smartphone. The Business Model Business and revenue generation plan is the main journey of developing an app for your business. This is basically the core step which should be taken while starting the journey of the business. The revenue or business model is the biggest driving force behind the cost of developing the app. Let’s have a look at a few points to consider: The platform preferred by your target customers The product you are trying to sell The devices that need to be integrated to make the app responsive Free App or Paid In-app Purchases The role of visual design in the app’s interface The advertisements – third party or of your own product Where are your customers? In order to start or boom your business, first of all, you need to understand your customer properly. Always focus on the key features what actually the requirements of your customers. mobile app development company The crux is that what kind of problem is here which is being solved by you? The answer to the question helps determine the target audience or as Gary Halbert puts it, your “starving crowd”. Even if we talk about the biggest of startups, they have made mistakes on similar lines when it is considered how to make an app.  Snapdeal, for instance, failed to win the trust of its customers as it had compromised quality over quantity. It also failed in the electronics markets, especially since Amazon and Flipkart gained huge market traction by inking exclusive smartphone launches Paid apps, free apps or e-commerce? E-commerce is the marketplace revenue model based mostly selling their own products or earning commissions from sellers listed on the app. Paid app with the help of downloading, makes upfront money. So, do consider the cost to cost implications of this. Free apps could be downloaded free of cost from the app store but have a different revenue generation model. Now, how does a free app make money? Orbest app developers Here are a few: Free apps are a great way to expand your existing customer base or build a user base that you can later sell to. These apps also initiate a trust-based relationship between you and your customer helping build up the value of an existing product. Direct revenue can be generated from advertising and affiliate marketing In-app purchases are also a direct revenue generation, especially for addictive games. Types of Applications 1.  Web Application: It has been considered as well as surveyed that over 80% of smartphone users prefer apps over mobile websites. Web apps are your websites optimized for mobile phone users. 2.  Native Application: A native application is a kind of mobile app which is being developed for a particular operating system, for instance, Android or IOS and this you can download from the Apple store or Google play store.  Native apps are more complex but provide unmatched user experience, for how to develop an app.  They are required to develop separately for Android and IOS platforms as well as are required to be approved to be listed.  3.  Hybrid Application: A relative simpler app to develop, a hybrid app functions on a single programming language and can work on both platforms. They usually act like a native app, very easy to develop and handle. But still, we can say that the user experience of native apps is better, formobile app development requirements.  The Total Investment: The time and cost of app development will largely depend on the complexity of the app. It is difficult to put a number on how much your app might cost because of the numerous and subjective determinants. Though here are some average costs, to help you get an idea. A basic app, without back-end database, API functionality or social media integration will cost between $2000 to $10000. In the US, it may cost around $8k however, in India the development cost of the same app may be half. Mobile app developersThe time may range from 1 to 3 months and can be done by new developers as they are easy to develop. A moderately complex will cost anywhere between $10k to $40k. The cost may vary according to the platform and the country where the app is being developed. The same app may be developed in India for half the price as compared to the US with no compromise on the skills. The development of such an app takes anywhere between three to six months. A complex app will need experienced developers to work on it due to APIs, social media integration, backend support, and complicated functionalities. Such apps will be more expensive to develop generally around $40k to $80k. An Android version of the same app may cost over $100k in the US. In India, it is likely to cost $35k. The average time is taken to develop an app, according to research by Hyperlink Infosystem, is 8 weeks i.e., 320 billable hours. A simple app will cost $4800 in India compared to $48,000 in the US. A complex one might cost $38,000 in India and $250,000 in US. A lot of app development project is hence outsourced to India. Source: more

By Graymen Technologies July 21, 2019

First Advantage: Drug Testing Glossary

For hiring managers and landlords, this glossary is for you! Drug testing your employees and giving background checks to tenants is essential in order to keep a safe and healthy work and living environment. If you are unfamiliar with terms and methodology in the drug testing world, it can be confusing. First Advantage is here to help you out. Below is a list of words to help clarify the drug testing and background check process. Authorization:written permission from the recipient of the test for the background check to be conducted. Breath Alcohol Technician:a professional who administers the breath testing device for employees. Collection Container:the receptacle where the employee deposits their saliva or other bodily fluid for testing. Disclosure:the document that informs an employee or prospective tenant that they will be the subject of a screening process Ecstasy:a popular amphetamine also called MDMA Felony:a serious offense that could lead to incarceration or even death penalty Initial Validity Test:the first test to determine whether a specimen has been replaced or fabricated Larceny:the act of taking someone’s property, also known as petty or grand theft. Misappropriation: using a company’s assets or money for personal gain. NAPBS:National Association of Professional Background Screeners. Substituted Specimen:a specimen that is not human urine but has been replaced by water or another substance. Unlawful Entry:entering a premise without permission and by fraud. Verified Laboratory Test:a test that has been verified by the Medical Review Officers. Check out our website for more information on background check services! more

By First Advantage July 17, 2019

10 Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2019

There is a huge need for mobile apps these days. And the reason behind this is the maximum increase in mobile phone users. This is the main reason why mobileapp development frameworksare being used by IT Service companies more than ever.  There are some Mobile App development frameworks which became very famous in 2018 because of their great job. Along with having positive and amazing feedback, the mobile app development companies got a huge benefit from these frameworks. Resultantly, the companies switched over their native development trends to the robust, next-gen frameworks that proved out to be a cutting-edge tool for them. With the great achievement of app development trends, 2019 has introduced us with new frameworks.  An App development company should transform the platform of a native application according to the project. So, always be conscious while choosing a framework for app development. No matter what kind of framework are you choosing a framework but always remember that it should be efficient enough so that it can ease the things instead of complicating them.  The New Year’s sun has brought new inspiration for mobile app developers. We have listed down the most reliable and efficient mobile development frameworks that are worth considering this year. Check out – 1. App Watch App Watch is basically a cloud-based security and mobile analytics products. The terror of hackers can be defended with the help of App Watch security. Just like React Native App development, this framework has owned the trust of the users and promises that this application will always remain highly secure.  The tool also helps in generating reports with customized logo, descriptions, and comments. It uses unique techniques to identify the security issues of the app and verify them later. App Watch is an ideal tool for identifying all kinds of security vulnerabilities attached to the app. 2. Flutter When it was first launched in 2017, it gained popularity and is seen maintaining that standard continuously among mobile app developers. As it is a product and this is also one of the main reasons which make it more important. This cross-mobile framework uses Dark programming language and includes great features such as flexible UI, Out of the box SDKs, material design, and seamless animations. Another important feature of Flutterapp developmentwhich makes it more important is its amazing user support which makes it easy to use for the developers even to handle the hardest concepts easily.   3. Intel XDK  Intel XDK is counted among the top-rated platforms which are designed for the purpose of mobile app development framework. This tool can help really well to application development companies to build highly interactive and responsive apps. The developer gets access to some of the greatest tools meant for the integration of the plugin into the app. It is also ideal for publishing, testing, and debugging the app. Just like ReactNative App Development, this framework offers various benefits. It is having various amazing features like drag and drop which help the application development companies to build the apps without writing codes. In addition, the users will get access to the previews of any modifications applied to the framework. 4. Appcelerator Appcelerator helps the developers to create codes without writing long code. Like Flutter App Development this tool also supports Windows, Android, browser-based HTML5, and iOS applications. It is efficient enough that it can speed up the mobile app development process. With the implementation of this tool, developers are allowed to build mobile apps for various supported operating systems. It also offers the on-premises and Virtual private deployment to the users. 5. Adobe PhoneGap Adobe PhoneGap is considered to be the most famous and widely used mobile framework like ionic. It is an appropriate app for developing cross-platform apps. Featuring the combination of JS, HTML5, and CSS this framework is being used by the developers for many years now. One of the major benefits of this PhoneGap is that it does not come with any hardware restrictions for it’s the app developers. Through this cross-platform framework, developers can build web apps compatible with Web View and browser module. PhoneGap is as efficient as Flutter App Development. It doesn’t make too much use of the native hardware features. It is one of the cloud-based tools that help in creating apps for manifold platforms without needing local SDKs. 6. Ionic Another famous mobile app development frameworks are Ionic which is a perfect choice for developing hybrid apps by making use of JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. It is as robust as Flutter-based Development. The tool’s matchless SDKs make it easier for developers to build an application similar to a native app. Talking about the pricing of the Ionic, well it is not too pricy at all. There are various amazing elements of this modern tool which help the users to create seamless user-interface for the app. This tool helps the users to easily design progressive web apps that can be regarded as an advanced form of basic Web Apps. Ionic is being used by a number of big companies such as Washington Post, Uber, and Twitter. 7. Mobincube Mobincube is also one of the famous frameworks of mobile app development which is featuring a great App interface. With the help of this tool, Users can develop various types of mobile apps for health, educational, business, entertainment, etc. This framework helps the users to easily boost sales creating by mobile stores for the business.  It also offers the advantage of integrating 3rd party solutions within the application. Developing advanced functionalities, updating online content and customizing the app is much easier with Mobincube. 8. Alpha Anywhere Thismobile app development frameworkis considered to be the toughest competitor of the React native. Alpha Anywhere is the most lovable options for developing mobile business and cross-platform web apps. Apart from this, it is efficient for solving offline sync challenge.  The high-end Mobile Data Security feature of this tool enhances its overall worth for the developers. Alpha Anywhere potentially delegates fine-grained resource management. Users can directly publish content using the Alpha Anywhere developed app. The tool’s pre-built applications allow the developers to modify their mobile applications anytime. 9. Long Range Long Range could be considered to be one of the most reliable mobile app development frameworks which are as good as Ionic. The various components of this tool are tabs, navigation, form views, and commands. It is efficient enough to execute the developed app as a native app. It performs really well with great speed while keeping in consideration the high.  With this framework in use, developers can easily create mobile apps with DDS using CL/RPG. Users get access to the most advanced level of programming with Long Range in use. Even if you have less or no knowledge about JavaScript, CSS or HTML you can easily create a native app using this framework. 10. Sencha Touch Sencha Touch is the most highly-rated frameworks that make the developers integrate a wide range of rich features into applications. Just like Flutter, this cross-compatibility framework covers a host of platforms including iOS, Android, and Blackberry. Users won’t encounter any issues related to the performance or quality of the codebase. There are various out of the box features of Sencha Touch could be seen that are similar to those in Ionic App Development. As it is available with a drag and drop option and this makes the job of visual app builders much easier.  Source: more

By Graymen Technologies July 10, 2019

8 Top Advantages of Outsourcing Web Development

In the present time, it is must to have an online presence through a website for the success of any business. A website fulfills multiple demands of a business owner:  It helps you to show your presence in the market. Enhances your earnings and total revenue by attracting more visitors. For taking all these advantages and to sustain in the online market, you must have a good online website that has unique, simple and informative content with the latest backend technology.  Outsourcing can help you no matter what your business size is.   Planning to design your website yourself? Wait! Do you have all the skills that are required to create a website which is impressive and user-friendly? If not, then please do not take the risk and don't waste your time and efforts on creating a website which you can easily get done through experts. It may be the case that you may not have the knowledge of technology and complicated web patterns which are must to create an attractive website. In fact, you may end up with a website design that puts a bad impression on visitors.  In this case, it is advised to outsource the web development task to a firm that has good experience in web development. Not only good design, but there are also other benefits of outsourcing your web design project.  Time-saving: Time is really an important factor at the time of developing a project. You have to consider a strict timeline whether you plan to create new software or you want to enhance the existing one.  With outsourcing, you can easily save time that could be used for recruiting and onboarding developers.  It saves time and gives you enough time to pay attention to other tasks. The efforts that you need to use in hiring an entire team and designing a website can be completely used in the core of the business process.                                               Cost saving: If you are thinking about cutting some expenses in order to reach your business objectives.   It is economical to hire a website design company for web design services as it is quite cost saving. If you want to create a website by yourself, you will require a high budget for hiring a designer, R&D team and infrastructure that has all the required equipment.  But if you plan to outsource your web design project, you will require paying a certain amount that is affordable. Moreover, the company gives you a guarantee of quality service. In this case, operational and labor costs are reduced to a large extent.  Advantage of the latest technology: If you plan for outsourcing yourweb developmentproject to a web development firm, you automatically get the benefits of the latest tools. And these tools help in creating a better website.  Hence, you should outsource the web design project and get access to global knowledge and world-class capabilities.  Scalable. You can easily scale your project with a remote team of developers. For instance, at the beginning of a web development project, you may require designers, developers and project managers. But at the time of maintenance, you will need less manpower. Hence, with a remote team of developers, it is easy to scale up and down your project.  However, it is quite difficult to manage if you have an in house team. Hence, it is difficult to match the manpower with work capacity.  Wider Skill Set.Nowadays, a major portion of programming depends on various technologies, frameworks, and libraries. And it is not necessary that a good backend or front end developer knows all of them.  Outsourcing provides you access to all types of specialists who are experts in their own domain. Whatever is your requirement, whether you need a PHP developer or frontend one react based projects, it is quite simple to hire them as an outsourced remote team.  Quality work. When you hire an experienced web development service provider for your website design, you can be assured about the quality of your website.  Timely completion of the project.Most of the web design companies offer completion of the projects on time. Hence, when you outsource, you can be quite sure of completing your website at the right time. Meanwhile, you can go with other processes that are related to online marketing.  Business support. A technology partner having much experience can help you to evaluate your idea. An experienced software outsourcing company understands the project with its aims and business motives in the mind.  And if you do an in house Software development, it will require your lot of attention. You will not be able to focus on other crucial things like marketing techniques and strategies. It is a process that really needs to be monitored carefully.  Outsourcing gives you access to various developers, UX/UI designers and project managers that can contribute to the success of your project. Main benefits of outsourcing are almost the same for small business owners as well as CEO of a large company.  Conclusion Because of so many benefits, almost all businessmen prefer outsourcing web development projects to various renowned software development companies present in the market. They use their time for creating further strategies.   Source: more

By Graymen Technologies June 27, 2019

What Impact does mobile app development put on your business?

Developing mobile applications have become an important strategy for businesses these days. These apps can provide various benefits for your business and transform it tremendously in 2019. The fundamental concept ofmobile app developmentis derived from mobile and it is a technique of software development. The basic definition of mobile app development is to create different applications for mobile that will run proficiently on a mobile platform. In contemporary times, mobile applications are changing the tech world drastically. With mobile phones, people are engaging more and coming closer to each other. With the cut-throat competition in the business world, it is very essential for an organization to get a website as well as a mobile application to outshine among its competitors.  This will help in evolving and developing your business. For today’s young generation especially, it has become quite impossible to survive without certain electronic gadgets and smartphones are one of them. These devices have become an integral part of our lifestyle and leaving its drastic impact on our lives every day in some newer ways. According to some reports, many marketers believe that in order to develop your business, mobile applications are one of the best marketing tools and provides an easy way to connect with your customers. Every information is made available to the customers at their fingertips with the help of the mobile application. This is the reason behind the growing popularity and importance of mobile app in today’s market. We have been witnessing a countless number of apps and their impact on various businesses. Some of the individual organizations are creating an Enterprise Mobile Application that is used for their employees. They are utilized to perform some functions which are needed to run the organization. Mobile app languages: There are different languages that are used formobile app development. The selection of these languages greatly depends on the mobile platform (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.) for which they are developed.   IOS, Window, and Android are some of the most commonly used operating software systems. For Android app development,developers use Java language. Similarly, for the iOS platform, mobile app developers use the C language. Generally, Java and C languages are the two most preferred languages to develop any kind of mobile application. Advantages of Mobile App Development for business 1. Mobile applications offer on-the-go marketing: In this type of marketing which is offered by this platform, your business can be accessed conveniently anywhere and at any time by the customers with the help of your mobile application. Your brand or business can be enhanced greatly with the help of regular use of your organization’s mobile applications. At the time when potential customers are purchasing something, your app will reinforce your brand if they are in use regularly. 2. Mobile applications will be marketing trend in the future: Soon the time will arrive whenmobile appswill become a strong marketing tool. Do you know how many smartphone gadgets are used worldwide? According to the sources, above 1 billion smartphones are being used around the globe. Apart from this, it is also estimated that above 50% of all devices have an internet connection. This implies that soon a time will come when search engine queries will not come from a personal computer, instead, they will come from smart devices. 3. Mobile applications will enhance the sales The ultimate motive of every business is to generate revenues and increase sales. Therefore, there can be nothing better than an application which helps to sell the products as well as to get more leads for business development. Apart from these benefits, mobile applications can also help in enhancing brand awareness. 4. Mobile applications act as a social platform: People are glued to social media platforms today, so businesses are using social networking sites to become social. The social media tools can be added with the help of mobile apps and this, in turn, allows the user to like, comment or share on your products. Top mobile app development companiesuse these tools or platforms as business strategies to enhance your organization’s connectivity with users. 5. Mobile applications allow to improve sales and services: You can get better sales and services with the help of mobile applications for your business. With the help of these applications, customers can order or purchase your products anytime from anywhere. By using mobile applications, a better way to achieve top-notch customer services is possible. Final words: There are various over-the-top benefits of mobile application which has made them a marketing tool in contemporary times. A mobile app for your organization can enhance your business and can be a foundation for a complete evolution of your business. If you have an idea, you can get that changed into reality withleading mobile app development companies. They can help you explore this market tool in the most efficient ways.     Read More:      Source:   Email, Us: more

By Graymen Technologies June 17, 2019

How can you develop a mobile app with APIs?

The amazing mobile application is ready to entertain you. Well, the time to celebrate your success. Because it is obvious that you have gone through a lot of hurdles while creating a mobile application. So, it's the time to feel proud of yourself. Now, you have gone through all the design and coding elements with the help of which yourmobile applicationhas been built. Now, what is the next step? Now the thing that should be taken into consideration is how your app is going to connect your server. Almost all the apps that are available today in the market need to connect to the internet so that they can function smartly. APIs are an option for backend communication. But in case you are little unaware of the APIs orother web services, then this would be a little difficult for you. To solve this issue, this article is going to help you.  Everything that is needed to know about the APIs you would find here. Moreover, you will learn the basic difference between the various types and options. We will also focus on the procedure of implementing a RESTful API to your mobile app. The best option will be shown to you in order to make an informed decision. What is a RESTful API? Before we indulge in the process, it is needed to simplify the basics. API stands for “application program interface.” In short, this allows developers to access the platform or application of another party. And about A RESTful API has specific features that make it different from that. When it comes to the client-server architecture, the client and server are both completely independent of one another. The front end component is the client and the back end of the service is the server. It could be said thatRESTFUL APIsare also cacheable. This clearly shows that the client is able to store the responses within a cache. And this will help in the improvement of the APIs. While the processing of the request transfers, the data cannot be stored on the server. But, besides this data could be seen stateless, which demonstrates that the session is saved on the client’s end. RESTFUL APIs are generally known as RESTful web services because they consist of REST principles and HTTP protocols. Numerous resources with HTTP methods are encompassed by it and then go in a standard format which is typically XML. As long as the hypertext is standard, it works for valid types of Internet media. Let’s see the visual representation of some of the examples. visual representation Some examples of RESTful API response formats include: JSON REST XML-RPC PHP SOAP Furthermore, a few popular request formats for RESTful APIs are: XML-RPC REST SOAP And then,mobile applicationsare enhanced by RESTful APIs that are distributed over the internet. Then after that applications become more compatible and simple that it is easy to modify it as well. And finally, your app will become more appropriate, reliable, portable, visible, and simplified with a RESTful API. Different types of APIs: These are basically the types of APIs Amazon, Google, and Facebook all provide APIs.You can also get an API from another third party. You can also develop your API internally. Although this could be seen as an appealing option still there may arise issues with APIs that if in case they are built internally. This has seen since years that internal APIs is having issues because people do not plan properly for them. This is not mandatory that the developers with good experience, who have built a lot of apps, can build APIs or other web services that are particularly designed for mobile applications. It is obvious that, if in case, you are doing something for the first time, then you will surely face various hurdles and you have to cross them. You are required to make yourself aware of different options in order to save your time, money, and headaches in the long run. One of another famous API interface could be seen from Linkedin. The reason behind this is that their platform is used by business professionals to network, it’s slightly different from the APIs used by Twitter and Facebook. LinkedIn limits third-party access to their API. It is limited to the people who are connected with them on the official terms. TheLinkedin developer pagemeets us with the proper explanation of how their RESTful works and teaches you what things should be followed to do things like to implement your paging parameters. Read More: Source: Email Us: more

By Graymen Technologies June 12, 2019

8 Mistakes to Avoid While Outsourcing Mobile App

Whenever we start some business, various kinds of hurdles related to the technologies, then there arises a need for hiring a software outsourcing company that can fulfill your IT requirements.    This kind of issues has been faced by various startups and large-scale companies all over the world. We will mention here the various advantages of the Software outsourcing company.  One of the primary reasons behind this is the cost-effectiveness as well as the ability to work with highly-qualified professionals without having to bear the expenses of hiring them for your in-house team. With the help of this, you can have the provision of the flexibility of working with people from anywhere in the world.  For most business owners, software development is not their core competence and they often end up spending a lot of time trying to figure out the technicalities to help their in-house team in consistently working towards the end product. This is not the most favorable situation as it can be quite time-consuming. If this task is delegated to a software outsourcing company, you can focus on growing your business, rather than learning how to build software.    It is very common that there happened a lot of mistakes while offshore software development and this results in various kinds of loss such as loss of time, elevated prices and faulty codes. Following are the given mistakes that should be avoided: 1 Poor company analysis and selection based on cost proposition:  If in case you opt a low budget company, then this may prove harmful and this could be considered a very big mistake as it is not important that they would be able to deliver the kind of work that you are required. The primary thing that should be taken into consideration is that do research for that particular company properly.    2 Unclear requirements and expectations: It is most important to sit and share some words and spend little time before starting any project with any company. Yes! Without clearing the basic points, do not waste your money. Your point of view is really important for the company, clear your vision before them otherwise they won’t be able to fulfill your business goals.    3 Fixed price approach:  Do not for fixed price software development approach as the scope of work will never remain the same. If you keep fixed-price development then it may not cover the new kind of developments in the project. Consider the use of Agile software development for improved quality. 4 Short-term partnerships: If you make short-term partnerships, you are not thinking of the long-term goals of your company. The IT outsourcing company does not have enough time to understand your project and your business well enough to deliver a good outcome.  5 Underestimating the role of communication:  You can boost business with the help of good communication. This will help you to make your team understand your vision of the project properly. So it is most important to build a communication mechanism with your outsourcing partner.   6 Underestimating project manager role:  The role of the project manager is to assign a task as well as to check progress in order to ensure the smooth functioning of a team and effective communication. If you are not having a good project manager then you won't be able to make them understand your requirements. The timelines can get messed up and you might also end up spending more money to complete the project. 7 Quality Assurance:  Testing is the most important part of any process. Any software needs to be tested when it is developed otherwise it can face problems like can encounter bugs and glitches, leading to a poor review of your brand.  8 Misunderstanding Cultural differences:  While outsourcing, it is really important to understand the culture difference of the other party as well. You are required to understand the other’s culture difference, then try to make them understand the way of your work culture.    9 Unreasonable timelines:  Good software development requires time. Make sure that you let the software development life cycle take its course. Instead of aligning the software development to business-related deadlines, it is better if it works the other way round. Plan your timelines around your software development.  10 No technician on your end:  You are required to have a tech-savvy member of your team that can handle the outsourcing company. There should be one person who possess technical knowledge and who can judge is done accurately in a technical way.    Conclusion So, do not forget these points at the time when you are looking for a software development outsourcing company. Your objective while outsourcing your software development should be to reduce time, money and effort spent on building software. You are just going to waste your time and energy by committing these mistakes.  You can get rid of these mistakes by choosing an IT outsourcing company that is blessed with skilled developers and a systematic and technical approach. In order to handle software development projects. For more info visit our official website. Contact Us: 1888-606-1808 E-mail: Source: more

By Graymen Technologies June 06, 2019

How can you develop a mobile app with APIs?

The amazing mobile application is ready to entertain you. Well, the time to celebrate your success. Because it is obvious that you have gone through a lot of hurdles while creating a mobile application. So, it's the time to feel proud of yourself. Now, you have gone through all the design and coding elements with the help of which your mobile application has been built. Now, what is the next step? Now the thing that should be taken into consideration is how your app is going to connect your server. Almost all the apps that are available today in the market need to connect to the internet so that they can function smartly. APIs are an option for backend communication. But in case you are little unaware of the APIs or other web services, then this would be a little difficult for you. To solve this issue, this article is going to help you.  Everything that is needed to know about the APIs you would find here. Moreover, you will learn the basic difference between the various types and options. We will also focus on the procedure of implementing a RESTful API to your mobile app. The best option will be shown to you in order to make an informed decision. What is a RESTful API? Before we indulge in the process, it is needed to simplify the basics. API stands for “application program interface.” In short, this allows developers to access the platform or application of another party. And about A RESTful API has specific features that make it different from that. When it comes to the client-server architecture, the client and server are both completely independent of one another. The front end component is the client and the back end of the service is the server. It could be said that RESTFUL APIs are also cacheable. This clearly shows that the client is able to store the responses within a cache. And this will help in the improvement of the APIs. While the processing of the request transfers, the data cannot be stored on the server. But, besides this data could be seen stateless, which demonstrates that the session is saved on the client’s end. RESTFUL APIs are generally known as RESTful web services because they consist of REST principles and HTTP protocols. Numerous resources with HTTP methods are encompassed by it and then go in a standard format which is typically XML. As long as the hypertext is standard, it works for valid types of Internet media. Let’s see the visual representation of some of the examples. visual representation Some examples of RESTful API response formats include: JSON REST XML-RPC PHP SOAP Furthermore, a few popular request formats for RESTful APIs are: XML-RPC REST SOAP And then,mobile applicationsare enhanced by RESTful APIs that are distributed over the internet. Then after that applications become more compatible and simple that it is easy to modify it as well. And finally, your app will become more appropriate, reliable, portable, visible, and simplified with a RESTful API. Different types of APIs These are basically the types of APIs Amazon, Google, and Facebook all provide APIs.You can also get an API from another third party. You can also develop your API internally. Although this could be seen as an appealing option still there may arise issues with APIs that if in case they are built internally. This has seen since years that internal APIs is having issues because people do not plan properly for them. This is not mandatory that the developers with good experience, who have built a lot of apps, can build APIs or other web services that are particularly designed for mobile applications. It is obvious that, if in case, you are doing something for the first time, then you will surely face various hurdles and you have to cross them. You are required to make yourself aware of different options in order to save your time, money, and headaches in the long run. One of another famous API interface could be seen from Linkedin. The reason behind this is that their platform is used by business professionals to network, it’s slightly different from the APIs used by Twitter and Facebook. LinkedIn limits third-party access to their API. It is limited to the people who are connected with them on the official terms. The Linkedin developer page meets us with the proper explanation of how their RESTful works and teaches you what things should be followed to do things like to implement your paging parameters. For more info visit our official website. Contact Us: 1888-606-1808 E-mail: Source: more

By Graymen Technologies June 05, 2019

Tips to Choose the Best Mobile App Development Company?

Gone are those days when desktop presence uses to make every business task easy. Today, every digital marketer accepts the power of mobile technology in maintaining a constant interaction with the clients. Selecting a smartphone application developmentpartner to change your visions into reality is a significant task. Most of themobile app development companiesknow how to build an app but you have to search for a company which can join hands with you and offers you the right mobility solution catering to your business niche. Choosing one is not easy work. You need to analyze the USPs of various companies and weigh them on different parameters. Here are the things which you should check to choose the top mobile app development company that can meet your requirement: Ability to pursue all kinds of smartphone application development plan: What is the use of a company which cannot get in line with your requirements? Choose a company which has experience in creating all kinds ofmobile applicationsfor different industry verticals. Moreover, they should be well-versed with the new technological advancements. They should possess experience of working in your business domain. Even if they have never developed a mobile app related to your niche, make sure they have worked for a variety of industries. This is because it ensures extensive experience. Working for only some restricted domains is a clear sign of lack of experience. Expertise in latest technologies: Today, with the advancement of technologies, a plethora of innovations are introduced in the software world every year. This is changing the face of mobile technology as well. A proficient developer has to possess knowledge about all these latest trends. Gone are those days when the work of application developer ended at coding. You need people who are proficient in all the latest technologies that can enhance the performance of mobile apps. Some of them are blockchain, artificial intelligence, AR/VR, IoT, etc. Comfortable with all major application development platforms: When we talk about mobile applications, different platforms have specific markets. Android mobile applications have a distinctive market and iOS mobile applications have their own established market. Apart from these hybrid mobile apps also have strong preference base. These apps can run on all types of platforms efficiently and consumes less internet in comparison to native apps. All the platforms have their own advantages which attract a specific type of audience. Therefore, while selecting among many mobile app development companies, make sure that they have expertise in making apps for different platforms. Timely completion: Time is a crucial matter of concern when it comes to the dynamic and competitive market of themobile application. After strategizing your mobile application development project, you cannot wait long for your developer partner tobuild an app. Therefore, you must check the reviews from the clients of the company. Make sure that they are known for meeting the deadlines for their projects. Any delay can cost you the loss of a considerable customer base.   Friendly and cooperative team: Communication is an essential prerequisite for conducting any task. When you hire a mobile app outsourcing company, it is extremely crucial to keep all the requirements clear. Therefore, select a dedicatedapp developmentteam which understands what you need. Not all humans are great communicators. Make sure to select a mobile app development partner who listens as well as explains flawlessly. Tell them all the features and functionalities that you need in yourmobile applicationfor optimum outcome. Ask questions directly to them: Researching about everything is not possible. Sometimes it is better to clear doubts as soon as they come into your mind. Certain questions that you should ask a mobile app development company are: 1.  Will I get a Non-Discloser Agreement (NDA) signed to ensure the security of my data? 2.  Who will communicate with us from your company? 3.  Is there any kind of hidden cost charged on mobile app development projects? 4.  At what intervals will you be updating me about the work progress reports? 5.  Will I get to choose the mobile app developers of my choice? 6.  How much time will it take to finish my mobile app development project? Cost-effective: For every smart business person, expenditure is a major concern. Getting a project completed efficiently in minimum financial resources is the ultimate goal of every company. Look out for a mobile app development company that satisfies this need. This is an important factor but you should not make the mistake of making it the only deciding factor. If a company is charging more, they might have something more to offer. Therefore, compare the cost along with the overall past record of the company before choosing. Wrapping up: Amobile app development companythat will provide constant assistance and guidance to you should be an ideal choice. You should not only be looking for a company that has mobile developers but a company which has capabilities to work on every latest technology also. It does not matter where your smartphone app developers are located. In the end, you need a partner who can understand your needs and bring your dream of a successful mobile app to reality.  For more info visit our official website. Contact Us:1888-606-1808 Source: more

By Graymen Technologies May 28, 2019

Is your online business impacting due to bad reputation?

Any business depends in a big way on the internet. If you want your business to do well then it is important that your company has a good online image. Your company must be a brand in the online world if you want to get the best return on investment. But at timesBad Reputation impacting business onlinecan take your company downhill. There may be fake negative comments and fake negative feedback posted by the competitors on the internet. When target audiences read this negative feedback and comments they may be skeptical about the company and may decide against buying your products and services. It is therefore, important to make sure that you take active measures to remove this negative information about you and your company on the internet. Here is what you can do to Repair online Reputation: The first thing that you have to do is remove the negative data about your company from the internet. We know you are now wondering how to do this. It is not easy. You have to work out a strategy using which you can push these pages which have negative comments about you or your business down in the search engine results. Besides this, there are a number of other steps that need to be taken to repair your tarnished online reputation. This may not be your cup of tea. Therefore, it is better to hire an expert who can help you in online reputation management. Things to follow to recover from a bad reputation: Here are some of the things that you need to do in order to recover from the bad reputation. ·       You can ask your loyal customers to write comments and reviews about your services, products and company on the internet. ·       You need to improve your presence on the social media and on the internet so that more and more people are aware about the good things about your company. ·       Add more credibility to your website. Your website must enthrall the target audiences. ·       Respond to client complaints. Ignoring complaints is not going to help. Defend yourself but do not argue. ·       Keep a watch on your online reputation. Do not wait for a major negative event to give you a jolt. Monitor your online reputation on a regular basis so that you can take corrective steps immediately. ·       Improving the domain authority and partnering with social influencers will also be helpful As you can see that foronline reputation managementyou have to put in a lot of efforts. The best thing that you can do is hire a good online reputation management team who will take care of brand and reputation management. When you hire a professional company the onus is on that company to ensure that negativity about your company is removed from the internet. Remember that this is very important if you want your business to grow. To know more about digital marketing services & it's impact on your online business click here: Contact Us:1888-606-1808 more

By Graymen Technologies April 30, 2019

Transportation is where the money is

Truck drivers rideshare merchants all the above are making great money more

By Manifested Ventures llc April 26, 2019

Hiring Tips For Your Company

Keeping morale high in the workplace is a tough job, but the higher the morale, the greater the loyalty will be to your company... which in turn, translates to a lower turnover rate. Not to mention that the more cared for your employees feel, the higher quality work they perform. What can you do to ensure your workplace is not only compliant with government standards, but it’s also a great place to work? Easy enough: make great hires! A great hire will not only ensure you a safe working environment, but also better teamwork. This is vital for a flourishing work environment that produces quality service. Follow these three simple steps below. 1. Take Your Time Time is money, and making hires takes a lot of it. Posting a job opening, filtering through applications, performing interviews and making the follow-up calls all take a great deal of time. There’s definitely the temptation to just pick someone and fill the position. Taking your time through each step will ensure you get a hire that not only fills a position but fills it well. If your hiring process takes a lot of time consistently reassess your process and make necessary adjustments. 2. Curate The Right Questions The right questions in an interview process will help you assess whether an applicant is a perfect fit. Ask questions that will give you insight into not only qualifications but character as well. How will the person contribute to your team dynamics? A good idea is to ask your current employees what attributes they would like in a co-worker. Quality questions will be mostlyopen-endedso that the applicant has a chance to showcase not only their knowledge and experience, but their personality as well.  3. Perform Background Checks After reading a resume and performing a great interview, you may want to jump to placing the hire immediately. Especially if you’ve been waiting a long time for a hire, you can feel the urgency to fill a position. However, the background check is a vital part of the hiring process. It can ensure that the prospective employee is actually qualified for the position through employment and academic checks.Running a background checkalso makes sure that the prospective employee doesn’t have a criminal record that they haven’t told you about. Both a qualified and record-free employee will make for a work environment that is safe and productive. These are just a few ways to make the perfect hire. Ultimately taking your time, double checking the validity of resumes and asking great questions will help you filter out undesirable candidates. Be consistent and in time you’ll have created a group of people that are in a positive working environment and that love their jobs, which will increase productivity and profit. more

By First Advantage April 24, 2019

How does digital marketing help for your online business growth?

We are living in the digital era. If your business is not online, you’re probably missing out on thousands of dollars of additional revenue. Even if your business is on the internet you must initiate certain practices for making your online venture successful. For instance, building a state of the art website is not enough. You must start investing in digital marketing. Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing Traditional marketing tactics are okay but as far as their effectiveness is concerned, companies are not really satisfied by the ROI they get through the mainstream marketing campaigns. This is hugely because traditional marketing lacks the scope of targeted reach, which is not the case for digital marketing. If you are a business owner who’s been working hard to build a legacy, digital marketing services are the golden key that will take enhance your brand presence. Let us see how hiring adigital marketing agency in USAor adigital marketing agency in Indiacan benefit your business? How to beat the competition withdigital marketing? In terms of data, over the last few years, the online industry has quadrupled as more business entities are shifting their operations to the digital world. This indicates a humungous rise in competition and as one of the biggest marketing managers once said, competition is the enemy of profitability. More the competition is in a specific market, more the people are willing to choose the company that provides that particular product for cheaper price. If you are one of the participants of such competition, chances are that you are constantly slashing your rates to continue your operations. You wouldn’t want to lose out of the price war and in the meantime, you don’t even notice that with slashing of your price, you’re literally killing off your hopes of sustainable profitability. Till the last decade, price-based competition was the only resort that companies had in order to ensure that their products and services reach to the target audience. Today you wouldn’t require traveling through that harsh road. With effective digital marketing strategies, anyone with a business plan and a viable product can reach their target audience. The funniest part is that small businesses can utilise the vast possibilities ofdigital marketingtechniques and improve their sales without the need of spending millions. Therefore, no more need to compete with your rivals in terms of product pricing. Instead, look out for effective marketing practices that will take your business to the next level. For more info visit our official website. Contact Us:1888-606-1808 Source: more

By Graymen Technologies April 16, 2019

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