Keeping morale high in the workplace is a tough job, but the higher the morale, the greater the loyalty will be to your company... which in turn, translates to a lower turnover rate. Not to mention that the more cared for your employees feel, the higher quality work they perform. What can you do to ensure your workplace is not only compliant with government standards, but it’s also a great place to work? Easy enough: make great hires! A great hire will not only ensure you a safe working environment, but also better teamwork. This is vital for a flourishing work environment that produces quality service. Follow these three simple steps below.

1. Take Your Time

Time is money, and making hires takes a lot of it. Posting a job opening, filtering through applications, performing interviews and making the follow-up calls all take a great deal of time. There’s definitely the temptation to just pick someone and fill the position. Taking your time through each step will ensure you get a hire that not only fills a position but fills it well. If your hiring process takes a lot of time consistently reassess your process and make necessary adjustments.

2. Curate The Right Questions

The right questions in an interview process will help you assess whether an applicant is a perfect fit. Ask questions that will give you insight into not only qualifications but character as well. How will the person contribute to your team dynamics? A good idea is to ask your current employees what attributes they would like in a co-worker. Quality questions will be mostly open-ended so that the applicant has a chance to showcase not only their knowledge and experience, but their personality as well. 

3. Perform Background Checks

After reading a resume and performing a great interview, you may want to jump to placing the hire immediately. Especially if you’ve been waiting a long time for a hire, you can feel the urgency to fill a position. However, the background check is a vital part of the hiring process. It can ensure that the prospective employee is actually qualified for the position through employment and academic checks. Running a background check also makes sure that the prospective employee doesn’t have a criminal record that they haven’t told you about. Both a qualified and record-free employee will make for a work environment that is safe and productive.

These are just a few ways to make the perfect hire. Ultimately taking your time, double checking the validity of resumes and asking great questions will help you filter out undesirable candidates. Be consistent and in time you’ll have created a group of people that are in a positive working environment and that love their jobs, which will increase productivity and profit.