Top Paranormal Phenomena Services in Sarasota, FL 34232

Psychic Consultations, private intuitive development lessons, chakra clearing with sound of tuning forks and color breathing, home energy clearings, cord removal.Read More…
Hi Diane, Thanks for connecting with us on Merchant Circle. Did you take the time to view our site? We would love to have your feedback and opinions. We haven't officially launched yet, and are sti...Read More…

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Psychic Reader and Advisor


By jordannrogerss75

God blessed you with this precious gift to help people like me find peace and acceptance about things that we can`t control in this life - thank you for sharing your wisdom with us! more

Psychic Reader and Advisor


By jackroland32423

My sister and I have been thinking of you recently Psychic Reader and Advisor. We are still amazed of your reading and we really did move to another town, exactly as you said! We hope it`s for the best and soon will call you for another appointment! more

Psychic Reader and Advisor


By cherijstewart3

Thank you so much for the reading today. Psychic Reader and Advisor - you answered all my questions and gave me the courage to resolve all my issues! It was just what I needed so I will definitely recommend you to my girlfriends! more

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Overcoming Grief During the Holidays

The holidays are traditionally a time of great joy and happiness, as we gather with our family and friends to celebrate. But alas if a person has experienced a recent death in the family or loss of a close loved one over the past year, the holidays can be a very difficult time.  It's easy to feel lost with a hole in our hearts that is so hard to fill.  Memories can hurt so much that the pain is unbearable. Your Letters From offers a compassionate helpful service.  For those of us who know in our hearts there is life after death, there is a genuine way to connect with our loved ones for peace.   Diane is an international psychic medium with over 30 years experience, who has helped hundreds of families reunite with their departed loved ones.  She is recognized by Robert Thurman and other Buddhist scholars for her compassion and deep understanding of life after death, and her services of relieving the unbearable sorrow for those left behind. If you or someone you know is hurting this Christmas or Hannakuh because they miss their parent, son, daughter, or an irreplaceable friend -- you can help them with a very unusual gift idea.  A gift that provides a lifetime of peace. Diane is offering channeled readings as the ultimate gift to relieve the grief of loss. more

By Your Letters From Heaven October 13, 2012


ARE YOU WANTING MORE THAN JUST ROMANCE? Are you seeking a personal relationship which offers more than mere romance? Would you like the depth of love with that special person which includes a Spirit-Soul joining and journey? Do not give up the dream! You can have the healing that comes with such a relationship. Years ago I found a powerful affirmation that directly addresses the desire for love in depth, a desire which many of us experience. Then just a few days ago I again came across that same affirmation in one of my files. It still seemed so perfect that I felt I must share it with all of you who wish for a true partner connection. The words “soul mates” are many times tossed about rather casually but if you are lucky enough to experience that deep relationship you will be sure to also sense that you have found your own heaven on earth. I wish I could give appropriate credit for the words that follow. Unfortunately I no longer remember the source or the author. Read these paragraphs; test them with your emotions. You will know at once if the power filled words are meant for you. “Today I send love to this world, and I call everyone my friend regardless of who they are or what they have done, for I see only the Spirit of God in every person, including myself.” “I love the Completeness I AM, the Selfhood of God we all share as our eternal Reality. I look within to this magnificent Self, and I say, I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my strength. And I love all my neighbors on Earth as I love my Self, for we are one.” “I love unconditionally. I give my love freely, and that love returns to me in bountiful measure. I am worthy of love, of being loved, and I accept the love of others.” “I think of all people I know by name, and I feel the harmlessness and harmony that exists between us.” “I look at my family unit, and I see only the expression of love, goodwill, kindness, and respect among all members.” “I am thankful for my friends, and I see our relationships deepening in love, joy, and mutual understanding.” “And I know there is a special Someone with overflowing love to share, who right at this moment is being attracted to the love I have to give, two flames soon uniting as one bond of love and ecstasy.” “Love is everything. Oh how I love Love.” If you will place these words in your heart and feed them with your faith, I have no doubt that you will be blessed with your special God given partnership. www.Sarasota-Psychic-Medium more

By April 29, 2012


Why would you want clear chakras? What are the positive results of a chakra clearing? Cleared chakras can bring a variety of benefits including the release of stress or trauma, calming of the emotions, improved physical health, increased spiritual focus and mental clarity. The reason that the clearing of the chakras can affect so many aspects of life is that the chakra system is in coordinating and functioning control of the entire personal energy system. If the chakra system is brought into balance so does everything else in one’s experience become more balanced and grounded. There is improved self-confidence, peacefulness and a feeling of enjoying great control over the events of one’s life.  A person’s chakras are attached to and dependent upon a central column. That central column needs to be cleared so that it is able to fulfill its role as a channel allowing free interchange of the various energies. After a thorough clearing of the column each individual chakra in turn can be cleared and reenergized to vibrate and revolve at the correct speed. In this way the coordination of the whole system is engaged and optimized. In other words, each chakra begins to operate in the way it was originally intended thus joining with and energizing the system as a whole. Positive changes begin and are immediately recognizable. The personal chakra therapy treatments I offer to my clients include the use of 8 special musically tuned forks, color breathing, crystals and positive affirmations. A typical session takes 45 minutes to an hour or more depending upon the needs of the client. Because chakras do hold karmic returns, there may be certain past life memories that come to the surface. These memories can then be directly recognized and resolved. Releasing past life fears or traumas can have a very positive effect on the quality of life today. Merely the aspect of reaching a more calm state of mind and emotion can allow solutions to current challenges to appear in a seemingly effortless way. Each chakra clearing, alignment and reenergizing that I perform for someone is different because every client is unique and has unique desires and challenges. As a trained healing channel I am able to feel and see those areas of a person’s energy which require specialized attention. I always expend every effort to give that little extra that brings a session to its highest results.                        more

By April 27, 2012

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