Top Paranormal Phenomena Services in Saint Petersburg, FL 33710

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5th Avenue Psychic


By Anonymous

She is untrustworthy, greedy and unreliable. more

Bill Linn Psychic Medium


By ecunknown

Had a great reading in the past. Looking for him now. All phone numbers are disconnected if anyone has the updated information. more

Bill Linn Psychic Medium


By cdb13

My Mom had a great reading (that mentioned me too). He picked up on all kinds of things he couldn't have known about and then they later played out as he'd seen. more

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 Fire walking is an ancient rite of passage for connecting with a higher power. Many cultures have practiced this art seemingly since the dawn of time. The energy of nature, and spirit is all around us, it's merely amplified during fire walks. Everyone has various healing, and transformations after attending an event. The results are personal, and vary for each individual.  I will share one of the many breakthroughs I had after my first fire walk. I had a creative block for many   years, and for an extremely artistic person it was as if a piece of my heart was missing. My creativity is flowing free again for the first time in nearly a decade. That alone means more to me than words can express. Imagine being able to do things that you thought were impossible. Then reach a place where you are doing somethingyou never dreamed of. The new found sense of self is unmatched, therefore leading to a life that's not limited by judgment, fear, and darkness. There are many boundaries imposed on people by society, culture, and self. Break throughthem to discover a healthier, happier, and free existence. KMR more

By Hearts on Fire June 30, 2010

Hearts on Fire


By Hearts on Fire June 30, 2010

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