Blogs from Employment Services in Pompano Beach, FL

Growth Obstacles | Top Five Business Owners Face Each Day

Every year Organizations spend millions into new ways to grow sales. Business Owners know that sales are the life blood of the company, or do they? If you can't produce new business, there is no company, or at least no future for that company! A past study of 2,663 sales organizations by Think Training, Nightingale Conant, and Trainique uncovered five areas that differentiate successful sales organizations from the rest. Obstacle One – A Wing-It mentality towards selling. 82% of all Business Owners said their company had a sales process that wasn't defined, wasn't being followed or no sales process at all. Click Here to Call 866-816-0991 to discuss viable options.  Obstacle Two – Lack of sales knowledge and lack of application. 42% of Business Owners and CEO's stated their sales people lacked the essential basic skills needed to produce at a rate consistent with real growth. Regardless of sales experience remember the following. You cannot put a man in a cave, leave him there for twenty years and have him walk out with a geology degree!  Get your Free CEO Growth Barrier Information Kit | Click Here Identify and Remove the Top Sales Obstacles that Impact Growth with CEO Sales Tools Take Actionable Steps | Click Here to Call 866-816-0991 Obstacle Three – Failing to adhere to a consistent sales routine. Sales teams today lack performance standards that are conducive with growth. 90% of CEO's said their salespeople focused on low payoff activities, called on the wrong people or consistently called on the same low revenue customers. In other words, sales people confuse Activity with Productivity. Obstacle Four – Allowing "Self Limiting Beliefs" to sabotage your efforts. 86% of Business Owners and CEO's said their salespeople had bad attitudes rooted in negative thinking or self limiting beliefs that seriously impede their sales efforts. Obstacle Five – Ownership does not develop their people-Training, Un-Training and Targeted Coaching to remove sales obstacles and, self limiting beliefs are virtually non-existent. Business Owners said their Sales Managers were not spending enough time coaching their salespeople.  Business Owners spend much of their time second guessing what they could have done. For example, sales people you hire, yet do not produce, positive attitudes that convert into excuses surface, followed by an environment of complacency that creates turnover. Sales people sit back after all of the hours of pitching, presenting and chasing and go over in their minds why the prospect, who seemed interested did not buy. The reasons that come to the surface are at the very least, predictable. Your price is too high! We need to “Think about it”! We have decided to back burner this project for now! We have decided to stay with our current vendor!  The question is, why are these reasons consistent, and why is it that we consistently determine these reasons only after it is too late? Time spent reading emails, responding to voice mails, writing proposals with little or no real criteria, pitching to non-decision makers and not holding prospects accountable is not time spent selling, it is time spent chasing! What percentage of the overall time on the job is spent eye to eye, belly to belly, qualified selling with new prospects? How much time conversely is spent chasing existing customers who translate into little more than a trickle of residual income? Why does this dilemma plague sales organizations? Understand that it is you, management, that develops the environment, or allows it to take place. Your lowest level of acceptance for poor performance is the highest level of performance you can expect. A better question is what is this costing you? For example, if you reduced by half the amount of time your sales people spend chasing procrastinators and doubled your actual time spent selling what would this translate into with regards to gross sales?  Click Here for our Sales Obstacle Diagnostic.  If you look at the time spent prospecting, presenting, writing proposals followed by chasing the prospect only to find you were on a fishing expedition, and compare that with your real ROI, you will realize the importance addressing this matter sooner rather than later. If your stock portfolio was only performing at 50% of its potential would you keep dumping money into these under performing stocks? No!  In order to step outside of the box, access what you have and to determine how much room for improvement or untapped potential you may have in your existing sales people  Click Here to Call 866-816-0991  Hoping your team will change is not an option.  Click Here to Request Information Online more

By Peak Performance Sales Training June 21, 2018

The Making of a Sales Expert!

The Making of a Sales Expert! The Making of an Expert! : Are you searching for self proclaimed sales experts or are you working to make experts of your people?  To read this tip in full please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training February 12, 2015

Ten Reasons Salespeople Lose Deals

Ten Reasons Salespeople Lose Deals Over the past few decades Peak Performance Training and Development has interviewed thousands of salespeople, whether in the role of recruiting or in training, regarding how they win in sales and how they lose.  To read this tip in full please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training February 12, 2015

Repiticious Acts that don't deliver Sales Results!

Repiticious Acts that don't deliver Sales Results! Un-Training Breaking Counter Productive Sales and Sales Management Mindsets and Habits To read this tip in full please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training February 12, 2015

Why CEO’s resort to Self-destructive Strategies

Mistake # 1 They impact their margins by adding to their sales team opposed to solidifying their existing team currently who are under-performing. To add to ineffectiveness, they rely on past lackluster hiring criteria in order to increase the number of feet on the street. To read the balance of this tip please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training February 12, 2015

The Making of Sales Expert!

The Making of an Expert! : Are you searching for self proclaimed sales experts or are you working to make experts of your people?In a recent Harvard Business Review article new research shows that outstanding performance is the product of years of deliberate practice and coaching, not of any innate talent or skill.You are expects with your products, services, delivery and support, right? However how effective is your sales team when it comes to their sales expertise? The only experts in sales are those who get paid!Business Owners Request your CEO Sales Barrier&Growth; Tool Kit here Visit this article written Harvard Business Review it was discussed how thirty years ago to Hungarian educators, Laszlo and Klara Polgar, decided to challenge that popular assumption that woman do not succeed in areas requiring special thinking, such as chess. The Polgars home schooled three daughters and as part of their education they were taught to play chess at a very young age. With continued daily training and dedication their approach paid off. By 2000 all three daughters were ranked in the top ten female players in the world. There youngest was a grand master at age 15, breaking the previous record for the youngest held by Bobby Fisher!In 1985, Benjamin Bloom a professor at the University if Chicago wrote a book on the subject that examined the factors that led to developing real talent. His findings show that there is no real correlation between becoming an expert and IQ. The only correlation found was that in the case of sports or physical activities where body height and size did matter to a certain degree. This however is simply not applicable in sales, which is solely an intellectual game. All of the superb performers, regardless of field practiced intensely and had studied with devoted teachers. Later research found that the amount and quality of practice were key factors in the level of expertise people achieved.Now this may sound a bit self serving coming from a Sales and Sales Management Training Company. However the question is what course of action have you taken in order to increase and sustain sales? To determine growth gaps that impact revenue please visit for your Complimentary CEO Diagnostic.To read the balance of this tip please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training November 03, 2014

Business Owners Are you Frustrated by weak Sales Efforts?

Take the first step. Peak Performance Sales Training Video Intro Please Visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training June 11, 2014

Breaking the Cycle of Poor Sales Performance & Low Productivity

Presidents, CEO’s and Business Owners:Sales numbers are bad enough, but that’s not the real problem. Poor sales performance sends morale into a downward spiral, in turn creating a vicious cycle that further impedes growth. The following steps outlined below are vitally important if you want to break the cycle of poor performance and low productivity. Step One: Look at Yourself! A sales team that finds itself struggling did not wake up one day to find the bottom falling out. This downturn in sales and subsequent downturn in morale happened over a period of time.Did you spot the first signs of diminished self-esteem? The first signs include excuses for deferring uncomfortable activities such as prospecting for new business, or failing to deal head on with common objections in your sales world. This drop in self esteem in turn lowers the level of expectation for success, which in turn decreases performance levels. This downward spiral results in lower and lower levels of sales productivity. Call Peak Performance now at 866-816-0991 to begin the process of reversing this counter productive cycle To determine the impact of poor morale on your overall productivity please visit for your complimentary CEO Diagnostic Step Two: Understand and accepting Change.... To read the balance of this tip please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training April 29, 2014

How Sales People Manage Management

Visit or call us direct at 866-816-0991 Have you ever wondered why your sales team is not achieving what you perceive to be optimum levels of production for your company? Or why you find yourself going over the same thing with the same sales people without a change in mindset, routine or result? Below we will explore just two major reasons why Business Owners lose control over their sales people, corporate direction and profit margins. 1. The Business Owner who does not have an intimate knowledge of the problems inherent in sales. Ramifications: This business owner with no front line sales experience often falls prey to the excuses for non-productivity provided by the sales person. You’re relying on a system or rather the lack of a system used by your sales people—Your plugging your company and financial future into the hands of your sales people rather than taking your sales people and plugging them into your system. Shipping and receiving, accounts receivable, accounts payable, customer service, tall these departments have a system that employees must adapt to, comply with and work within the checks and balances of the system. Unfortunately, most sales people receive very few checks from their prospects and as such keep their companies out of balance. Call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991 to uncover viable options to get back on track. 2. The Business Owner who was successful at ..... To read this CEO Tip in full please Visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training April 29, 2014

Serious Growth Symptoms that indicate CEO's need a directional Change

Often it begins with a Business Owner having a feeling that things are not good.  Because of the consistency in problems they become conditioned and often consciously unaware of what is happening. However the feeling remains.  It is analogous to a parent who becomes conditioned to a badly behaved child you simply refuses to clean his or her room. What is imperative is that Business Owners actually come to the realization that these problems are real, and do not go away on their own. Certain incremental actions can and will brings these problems under control. However failure to recognize and acknowledge these issues creates a downward spiral that can become unmanageable. Constant Managerial Frustration based on relying on a Wing it Approach to Sales as opposed to a Consistent, Effective, Productive and Duplicatable Sales Process    Built up Resentment based on numerous attempts to motivate demotivated sales people who lack initiative, direction and effective follow up    For the full tip text and balance of these serious problematic indicators please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training December 23, 2013


CEO SALES TOOL BOX MENUCEO SALES TOOL BOX MENUPeak Performance Training and Development is an International Leader in CEO, Sales and Sales Management Training. We Provide CEO's, Presidents and Business Owners with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting This CEO SALES TOOL BOX MENU is a sampling of CEO Tools which can help you to identify, target and resolve the major issues inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales RecruitingRequest Your CEO Growth Barrier Information Package Uncover the Top Sales & Growth Obstacles facing Business OwnersVisit Sales Strategy and Growth  This Online Forum, specifically designed for Business Owners & Presidents speaks directly to the problems inherent in Sales, Sales Mgmt. and Sales Recruiting. What are the Sales Excuses, Expense, Turnover and Lackluster Return costing you? January 14th from 1:15- 4:00PM ESTVisit Management DiagnosticBusiness Owners, Presidents and CEO's: This Complimentary CEO Diagnostic is being provided to you, the CEO, President, Business Owner or Sales Manager who must maintain a profitable bottom line regardless of economic or market conditions.This Confidential Sales Management Analysis will allow you to immediately determine gaps in your Sales/Sales Management effectiveness.Visit Performance Blog CEO Tips and Advice As a courtesy to you, The CEO, Business Owner or President, Peak Performance Sales Training would like to provide you with ongoing CEO Sales and Sales Management Tips. These ongoing and ever changing sales tips, sales techniques and sales management advice which provide you with growth strategy.Visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training December 19, 2013

The Top Growth Obstacles Business Owners Face in 2014

The Top Growth Obstacles Business Owners Face in 2014  # 1 Lack of a Proactive Plan with respect to business development and overall growth # 2 Lack of accountability and consistency with a planned course of action # 3 Acceptance of mediocrity, bad attitudes and overall poor performance Are you tired of the Excuses, Expense, Turnover, non productive sales routines and lackluster return? Register Today 2014 CEO Sales Strategy Online Webinar: Transforming Lackluster Sales People/Hiring Top Producers Please visit Business Owners: Are you in need of removing the negative impact of a Complacent Sales Environment? Are you in need of breaking the self-destructive cycle of poor hiring decisions that have cost you so much money in the past? Register your seats today. Attendees will discover: Why despite sales person enthusiasm or activity, sales a not consistent&revenue is not sustainable. Why anemic sales behavior and a complacent environment has taken hold ... and how to prevent it. How to locate and attract real game changers that will produce and grow your business Why Business Owners, Presidents and CEO's go over the same thing w/the same people w/out a change in their habits, routine or results! Why sales people fail to proactively prospect to identify and close new business. How a real sales system will provide you with consistency in approach and sustainable growth. Professional sports teams make use of a consistent offense, a consistent defense and an agreed to set of plays. Without an effective sales process, what you have are sales people, with good intent who lack consistency in closing new business! Learn how to implement real sales process to gain real sales consistency. Secure your seat(s) by registering now!  Please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training December 18, 2013

Effectively dealing with Resistant Sales People Part 2

  For Part 1 of this Tip Please visit Cause of Ultra Resistant Sales People:Parochial Self-interestThis type of resistant sales person values acceptance and often must be the center of attention. When someone else is advising or suggesting a different course of action the spotlight is not focused on them. Change for them triggers a fear of failure or a fear of rejection. This person worries that the change may uncover their lack of skill or knowledge and cause them to be rejected as incompetent. They may be worried they will lose their job especially if there have been other indicators (past poor performance) that this is a possibility. They may also feel slighted that they were not chosen to be the leader or if they are not directly brought into the mix early if they value power. They are consumed by their needs and can not whole heartedly see the change as a positive step for the company or organization.Solution: Communication, Incremental change, Support and FeedbackLittle or no communication sets off the fear of the unknown and can make people feel out of control. If they are left with many questions and no answers, this can lead to panic and anxiety which can lead to revolt and insider back talking.Business Owners: Are you facing Growth Obstacles, Stagnant Sales or an Inconsistent approach to Business Development?How much of a role do you play in your own level of dissatisfaction?Request our Complimentary CEO Sales Slide Show and Tool KitPlease visit to request your Tool Kit or contact us direct at 866-816-0991Step 1: Stop telling and begin asking. When sales people are asked to identify what changes might be necessary to achieve an objective, often you will find that they might come up with the same or similar course of action you would have commanded initially. Now it’s their idea.Step 2: Incremental change: Do not begin by lifting 500lbs. Begin the process by incrementally increase day to day activities and use each base hit as a motivator to increase to higher levels.To read the balance of this Tip please Visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training December 02, 2013

Effectively dealing with Resistant Sales People Part 1

Effectively dealing with Resistant Sales People Part 1 By Peak Performance Training and Development Call us Direct at 866-816-0991The economy is changing, buyers are more skeptical and you are working harder and longer for the same or less revenue. You have concluded the necessity for or have been asked to lead a change initiative. The problem identified is that what you or your organization have been relying business development specific simply is not working to the point where you can gain the traction necessary to get to the next level. The time, energy, effort and desire are present, however real change and the results are not.Business Owners: Are you facing Growth Obstacles, Stagnant Sales or an Inconsistent approach to Business Development that have you stuck on the Sales Plateau?How much of a role do you play in your own level of dissatisfaction?Request our Complimentary CEO Sales Slide Show and Tool KitPlease visit request your Tool Kit.Change triggers fear reactions and these reactions can lead to resistance. Understanding the fears the cause resistance to change will help you to find communication strategies to reduce the amount of resistance that can impede you from achieving the results you desire.So, you are going over the same thing with the same sales people each Monday morning, right. They nod, smile and acknowledge your advice however by Tuesday you find them exhibiting the same counterproductive behavior we were discussing the day before!First let’s understand the cause. Sales people resist change because of a variety of reasons.For the balance of this Tip Please Visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training November 20, 2013

When Business Owners know they have a sales problem yet fail to act!

When Business Owners know they have a sales problem yet fail to act! For some time now you have been telling yourself everything will be just fine. These bad times will soon pass. All along you have been experiencing sales person complacency, excuses, poor performance and turnover.  You are working harder and longer for less or, you are working harder and longer simply to keep other in a job! Yet, you keep telling yourself everything will be just fine. If so call us Direct at 866-816-0991 You have been treading water reading these sales and sales management tips now for months telling yourself how interesting they are. You tell yourself they make sense, yet you fail to act. You have it all under control. THIS IS the problem. We as business owners want to think we have it all under control. By reaching out for help we may actually expose ourselves. However you are exposing yourself to a much greater degree when you fail to act on what you now know is a problem that isn’t going anywhere, until you act on it that is. In a negative economy or when conditions become extreme, human beings DO NOT CHANGE. In extreme condition human beings become extreme in their behavior. This refers to the fact that we as human beings are habitual. Our habits form routines and our routines will only deliver a certain level of productivity. In fact what we tend to do is MORE OF what isn’t working. In other words you do act how you fail to change.   For example; Mistake Number 1: More advertising and marketing in order to get MORE leads........................To read the balance of this Tip please visit more

By Peak Performance Sales Training November 18, 2013

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Metro Recruiting


By vabuirse1121

Hello I am currently seeking employment in your area I live in Little Rock Arkansas and I will be coming to the city of Pompano for vacation. While I am there I like to see if there are any positions for me to apply with your company for a non-clinical positions in social work. You can reach me at my email thanks I cant wait to hear from your staffing agency. more

New Managment Solutions


By chris scotto at Citysearch

JUST A NOTE TO ALL OUT THERE AND THOSE THAT HAVE CALLED ME...Lisa Medland, ow ner of New Management Solutions of Wiles Rd Coral Gables Fla is a SCAM AND FRAUD artist.She took my fee of $2500.00 as a recruiter and never got me 1 telephone interview in a year, and suddenly has in 12/2011 closed her office and is working out of her home at 6517 NW 78th Pl. Parkland, Fla . Others have called me that she has scammed and we are putting together a class action law suit against her, her firm and her husband stephen a partner. All appropriate authorities and regulators have been extremely notifed. Join the scammed in putting this scam artist behind bars. if you have b een scammed by her and her firm. The Division of Consumer Affairs has become invlolved. more



By Anonymous

She takes back old cracked stuff and will replace it; she sometimes can eliminate or absorb the return shipping fees. If its obsolete she will give you credit toward new Tupperware. Really nice and really flexible. Also, she does fundraisers with 40 or 50% return and the warranty still sticks! more

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