Blogs from Professional Services in Ormond Beach, FL

Why hire a professional pet sitter?

Using a professional pet sitter reaps benefits for both pets and pet parents.   Once you experience professional pet care in your home, you'll never worry about being away from your pet again. For the Pets: Benefits to your pets include: Staying at home in his/her safe, secure environment Being surrounded by familiar sights, smells and sounds Following his/her regular diet and exercise routine Having play time Receiving love and personal attention Maintaining medical treatment, when required Having someone responsible in case of an emergency Eliminating the trauma of travel or an unfamiliar environment Helping to ensure good health (no exposure to other animals' illness or parasites) For the Pet Parent: Benefits to you include: Knowing that your pet is in caring, loving hands Having the confidence that the pet sitter can deal with other issues - such as grooming, vet visits Eliminating the trauma of having to transport and leave your pet Not having to impose on family, friends or neighbors Feeling your home is more secure (with someone going in and out several times a day) Not all pet sitters are created equal, nor are they all professional. In hiring a pet sitter, it is important to make sure you have chosen the right person to care for your beloved animal. Heaven Scent Pet Sitting, offers professional, in-your-home pet sitting & dog walking services in the Ormond Beach, FL, area. Bonded & insured. Clean background check. Member Pet Sitters International. American Red Cross certified in Pet First Aid & CPR. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting July 06, 2017

Heaven Scent Pet Sitting is a proud member of PSI!

​​​​Why Pet Owners Hire Professional Pet Sitters

 • Pets are happier and experience less stress at home.  • Diet and exercise routines are uninterrupted.  • Travel trauma for both owner and pet is eliminated.  • Pet's exposure to parasites & diseases are minimized.  • Untrained or unwilling friends/family/neighbors need not be called.  • In-home professional pet care provides added peace of mind. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting January 30, 2017

Traveling for the holidays & can't take the pets? We can help!

Heaven Scent Pet Sitting offers professional, in-your-home pet sitting&dog; walking services in the Ormond Beach, FL, area. Bonded&insured. Clean background check.  Member PSI. American Red Cross certified in Pet First Aid&CPR. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting November 06, 2016

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Stash the Treats The candy bowl is for trick-or-treaters, not Scruffy or Fluffy. Several popular Halloween treats are toxic to pets. Chocolate in all forms—especially dark or baking chocolate—can be very dangerous for cats and dogs, and sugar-free candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can cause serious problems in pets. If you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, please call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 immediately. Watch the Decorations and Keep Wires Out of Reach While a carved jack-o-lantern certainly is festive, pets can easily knock over a lit pumpkin and start a fire. Curious kittens are especially at risk of getting burned or singed by candle flame. Popular Halloween plants such as pumpkins and decorative corn are considered relatively nontoxic, but can produce stomach discomfort in pets who nibble on them. Be Careful with Costumes For some pets, wearing a costume may cause undue stress. The ASPCA recommends that you don’t put your dog or cat in a costume unless you know he or she loves it. If you do dress up your pet for Halloween, make sure the costume does not limit his or her movement, sight or ability to breathe, bark or meow. Check the costume carefully for small, dangling or easily chewed-off pieces that could present a choking hazard. Ill-fitting outfits can get twisted on external objects or your pet, leading to injury. Be sure to have your pet try on the costume before the big night. If he or she seems distressed or shows abnormal behavior, consider letting your pet wear his or her “birthday suit” or don a festive bandana instead. Keep Pets Calm and Easily Identifiable Halloween brings a flurry of activity with visitors arriving at the door, and too many strangers can often be scary and stressful for pets. All but the most social dogs and cats should be kept in a separate room away from the front door during peak trick-or-treating hours. While opening the door for guests, be sure that your dog or cat doesn’t dart outside. And always make sure your pet it wearing proper identification—if for any reason he or she does escape, a collar with ID tags and/or a microchip can be a lifesaver for a lost pet. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting October 19, 2016

Heaven Scent Pet Sitting starts 14th year of service!

ORMOND BEACH, Fla. - Sept. 30, 2016 - PRLog -- Heaven Scent Pet Sitting offers professional, in-your-home pet sitting services in the Ormond Beach, FL,&surrounding; areas. We are Bonded&Insured. We are American Red Cross certified in Pet First Aid&CPR. We are a Member of Pet Sitters International. Our website is Heaven Scent Pet Sitting was founded in 2003 by Cathy Bullock and is located in Ormond Beach, Florida.  Cathy has had years of experience with all types of animals. Heaven Scent Pet Sitting provides professional pet sitting services in the Ormond Beach area along with great customer support - a combination that can't be beat! Through our commitment, experience, and expertise, Heaven Scent Pet Sitting has established a business relationship with our customers that will last a lifetime! more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting September 30, 2016

Toxic and Dangerous Foods for Pets

Poison is a growing concern among pet owners. Household poisons are not the only thing that can harm your pets. Many common household foods and drugs can also be toxic to your pets. The following are foods that can be toxic or poisonous to your pets. Avocados. Avocados contain a toxin known as persin. Persin is found in various parts of the avocado and avocado trees (eg, leaves, rind, etc). This toxin is known mostly to cause vomiting and diarrhea. Birds and small pets seem most affected by the negative side effects of consuming avocado. Beer. Not just beer ... all alcohol. Depending on how much alcohol your animal ingests, it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, depression, difficulty breathing, coma, and possible death. Chocolate. Chocolate contains a compound called theobromine that is toxic to pets. If enough is ingested, your animal can suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors, seizures, and possible death. Cocoa mulch contains theobromine; the ASPCA advises dog owners to avoid using this fertilizer around unsupervised dogs, and dogs with indiscriminate eating habits since it can be toxic if ingested. Candy. Chocolate is the most common candy that is toxic to pets, especially to dogs, cats, and ferrets. Any candy containing the sweetener xylitol can also be toxic to pets. Caffeine. Caffeine is generally highly toxic to pets, having negative effects on both the cardiac and nervous systems. Side effects can include vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors, seizures, and possible death. Grapes and raisins. An unknown toxin in grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure and ultimately lead to death. Symptoms of this poisoning can include hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, and irregular heartbeat. Nuts. An unknown toxin in nuts can have negative effects on the nervous, digestive, and muscular systems of your pet. Symptoms can include muscle tremors, weakness, an upset stomach, vomiting, depression, inactivity, and stiffness. Particularly avoid Macadamia nuts. Onions. Onions, along with garlic and chives, are all part of the same species of plant — the Allium species. Allium species plants contain sulfur compounds that can cause stomach irritation and possibly result in damage to red blood cells causing anemia. This is referred to as Allium poisoning. Some human medicines. While some human medications are prescribed for pets by veterinarians, others can be highly toxic and fatal. Acetaminophen, which is contained in Tylenol and other similar products, for example, can be fatal to cats. Always consult with your veterinarian before giving human medication to a pet. Xylitol (artificial sugar). Xylitol is a sweetener used in many products including mouthwash, chewing gum, toothpaste, and various foods. Because it is toxic to pets, products containing xylitol should not be given to your dog or cat. Lily Plants. All portions of the lily plant are poisonous to cats when ingested. Just a nibble of the leaf, petal, or stem can cause irreversible kidney failure despite extensive medical treatment. Other foods that can be toxic to your pet: Apple Seeds Chives (see "onions," above) Fruit pits, especially those of apricots, peaches, plums, nectarines, and cherries Garlic (see "onions" above) Moldy foods Mustard seeds Potato leaves and stems Rhubarb leaves Salt Tea Tomato leaves and stems Toxic Household Items Antifreeze Liquid potpourri Polyurethane glue Pennies Pine-oil cleaners A study by the pet health insurance company VPI found that these were the top 10 foods and plants involved in pet poisoning claims: Raisins/Grapes Mushrooms Marijuana Lily flowers Walnuts Onion Sago Palm Macadamia nuts Azalea flowers Hydrangea flowers more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting August 19, 2014


Summer weather is fast approaching and with it will come thunderstorms.  Thunderstorm phobias can send dogs hiding under their beds or cowering and shaking in fear, much to the concern of their owners.  Fortunately, there are some holistic approaches that may help to calm your dog during summer storms. Fear of thunderstorms and other noise sensitivities are becoming quite prevalent in dogs and the fact that it is so common is not surprising.  Noise sensitivity is quite often a symptom of rabies vaccinosis (see May issue of Dogs Naturally for how the Rabies vaccine can affect your dog’s behavior).  If your dog is noise or thunder phobic, a good start would be to take him to a good homeopathic vet.  There are various remedies that can help counter-balance vaccinosis and every vaccinated dog should start here.  Even if your dog has not been vaccinated for rabies, he may still carry the baggage of his parents if they were vaccinated.  Treating the core of the problem – vaccinosis – is the best place to begin if you want to permanently rid your dog of these fears – or at least limit is stress as much as possible. There are also some remedies that will help counter his fears during the storm season.  As with all homeopathic remedies, once you see improvement in your dog, stop giving the remedy or reduce the frequency of dosing until you can stop completely. Phosphorus 30c – This remedy is good for all noise phobias.  It can be given once or twice a day. Borax 6c – This remedy is specific for fears of thunder storms and can be given twice a day. Aconite 30c – This remedy addresses fear in general and can be given every fifteen minutes during a storm.  Continue only until you see improvement.  If you do not see improvement, try another remedy. Aurum Metallicaum 30c – may also be given once or twice a day to combat most noise sensitivities. Of course, flower remedies are also an excellent choice for thunder phobias and Rescue Remedy can also be given every 15 minutes until the dog starts to calm. The above are some suggestions you might try on your dog or discuss with your vet.  There is no need for your dog to suffer this summer! more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting June 27, 2014

Photos that prove cats can get comfortable anywhere

If I fits, I sits: 18 photos that prove cats can get comfortable anywhereOur feline friends are incredibly talented when it comes to getting themselves to fit in tight spaces and peculiar places.By: Laura MossTue, Jun 24, 2014 at 09:12 AM222Facebook78Twitter9Pinterest468Google+If this basket were any smaller, this kitty wouldn't fit. (Photo: Aidras/flickr)Cats have a knack for squeezing themselves into tiny spaces and curling up for what can often appear to be an uncomfortable nap. It's the well-known cat philosophy of "If I fits, I sits." From boxes and baskets to cups and cartons, here are 18 photos of kitties getting comfy in curious spots. Photo: Lindsey Turner/flickr Photo: Windell Oskay/flickr Photo: evan p cordes/flickrNo cat loves boxes more than Maru, and no matter what the size, this large kitty from Japan will make himself fit. Photo: Lori Hurley/flickrThis kitten looks to be about a size seven. Photo: Michelle Tribe/flickrPhoto: April Killingsworth/flickr Photo: reader of the pack/flickr Photo: psyberartist/flickrThis cat's owner brought home an architectural model, and the feline wasted no time making himself right at home in this tiny house. Photo: Tommy Hemmert Olesen/flickr Photo: Jeff Youngstrom/flickrYour average egg carton is made to hold a dozen eggs and one cat. Photo: Alisha Vargas/flickr Photo: Helena Jacoba/flickr Photo: normanack/flickrIt's a tight fit, but this kitty seems to have made it work. Photo: Paddy and Dushi/flickr Photo: rainy city/flickr  Phot: helena jacoba/flickr more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting June 27, 2014

8 Tips on Keeping Companion Animals Safe During Disasters

Hurricane season is here! Be prepared with these tips from Executive Director, Kerri Burns, animal emergency services expert. Never leave your pet home alone or outside. The safest place for your pet is with you! If you must evacuate, take your pet along. If you plan to board your pet, check ahead to ensure the facility is not in a flood plane and will be attended throughout the storm. Ask if they have crates for transport/a plan for evacuation, and an emergency contact number you can call. If you live in modular housing, on a barrier island or flood plane, arrange ahead of time for you and your pet to spend the storm with friends or family who live in a safe zone, or contact hotels locally and outside your home area to see if they will permit your pet. Many hotels make exceptions during an evacuation and will accept crated pets.  Have travel carriers handy for evacuation. Make your pet’s carrier a fun and safe place throughout the year by placing treats, toys and meals in it on a routine basis.  Prepare a travel kit for your pet. Include food, water, bedding, towels, medical supplies, bathing supplies, flea/tick control and leashes for a two-week period. Place several forms of ID on your pet’s collar. Do not assume your owner tag will immediately reunite you with a lost pet. If your neighborhood is evacuated and phone lines are down, or if your pet is lost during travel, it may be months before you receive contact. Include a temporary tag with the phone number of a friend or relative who lives outside your immediate area.  Have your pet microchipped and make sure the chip is registered. Check with the chip manufacturer’s national registry to ensure they have your correct contact information. Remember, only shelters that scan animals for microchips will discover your pet’s information, so always keep current identification tags on your pet’s collar.  Always have current photos of your pet with you. Photos will greatly aid in reuniting you and your lost pet.  - See more at: more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting June 18, 2014

'Cat-a-palooza' will offer free adoptions this weekend

The Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando has announced a new solution to the perennial problem of homeless cats -- Cat-a-palooza! The weekend celebration of all things feline will waive adoption fees for the first 100 cats and kittens adopted June 21 and June 22. Hill’s Pet Nutrition is underwriting the costs to boost cat-adoption rates at the nonprofit organization, which has pet shelters in Orlando and Sanford. “Summer is the time of year we receive the most cats, and yet adoptions are low,” says Kerri Burns, executive director of the Pet Alliance, formerly known as the SPCA of Central Florida. The shelters are currently filled to capacity with adoptable cats and kittens, Burns says. In addition to the waived fees, every adoptive cat owner also will receive a free bag of Hill’s Science Diet cat food, six months of flea and heart-worm prevention and free pet-health insurance. And the first 20 cats adopted during Cat-a-palooza will receive a designer cat bed filled with toys and treats, a $200 value. On average, the Pet Alliance invests $254 in every adoptable cat. That goes towards spay and neuter costs, permanent microchips, vaccines, flea treatment and veterinary costs -- not to mention housing and food. To see all the adoptable felines -- as well as their canine counterparts -- go more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting June 18, 2014

Furry Friends: How pets benefit your health

Considering getting a cat or dog? Not only do pets provide a daily dose of love, they confer numerous health benefits, too. Increasingly specific research over the past few years shows that pet ownership can decrease your stress, facilitate better emotional health, and possibly lower your cardiovascular risk. Research on the latter focused on dogs, in particular, with the American Heart Association doing a comprehensive study on the links between canine companions and various risk factors for heart disease. Pets can also help infants and children grow up without allergies: while it might seem counterintuitive, having a furry animal at home with little ones may lower the chance that those children develop allergies or asthma later in life. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting February 23, 2014

October is Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month

October is Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month and there are more dogs in need than ever. Check out the articles here for great information on adopting a dog, a dog adoption checklist, tips for the first thirty days of dog adoption and more! But what if you can’t adopt? Here are some easy ways you can still help: Donate your Facebook status. Just paste this message into the “What’s on your mind?” box at the top of your page: “October is Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month. Save a life: Adopt a dog!” Tweet, retweet and repeat the following (or your own brilliant message): “October is Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month. Save a life: Adopt a dog! #savedogs” Contact your local shelter or rescue group (you can search for groups near you here) and ask if they have a donation wish list or other flyer they’d like to you to post around your office or neighborhood. They may be holding special events for Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month which you can help promote. Share an adoptable dog or a Petfinder dog-adoption Happy Tail on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (hashtag #savedogs) page each day of the month. Sign up as a foster parent or shelter volunteer then tell your friends how great it is. Contact your local shelter or rescue group, or register in our volunteer database. Add a Petfinder widget or banner to your Web site or blog. Write an op-ed about the importance of pet adoption for your local paper. Contact your local shelter or rescue group and offer to photograph their adoptable pets and upload the pics to Petfinder. Donate to your local shelter or rescue group or to the Foundation in honor of Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month. Pass on an understanding of the importance of pet adoption to the next generation. Talk to your kids, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and other up-and-comers about animal shelters and why Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month, and pet adoption in general, is important. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting October 19, 2013

Small Business Saturday is November 24!

Small Business Saturday is a day for everyone — from the business owners who create jobs to the customers who buy locally — to support small businesses that invigorate the economy and keep communities thriving. It began in 2010 when American Express founded Small Business Saturday to help small businesses get more exposure during one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year. Last year, over 100 million people came out to shop at independently-owned small businesses on the day. Now, in its third year, Small Business Saturday will be even bigger. American Express is offering free and easy-to-use tools to help small businesses get the most out of the day and tools for consumers to show their support. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Safety Tips

‘Tis the season for friends, family and holiday feasts—but also for possible distress for our animal companions. Pets won’t be so thankful if they munch on undercooked turkey or a pet-unfriendly floral arrangement, or if they stumble upon an unattended alcoholic drink. Check out the following tips from ASPCA experts for a fulfilling Thanksgiving that your pets can enjoy, too. Talkin’ Turkey If you decide to feed your pet a little nibble of turkey, make sure it’s boneless and well-cooked. Don't offer her raw or undercooked turkey, which may contain salmonella bacteria. Sage Advice Sage can make your Thanksgiving stuffing taste delish, but it and many other herbs contain essential oils and resins that can cause gastrointestinal upset and central nervous system depression to pets if eaten in large quantities. Cats are especially sensitive to the effects of certain essential oils. No Bread Dough Don't spoil your pet’s holiday by giving him raw bread dough. According to ASPCA experts, when raw bread dough is ingested, an animal's body heat causes the dough to rise in his stomach. As it expands, the pet may experience vomiting, severe abdominal pain and bloating, which could become a life-threatening emergency, requiring surgery. Don't Let Them Eat Cake If you’re baking up Thanksgiving cakes, be sure your pets keep their noses out of the batter, especially if it includes raw eggs—they could contain salmonella bacteria that may lead to food poisoning. Too Much of a Good Thing A few small boneless pieces of cooked turkey, a taste of mashed potato or even a lick of pumpkin pie shouldn’t pose a problem. However, don't allow your pets to overindulge, as they could wind up with a case of stomach upset, diarrhea or even worse—an inflammatory condition of the pancreas known as pancreatitis. In fact, it’s best keep pets on their regular diets during the holidays. A Feast Fit for a Kong While the humans are chowing down, give your cat and dog their own little feast. Offer them Nylabones or made-for-pet chew bones. Or stuff their usual dinner—perhaps with a few added tidbits of turkey, vegetables (try sweet potato or green beans) and dribbles of gravy—inside a Kong toy. They’ll be happily occupied for awhile, working hard to extract their dinner from the toy. more

By Heaven Scent Pet Sitting November 15, 2012

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Atlantic Electric


By aconcernedcustomer

My grandmother recently had an electric panel box replaced by Atlantic Electric and the wrong size breakers were installed. After calling the company, they refuse to come back out and fix it. They don't care about their customers or take pride in their own work apparently. Find another company!! more

Heaven Scent Pet Sitting


By Chair Caning & Wicker Repair

Thank you for connecting with Chair Caning & Wicker Repair 704-235-8171, it is a pleasure having you in our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and success.Giving your company 5 stars and other "compliments" to your Circle site for your kindness. more

Heaven Scent Pet Sitting


By Gold Canyon Candles - Kiki's Candles

You treat animals with a gentle hand. My cousin is one of your customers and highly recomends you....Keep up the shows:) more

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