Blogs from Consulting Firms in Orlando, FL

5,000 years of wisdom: exploring the historical roots of vastu

To understand the true teachings of Vastu Shastra in depth, you should be willing to dive into its history. According to historians such as Dr. Havell, Alexander Cunningham and James Fergusson, Vastu Shastra developed at some time between 6000 BC and 3000 BC. However, this only refers to the practice of vastu. Its origin lies far deeper in history than many anticipate.   Connecting to Vastu through HistoryVastu and Hindu Text Vastu Shastra was referred to in the great Indian epic, Ramayana. In this poem, the construction of the holy city, Ayodhya (capital of the Kingdom of Lord Rama) shares its text with that of the great architectural text, Manasara. In addition, even the Maya Sabha of the Mahabharata was built as per the ancient principles of Vastu Shastra. Vastu and Buddhism Vastu has also been mentioned various times in Buddhist literature. Because Lord Buddha was very conscious about the structure and construction of all buildings, each temple, house and building was constructed in accordance with the guidelines of vastu. Vastu in Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa The ancient cultures of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa also display the influence of vastu in the Indus Valley Civilization. The basic rules followed in those cultures were very similar to the education of vastu in the Indian region. More Evidence… In suit, evidence of the teachings of vastu Shastra have been found in many other archaeological sites, each displaying the art of building homes, temples, towns and cities among other living spaces. The Origin of Vastu Shastra Although we just noted the history of vastu, we must focus on its origin as well. According to various ancient texts, the science of vastu was determined during the daytime, taking full advantage of the sun rays during the different times of day. Vastu is also considered to be a part of Vedas, which might account for Vastu’s connection with that of positive energy and divine guidance. Since yogis during that time practiced their meditation to acquire answers from a cosmic source, many considered Vedas to be a source of divine knowledge. However, it must be noted that even with such a history, Vastu Shastra was still purely considered as a technical subject and only confined to architects who would hand it down to their next generations. Learning More about Vastu! Vastu is an education that only professionals in the field can explain. As a professional vastu feng shui consultant, I have the expertise to provide you with as much information as you require about the vibrant world of vastu. Call me at 407-529-5714 to book an online or private consultation. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 19, 2019

Vastu and Life planning - What this ancient art can teach us !

Vastu Shashtra is not just about decorating your home, it is about bringing a balance in your – balance that can help your achieve all that you want. We all have different goals in our lives but at the end of the day, we are all in pursuit of happiness. That happiness comes from achieving your goals, personal and professional. Your journey towards your goals is powered by your energies. Positive energies drive you towards it; negative ones create obstructions by bringing your will and motivation down. Vastu Shashtra is all about infusing a positive energy into your life. Integrating Vastu in your life will not magically bring you all that you desire, but it will play a powerful and positive role in living life as you planned. The art may be ancient but the science behind it is still valid. Because of all these reasons, Vastu should be a part of your life planning. From your health to relationship and from professional success to personal peace – here are a few Vastu tips to help you live a life you desire. Vastu Tips for Good Health Staircase in the centre of the house can cause bad health. It should always be in the corner. Your sleeping position also impacts your overall health and that is why Vastu stresses on sleeping with your head in south. It is also important to balance the element of fire and water in your home. Some plants such as citrus trees at the entrance are invitation to good health. Vastu Tips for Relationship A healthy relationship is important for a good life, and Vastu has a lot of tips on creating a perfect environment for the love to prevail. The best direction for a couple’s bedroom is North West, and the walls should be painted in light pink. Metal furniture and mirrors should be avoided. Vastu Tips for Peace We all want our homes to be peaceful and bonded with love. Your peace of mind can have drastic impact on your temperament and your decision-making abilities. For a peaceful life, it is recommended to choose a home with Eastern or Northern entrance while South and West must be avoided. Your kitchen should be in South East while water source should be in North East so that the elements are well balanced. Vastu Tips for Prosperity And finally, prosperity and wealth will find their way to your home if it is built and designed to welcome them according to Vastu Shastra. In vastu, South or South West is the ideal location for placing your locker, vault, or wallet. They should not be placed under a beam. The North Eastern portion of your home must be clean and free of clutter. Infusing elements and nature in the right direction, such as trees in South West and Aquarium in North East will open the doorway to great wealth. Let Me Help You plan Your Life With Vastu Show, I aim to help people plan and live their life as per their wishes. While these vastu tips are helpful, Vastu is a comprehensive science and its implementation verily depends on the specifics of your home and situation. You can reach me at 417-529-5714 for a more personalized and comprehensive consultation. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 19, 2019

Enlightment and Empowerment: The Science of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra, the science of architecture, presents us with a unique viewpoint of the intended nature of our surroundings. Rather than looking at our homes as structures of steel and brick, we view them as a source of inspiration and internal energy—a base for all our positive and negative experiences. However, this understanding of our homes and living spaces isn’t just based on faith in vastu. Focusing on the science aspect of vastu, we delve into details to following vastu guidelines and principles and how each relates to different elements of architecture. The Basics of Vastu Shastra The literal meaning of Vastu is house or home. In broader terms, it can be deemed as the plot of site of land. It also includes the compound wall and building that is built inside that plot of land. Here, we consider Vastu Shastra for its Sanskrit meaning. In Sanskrit, Vastu means comfort. This perception of comfort is related to the positioning the five basic elements of our surroundings namely; fire, air, earth, water and sky. In connection to the eight directions (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, NW), correct proportion of each with the five elements promotes positive energy and influences the life of those working in its vicinity. Shastra in Sanskrit translates to science, which therefore lays the guidelines for arranging the abovementioned elements in your chosen living space. Following Necessary Guidelines for Vastu Shastra The workings of Vastu Shastra function on more than just your faith in their innate building ability. Vastu Shastra uses direction and compatible elements to present you with a livable space that would increase positivity and create an appealing living space. Whether you credit efficient use of space or flow of energy for these benefits; that’s your decision. But it cannot be denied that if followed rigidly, these guidelines can provide your surroundings with equilibrium between different energies. Seeking a Professional for Guidance Although the teachings of vastu have evolved over time, vastu is a complex subject—one that can only be explained by an expert. As a professional vastu feng shui consultant, I have the experience to work in different environments and cater to a wide range of customers. I offer my expertise as a gateway to a better life, so you can take charge of your destiny. Call 417-529-5714 to learn more about vastu and free yourself from any restraints that your environment may be inflicting on you. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 18, 2019

Create your own destiny with Vastu Feng Shui

You may understand vastu as the science of architecture used to attract positive energy your way. But vastu is so much more than just that. In its powerful stance, vastu gives you the chance to create and dictate your own life and destiny. It can help you make decisions, bring positive energy, and assist in building your life the way you want. Understanding Vastu Before I go into the details, understand this. Vastu for your home and career relate you to your environment and the earth. It creates a solid ground so you have the energy to work on your destiny. However, vastu is not magic. If you follow the rules of vastu, you must be willing to dive deeper to adjust energies in a way that boosts your life in a positive manner. The Rule of Vastu Negative energy, even from past events, can have an acute effect on your present and future plans—even if that negative energy isn’t related to you. If your current abode has reported cases of violent energy, such as suicide or murder, move out. If your house was sold to you out of anxiety or stress on part of the homeowner, it can transfer the negative energy onto you. If your home is opposite a temple, hospital, school or factory, do not purchase it. Such situations can cause an amalgam of energy to hinder your path, making it difficult for you to accomplish your goals. Also, understand that vastu utilizes smaller elements in your home to make a big difference. So follow the guidelines with an open mind. Some Tips on Vastu for Your Home and Life Make sure there is nothing obstructing the front door of your house. Wires, poles and pits can hinder the flow of positive energy and wealth. Treat your home with respect, as you would a temple. Clutter and dirt triggers financial issues. Install a fish aquarium in your home. The constant movement of the fish keeps the energy to stay on the move, allowing more positive direction to come through. Open your windows every morning for at least 20 minutes. The stagnant energy curtails chances of wealth and earnings. Keep all clocks in running order. Clocks maintain the flow of finances. If your clock is still, it keeps you behind on your dues. Learning More about Vastu! And this is just the start! Vastu can give you complete knowledge about different ways things affect our destiny. Learn from my experience! As a professional vastu feng shui consultant, I have the expertise to help you determine a better future. Call me at 407-529-5714 to book an online or private consultation. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 18, 2019

Vaastu Living with Pallavi – Vaastu: The Concept, Conclusion

Vaastu is an ancient subject relevant today as it has been for thousands of years, however many do know fully understand this topic and have misconceptions about it. In this episode we take a dive into the topic of Vaastu itself. For more be sure to tune into Vaastu Living on TV Asia Every Sunday and call us during our Live Shows once a month. For more info visit below more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 17, 2019

Vaastu Living with Pallavi – Vaastu: The Concept, Introduction

Vaastu is an ancient subject relevant today as it has been for thousands of years, however many do know fully understand this topic and have misconceptions about it. In this episode we take a dive into the topic of Vaastu itself. For more be sure to tune into Vaastu Living on TV Asia Every Sunday and call us during our Live Shows once a month. For more info visit below more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 17, 2019

Why famous People adhere to the principle of Vastu

Famous people, by nature, are a superstitious lot Because they live in the spotlight, they keep a watch on every element of their surrounding, making sure nothing untoward happens. Many do so by employing their superstitions on every small and large aspect of their life. But others, their first and only option of controlling their environment and its energy is by understanding and living under the guidelines and principles of vastu. Effects of Vastu on Career and Life As a professional vastu feng shui consultant, I have acute knowledge of the effects of vastu on home, life and career. Firstly, understand that vastu is a science. Literally translated to the Science of Architecture, vastu uses design, layout, measurement and spatial geometry to deal with the relevant functions of structure and flow of energy. It opens up a broad platform for the practitioner. By following the simplest guideline—such as making sure that the northeast corner is clear and without obstruction—people can raise their chances of attaining new career opportunities and living a prosperous life. Connecting Vastu to Mood and Ability Targeting famous or well-known people, it is simply impossible to encompass all these talented individuals in one category. So let’s take just one type of famous person as an example. Actors live their lives in a very unique way. Through their acting abilities, they show the world a connection with a role that never existed, and that is a rare talent. However, because their job takes away so much energy, many become unstable in their personal life. Instead of creating a sense of balance with their personal, professional and private life, they end up giving all their energy to one side, ignoring the rest. As a result, they encounter stress. And that is where Vastu comes in handy. Vastu provides them with a proper course so they can direct positive energy to their advantage. Hiring One of the Best Vastu Feng Shui Consultant Vastu is nothing if not complex. This is why I urge people to always consult a professional consultant before they start following the guidelines of the science. Our homes and lives are different. Ergo, any guidelines provided for each environment would be different as well. I can offer my expertise on the matter through private and online consultations. If you would like to learn more about the study of vastu or would like to practice vastu, contact me by calling 407-529-5714. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 17, 2019

5 tips to attract money with vastu

1.Prominent Colors In the north vastu zone, ensure that blue is the main color; avoid red shade and designate space for kitchen and toilet. 2.Greenery Keep a money plant in a green vase, or hang a scenery showing a lush field or thick forest in the north zone. 3.Entrance A beautiful entrance brings happiness and prosperity. It also helps in appreciation of an individual̢۪s value in the society. 4.Direction Keep the safe and work table in the northern areas, and make sure that the drawing room is situated there too for a healthy money flow. 5.Balance Consult an expert to ensure that your establishment is set-up according to the Mahavastu method, so that the money keeps flowing in. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 17, 2019

What’s Vastu Dosh and How is It Detrimental to Your Career?

There are times when you feel like your life is going nowhere. You continue to face challenge after challenge and your career is always under the threat of failure. As disturbing as times like these can be for your mental health, they’re not uncommon. Most of us go through many instances of such traumatizing phases. Why are they so frequent in today’s day and age, though? It’s because of all the vastu dosh that’s surrounding you! What is Vastu Dosh? Vastu dosh is a concept that stems from the ancient Vedic tradition of Vastu Shastra—or the science of architecture. Vastu Shastra is a system of architecture that brings prosperity, happiness, and growth to a building and the people who live in it. In relation to this, vastu dosh—or flaw—is the failure to comply with the system of Vastu Shastra. This upsets cosmic energies that bring positive forces into your life and attracts negative energies to fill that void. Why Is Vastu Dosh Detrimental to Your Career? Your career is an extension of your personal life. If things aren’t going well in your personal life, it’s a given that you’ll fail professionally as well. But it’s more than just that. While, vastu dosh in your home and workplace does more than just evoke conflict and unhappiness, it also holds back growth and wealth that are supposed to come your way! That’s why it’s crucial to take note of the vastu dosh around you and correct it as soon as possible! How Can You Correct Vastu Dosh? There are a number of ways that vastu dosh can be erased from your life so you can welcome happiness, health, and wealth back into it! According to expert Vastu consultant Pallavi Chhelavda, you can make the following changes to your house and workplace to complete evade Vastu dosh: No matter where you are—at home or work—never sit with your back to the entrance. All the positive energy in your life enters from the door, if you sit with your back turned towards it, you might turn away the positive energy. Doing so is also not good for your psychological wellbeing, as when you sit with your back to the door, your mind stresses out because you don’t know who might enter! Another thing to avoid is needless cluttering. It might seem difficult to organize your life when your career is in shambles, but it’s all interconnected. The clutter on your desk clutters your mind and confuses the cosmic forces around you. Clearing your desk will help you clear your mind and start afresh. For more useful vastu tips, get in touch with the globally renowned Pallavi Chhelavda, who can change your life and career for the better with her knowledge of Vastu Shastra! more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 16, 2019

Motel Business in Vastu

One of the best places to spend the night on a road trip, the motel has come to be known for its affordability and convenience. Not only is it much easier to check into, the availability of a room is quite higher as people don’t really stay for long in a motel room. Where hotels usually ask for any sort of Identification, such a policy is not implemented among motels. Why? Well, people don’t stay for long and most motels allow guests to stay in for as short as 3 hours. That aside, motels don’t offer any unnecessary amenities that guests won’t even get to use such as public spaces, gyms, spas, receptions with concierge areas and the like. Simply put, a motel is as basic as it gets. Rooms are meant for individuals to have a place to stay for the night, though sometimes, some may feature free early morning breakfasts and laundry rooms, most just stick to the basics. This makes it an ideal business for those who want to earn passive income and work with family. Still, like any business, success is found in how much thought and effort you put into designing your establishment and delegating tasks to members/staff. Vastu Tips for your Motel Business One way of freeing yourself from the responsibility of researching as to what to get and where to put it, is by following the guidelines set by Vastu Shastra. An ancient science, Vastu has long been used by individuals to further their success in their business, family life and everything else. Using the same concepts in your motel Business or plans to do so don’t just improve your business but you also ensure your guest a comfortable and satisfying stay. Let’s take a look into some of the basic principles of Vastu that you can apply to your motel. 1. Make your dining room auspicious to success. This means making use of rectangular or square dining tables. Placing it in such a way that it is close to the kitchen and in the southwest, northwest or northeast direction of the house. 2. Putting the dining table in the center of the room and never in the southwest corner 3. Arranging items in the room so that beds are in the south or west portion so that the individuals sleeping can sleep with their feet facing towards the north or west only; televisions and telephones are kept on the right and left side of the bed only; and tables and chairs are harmoniously arranged in accordance with the magnetic axis of the earth. 4. Warm colors like orange, yellow, cream and brown are used in the interior of the building to nourish an enjoyable experience for guests. 5. Water tanks, swimming pools and other sources of water are placed in areas should be kept in the northwest area of the house. Keeping some of these principles in mind, you may be able to set up your motel for prosperity and a friendly ambiance that would have people wanting to come in time and time again. It would be good to note though that these are just some of the basic principles and depending upon your staff and the majority of guests that you get in a year, some may not apply to you and you may need to meet other special conditions for your motel to fully abide by the rules of Vastu. So what should you do? Better than doing research on the topic, consulting with a Vastu Expert would be the best way to ensure your motel is a Vastu-compliant abode. Wherever you are in the world, internationally known vastu and Feng Shui expert Pallavi Chhelavda can help you do so. Providing services in person and online, she has been helping many celebrities and individuals build up their success with her knowledge on Vastu. To know more about her you can visit her website on or you could watch her vastushows on her youtube channel Pallavi Chhelavda. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 16, 2019

Vastu for Home - Vastu Living with Pallavi Chhelavda

Vastu is architectural guidance and it is also a traditional Indian Science of Architecture which guides the design of buildings and construction with the help of simple laws of the universe. There is a great importance of the Vaastu Shastra in our life, as it paves the way for happiness and prosperity to knock our doors. Vastu is rational in the sense and completely based on scientific study and not on the assumptions. Vastu includes the mathematical calculation of a site’s direction-based attributes. Based on the data, the ideal and proper position of rooms, including the consideration of entry passage and exit, along with placement of furniture items are determined, as per the Vastu principles. A proper home is a collaboration of the rooms and precisely defined entry points. Over the years, people have really grown to use Vastu Shastra for a better life. In fact, people across the world have now understanding the importance of Vastu in order to ensure a perfectly balanced home - a home that keeps out any negative energies and invites positive energies. A home is a place where a family or person “lives” and by lives I mean really live and not just stay. If someone just “stays in” at a place then the place is not really a home, that’s why you just “stay” in a hotel and not live in there. Home is made up of emotions and feelings like warmth and love. Vastu Shastra for home is the perfect solutions to ensure that your house remains blessed by the positive energies at all times. Vastu extracts the positive vibes of the five basic elements of nature - the solar energy of the sun, lunar energy of the moon, wind energy, magnetic effects of earth and heat energy of fire.  Why Vastu for home is really important? Here are the main benefits of it: It Gives You Strength: The biggest benefits of Vastu is that it talks about structures and its architecture and it provides us with exactly what we need to leave a happy, prosperous and successful life. It also comforts us, in case something fails in our life. Vastu is all about the strength- of the physical and the mental world. It Increases Your Earning Potential: By applying Vastu correctly, you can attract enormous wealth in your life. It has the power to not only improve the lives of people but also to increase the flow of cash into a house or business. Very Easy To Use Since this is a concept of architecture; it helps in the best utilization of the available space. The positioning of the rooms, windows, and doors is going to allow you to gain the best of nature and the elements as well.  It helps to attain a healthy and prosperous life Attracts more wealth Creates financial security Brings joy and happiness Generates new opportunities  If you’re looking for more in-depth knowledge on Vastu and how to implement it in your life, visit Vastu Shows . Pallavi Chhelavda is a renowned Vastu consultant who can guide you to resolve any issues. Contact us at 407-529-5714 for more information. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 12, 2019

Design Mistakes According to Vastu Shastra

Uncomfortable Furniture   Leave the Vibrant and Artistic Pieces of Furniture in your Living Room allows you to Relax and Rest. Stick to pieces that offer that. Recliner are a great option. However, if you’d rather stick to the Traditional Choices, choose Square, Rectangular or Circular Pieces. Heavy Curtains   Heavy Drapes are big No-No, Especially if you have Windows Facing their North or the East. Allow the Sunlight to Come In and use a Combination of Light and Dark Fabric Curtains to keep the Noise out but the Sunlight and Bright Energy In. Cluttered Spaces   Clutter Attracts Negative Energy. Have a Cleaning Spree every Six Months and get rid of everything that you haven’t used. Remove any Decoration Pieces that are Heavy or do not offer an Element of Beauty of Room. Keep the Room Clean and add Live Plants. Make sure they are Healthy and Well Taken Care of. Dim Lighting   While there’s no need to keep your Room Starkly Lit, there should be a Balance in Lighting and Design. Choose Light Bulbs that give Off a Soft Glow to add that Element of Coziness to the Mix. And keep all Corners of the Room Well Lit, all Through the Day. Dark Colors   Avoid Red and Black at All Costs. Again, your Living Room should exude a Sense of Positive Energy. Per Vastu Rules, that means you’re allowed to only use Colors that give off a Tranquil Vibe. Blue, Light Yellow, Green, White and other Softer Colors would be much Better Choice. Feel free to contact an experienced consultant on Vastu Shastra and Fengshui Master “Pallavi Chhelavda” who would be able to guide you on all matters related to Vastu and its implications on your Home and Business Design. Visit us Contact us directly on (407) 529-5714 more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 12, 2019

Bitcoin ATM machine in Orlando at Computer Tech. Solutions

We are one of only location to have Bitcoin ATM machine in Orlando , Central Florida. Please come on by to check out our IT Service, Cell phones & Tablet Services, including Iphones, Android phones, Samsung phones , HTC, Motorola, Plus all other tablet PC repairs. more

By Computer Tech. Solutions, Inc. April 09, 2016

Online Marketing Musts – Part Two

In our last post, Online Marketing Musts – Part One we mentioned that online marketing is essential to any small business and described three main internet marketing strategies: • SEO • Content Creation • Social Media Engagement In today’s post we will discuss Online Marketing Must #2 – Content Creation Content marketing has become a somewhat of a trending topic. You hear it over and over again; content is king. And the reason is that –without content – there is no online marketing strategy. Optimizing your website is an important element of your online marketing strategy; however it is fruitless if you have no content to rank. Over the years search engines have grown smarter, years ago keyword stuffing was enough, now a days your SEO strategy must have the content to back it up! By creating high quality valuable content, you will not only attract visitors to your site, but the right kind of visitor. The one that is actually interested in the information you’re providing and will most likely become a customer. Additionally, creating great content allows you to position yourself as an industry expert; and the hope is, that as an expert, other sites will come to you for information, providing you with valuable inbound links that will improve your SEO. SO HOW DO YOU CREATE AND DISTRIBUTE VALUABLE CONTENT TO FUEL YOUR ONLINE MARKETING STRATEGY? Blogging of course! Blogging is an essential part of your SEO and online marketing strategy. A blog will make your website dynamic by adding new and fresh content frequently. Search engines reward websites that continuously post new content. Additionally, a blog will allow others the opportunity to link to and reference your content. The goal of your blog is to publish valuable content; it is an opportunity to present yourself and your business as an industry expert. It is not designed to create promotional posts or 600 words sales pitches, but to provide your reader with added value, educating and informing them about how to face common industry issues, addressing frequently asked questions or providing them with insight or solutions on a complicated topic. It is up to you to determine the topics your potential readers would be interested in. Some tips to keep in mind when writing a blog: Appealing Title: this is the first thing your reader will see, ensure your blog’s title is compelling and interesting. Also ensure it clearly indicates what the post is about. Well written: ensure your post is easy to read, don’t overwhelm the reader with text, instead ensure you divide the article into sections, and include images and headers to provide the post with a structure that is easy to follow. Use words your reader will understand and avoid technical jargon only masters on the topic would understand Links: include links to relevant content; allowing readers to find more in-dept information should they be interested. Use these links to point to your inner pages as well. Include a clear CTA: always, always include a clear call to action (CTA). Subscribe to our newsletter, download, and register. Ensure you have a way to capture these leads. Once you’ve determined your topics and created well written, valuable content, the next challenge you will face will be attracting readers. And what better way to attract readers that using social media? Social engagement is key to a successful online marketing strategy and in our next post we will describe how to integrate social media successfully in your internet marketing efforts and how to use it to combine efforts with your SEO and content marketing strategy for best results. more

By BizCentral USA April 29, 2015

Online Marketing Musts - Part One

Online marketing is essential to any small business. It allows you to get the word out, encourage return business, build reputation and gain valuable knowledge about your target audience just to name a few. As a small business owner, one of the biggest challenges you will face when it comes to internet marketing, is that with so many business available to your potential customers, how do you stand out? There are many marketing solutions and strategies available to promote your small business, however in this blog we will focus on three main ones. 3 Online Marketing Musts • SEO • Content Creation • Social Engagement Yes! These three simple points will go a long way when it comes to your small business’ online marketing strategy. ONLINE MARKETING MUST #1 – SEO Search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to attracting quality organic traffic and is perhaps, one of the most important online marketing strategies. Most small business owners hope that once they create their website, the leads will come in, however most of the times this isn’t the case. SEO is the process of optimizing your website for search engines, achieving a top raking search engine position and in consequence making it easier for your potential customers to find you. A good SEO strategy unites two different efforts: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO Refers to all the modifications you can make you your site to improve your search engine rankings. Here are 5 simple elements you can optimize to improve your on-page SEO: • Page titles: The page title is the text you see on the top of your browser whilst on a specific page. It is also the title that is displayed in search engine results. Page titles can be edited in your site’s HTML; it’s the text between the tags. When writing your page titles keep in mind: Write page titles that clearly describe the page’s content.   Include relevant keywords   Make it less than 70 characters   Include the company name at the end of the page title.   Use unique titles for each page     • Meta descriptions: A meta description is the short summary that is displayed by a search engine in its search results. Whilst the meta description will not affect your ranking position, keep in mind this is the first opportunity you have to grab your reader’s attention. Ensure this description is short and sweet! • Headings: Headings are the text between your tags , like page titles these can be edited in your site’s HTML; if you’re web page is a book, then the titles would be the chapters. Use these to make relevant information stand out and give your content a cohesive structure. It’s a good idea to include your keywords in your headings, keeping in mind that a larger heading will give more weight to the word than a smaller one. It is recommended to have only one <h1> tag; and depending on the amount of content one or more <h2> and <h3> and tags. • Images: Images promote a user-friendly experience, by breaking up the text and adding visual representations that complement your content. When adding images to your site keep in mind the following: Save image for web: when uploading files ensure they are saved for web. Heavy files slow down your site’s loading speed which impacts negatively your search engine ranking.  Include keywords: images allow the opportunity to include keywords both in the file name and in the alt text. • URLs: URL structure is an important factor when it comes to SEO. Your URL structure refers to how your pages are organized. For example: if your small business offers three different services then your URL structure would be the following: As you can notice, service will be the parent category for all the different services offered. When structuring your URLs keep in mind: You must include your keywords   The URL must describe the page   Whenever you change a URL you should use a 303 redirect in order to avoid losing traffic.   Off-page SEO Your off-page SEO refers to all the online marketing efforts focused outside your website. The task is to obtain inbound links from authoritative websites with good page and domain authority. The purpose of off-page SEO is to increase your domain authority and overall presence on the web. The key to off-page SEO is creating great content that is worth linking to, referencing and sharing. In our next post Online Marketing Musts – Part Two we will discuss the importance of creating valuable content, and content generating tips and tricks to improve your overall internet marketing strategy. more

By BizCentral USA April 14, 2015

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BizCentral USA


By norm7288

Several years ago, some friends and I attempted to incorporate a non-profit business. The three of us worked exhaustively for two years on it. We never got off the ground as the process was so daunting. Not only did the time consuming task require great attention to detail, it required a knowledge of bureaucratic expectations that no amount of research could give us. The incorporation business filings and applications were NOT our area of expertise. Then on October 21, 2016, I contracted with BizCentral USA to incorporate a new small business charity for me. After giving them my credit card number over the phone, I immediately started receiving emails and phone calls from employees who were in high gear and ready to move on my behalf. All that was required of me was to answer a simple questionnaire about my business goals and desired structure. BizCentral USA had prepared all the necessary documents to incorporate my new charity business for under $500 (government fees not included) and on December 1, 2016 (exactly 6 weeks) I received 501(c)(3) federal tax exempt status. I am sure the process could have been completed in just four weeks had BizCentral not needed to chase me for two weeks looking for my business information. After my first experience years earlier, I decided to hire experts to deal with the government for me so I could focus on my areas of expertise. BizCentral USA truly were experts. Not only were they straightforward and upfront about their fees, they even explained (to the penny) what fees I would need to pay the government for applications and filings. Worth every penny! Thanks, Biz Central! more

AAA Computer Repair Fast


By T.O. T.

This is definitely the type of repair you can trust when it comes to your valuable computer device. Thank you so much for everything! more

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