Blogs from Consulting Firms in Orlando, FL

Relationship and Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is a science of architecture that steams from the ancient Hindu Vedic Tradition. It̢۪s a system of architecture that promotes stability in a relationship by enabling spaces only wel come positive cosmic energy. Every Emotion that appears inside you is generated by the energy emitted through the 16 Zones or Directions of your Home. Want to Know More? Visit us atwww.vastushows.comor get in touch with us on (407) 529-5714. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 30, 2019

Relationship and Vastu Shastra

For couples, it’s imperative that they look into the direction of their bed. According to Vaastu the bed’s direction must be the South or the South-West side of the house. Vastu Shastra is not bound by race, age and religion; Couples from all walks of life can immensely benefit from it. Want to Know More? Visit us atwww.vastushows.comor get in touch with us on (407) 529-5714. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 30, 2019

Relationship and Vastu Shastra

It’s the lack of positive energy in homes that results in problems with Relationships. According to Vastu Shastra incompatibility doesn’t have anything to do with. Couples often cite incompatibility to be the cause of their separation or Divorce. Want to Know More? Visit us atwww.vastushows.comor get in touch with us on (407) 529-5714. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 30, 2019

Relationship and Vastu Shastra

Vastu is a Sanskrit Word that means Architecture. Vastu Shastra has been a part of the Indian Culture for Thousands of Years. The early principles were drafted according to the Sun Rays and their differing positions at different times of the day. Want to Know More? Visit us atwww.vastushows.comor get in touch with us on (407) 529-5714. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 30, 2019

Office Furniture and Vaastu: Introduction

In this episode we look into the impact of office furniture and how Vaastu can be used to set the proper kind of furniture in proper placement to achieve best results. For more be sure to tune into Vaastu Living on TV Asia Every Sunday and call us during our Live Shows once a month. For more information visit below more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 26, 2019

Office Furniture and Vaastu: Conclusion

In this episode we look into the impact of office furniture and how Vaastu can be used to set the proper kind of furniture in proper placement to achieve best results. For more be sure to tune into Vaastu Living on TV Asia Every Sunday and call us during our Live Shows once a month. For more information visit below more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 26, 2019

How vastu can improve you love life

Unable to Find true love or having problems in your existing relationship? Vastu can help you get control of your love life. Balancing The Zones Understanding the zones is essential to taking corrective action For your love life. 1.South-West This is the zone of relationships. If there is any disturbance in this zone, your relationships will be affected. 2.South-South-West If this zone is not balanced, it will create problems in your life. 3.East-North-East This is the zone of rejuvenation. Unused or stored materials in this zone can cause staleness in your relationships. 4.East-South-East This is the zone of anxiety. Should be well balanced for effective decision making. 5.North-North-West This is the zone of attraction. A good place for those seeking love or marriage. Some Useful Tips Here are some additional tips that you can implement for a better love life. Remove red color from South-West zone to make it stronger. Keep a pair of love birds in South-West zone to find true love. Remove blue color from South-South-West zone to enhance love in your relationship. There should no toilet or kitchen in the South-West direction Tune Into The Vastu Show G Get Guidance From The Expert Pallavi Chhelada Contact Us 407-529-5714 more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 02, 2019

Simple vastu tips for your home

A home is one’s most priced possession. Here are some Vastu tips that will make your home a better place for you to cherish Attract Positive Energies Small things like washing your hands and feet after coming home, and lighting up your house after it’s dark can attract positive energy. Clear The Clutter Give away old items that are not in use and keep your house clean. Clutter adds confusion and can result in arguments. Avoid Sharp Edges Sharp edges attract negative energy. Prefer furniture with rounded edges for your home. Create A Soothing bedroom Use soothing colors in your bedroom and display happy pictures of you and your spouse to strengthen your relationship. Remove Unattractive Objects Thorny plants likes cactus and shrubs should not be placed inside the house as they create negative energy. Get In Touch With Vastu Expert Pallavi Chhelavda Call Us: 407-529-5714 Or Visit Our Website more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 01, 2019

A vastu guide for home construction - know the basics

With your home construction, it’s in your hands to have your dream house built in a vastu-compliant way. But while you may follow the teachings of vastu, there is still so much to learn. And that can increase your chances of making mistakes. So how should you approach this? Hiring a Professional Vastu Consultant It’s best to have a professional like Pallavi Chhelavda to guide you on your journey. Thanks to their training, an expert would be better equipped to know which direction and element would work for your home and goals. However, in the meantime, just to get you started, here are some details on home construction according to Vastu that may encourage you to begin the project. Building a Vastu Compliant Home ConstructionPerform a Bhumi Pooja Usually done in the morning, this ritual should be performed on the first day of construction. According to vastu, this ritual depicts an act of asking for permission from Mother Earth so you can build on its space. You see, when constructing a building, you bring change to the earth and that can disturb the equilibrium of energies flowing in that area. By performing the ritual, you’ll be asking for permission and forgiveness. Add these Details to the Blueprint When designing a blueprint for your home construction, focus on the following details so the basic structure of your home reflects the teachings of vastu. Home entrance – Have your home entrance facing north east. The east is the most auspicious direction for homes, since the sun rises in the east. Therefore, it brings in positive energy and light, two factors that enhance the effects of vastu in your home. Kitchen – The kitchen should not be located directly in front of your home’s main door. Instead, have your kitchen constructed in the south-east corner of your home. Cooking should usually be done while facing the east, so having that particular room situated in that corner would save you the trouble of having the stove constructed elsewhere in the room. Master bedroom – In an easy-facing house, bedrooms should be located in the south west corner. If you follow the above points, having your bedrooms in that location will ensure that no aroma or noise carry into your rooms. Also, have square or rectangular shaped rooms. This ensures that you have more space for other sections of the house. Bathroom – Considering this room from an aesthetic and health angle, it’s better if you have the bathroom constructed in the north-west corner of the building or room. If you can’t switch to the south-east corner. However, be cautious of the location of the kitchen. As per vastu, it’s not recommended to have the kitchen and bathroom adjacent to each other. Follow these basic steps for a vastu-complaint space. And by recruiting the help of a vastu consultant like Pallavi Chhelavda, you’ll be able to follow all the vastu details required for your dream home. Contact Us 407-529-5714 more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant August 01, 2019

Mistake to avoid when decorating your home, According to vastu

Although vastu mainly focuses on the study of architecture and direction, the truth is that the ancient science encompasses numerous factors of décor and structure to present its practitioners with positive flow of energy. From the location of your favorite plants to overhead beams, vastu is concerned with all matters of your living space. So why not follow the right teachings to ensure you’re doing right by vastu? What Mistakes Are You Making?1. Using Dark Colors Pallavi Chhelavda, a leading vastu consultant states that color can make or break the flow of energy in your home, and your behavior. This is why most interior decorators lean towards lighter hues like blue, yellow, dark green, and white so the shades lend a calming effect. Red, grey and black are a big no-no, so get colors that allow the room to breathe. 2. Placing Your Bed in the North Corner Next time you have a bad dream, try changing the direction of your bed and see how it goes. Having the head of your bed in the northern corner of your home often brings negative energy towards the person in question, and leads to them having nightmares and feeling drained. Stay away from the northern corner, or choose a different room altogether. 3. Having Exposed Beams Vastu defects caused by overhead beams can be very damaging. Often, exposed beams lead to disagreements and arguments between members of the family, or people living in the vicinity. Avoid sitting under such exposed parts in your home. Or better yet, have a false ceiling installed. That’ll solve your problem and make your ceilings look aesthetically pleasing. 4. Keeping Plants that Leak Milky Liquid For your own sake, replace thorny plants and such plants that leak liquid with a money plant or flowers. Plants that leak liquid generate negative energy which can spread pretty fast. Move such plants outside your home, placing them in the balcony so they don’t seep into your home energy. 5. Dramatic Statues or Paintings Scenes of war, wild beasts, nude portraits, aggressive or dramatic paintings and heavy statures are a no-no. Paintings and statues can have an acute effect on family members and other people in the house. Avoid placing such paintings and statues, and stay away from pictures of birds as well. Go for scenes of good health temples, nature or religious symbols to ward off evil or negative energy. Conclusion Your home is your sanctuary. Preserve its beauty with the best information on vastu Shastra and review all facets of the study to ensure that you’re protecting your home and energy and bringing prosperity and happiness to your surroundings. Contact Us 407-529-5714 more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 31, 2019

Rekindling the romance - Use vastu to enlighten your love life.

Your partner’s presence is enough to soothe your worries; and their touch enough to ignite your passion,   even when you least expect it. Yet, lately, you’ve been feeling a bit of unease in your relationship. Sure, you still feel happy and comforted with your partner. But the spark of your love has somehow gotten lost. Instead of those mushy pillow talks and sexual adventures, there’s rest and silence and that’s clearly something you should be concerned with. Are you doing something wrong? Or are there other elements at play? How Vastu Affects Your Home and Love Life According to vastu, your home and most of all, your bedroom can have a great impact on the physical, mental and sexual strictures involved. And for those unfamiliar with vastu, it is the placement of certain elements in your home and space that can inevitably affect your love life and relationship. Direction Pallavi Chhelavda, a professional vastu consultant, stresses on the significance of direction in one’s bedroom. Your bedroom is linked to a level of intimacy. By exercising proper knowledge on direction, you can create a flow of energy that would promote a sensual and passionate atmosphere. To start with, it’s more favorable if your bedroom is located in the South-west direction of your home, since this is the Earth element direction, one which fosters love and connection. Keep your bedroom clutter-free, especially the eastern corner so there’s no friction and conflict. Place your bed in the South-west corner of your room, with the headboard against the wall rather than an open window. Doing so allows for uninterrupted sleep as it prompts a sense of security, and that leads to a more comforting presence. Decoration Aside from your bed, your room’s décor also plays a big role in supporting your love life. Items such as artifacts, paintings, statues and mirrors etc. have to be kept in their correct locations so they can aid positive energy flow. For example, if you have a dressing table with a mirror, keep in on either side of the bed, rather than against the foot of the bed. Having a mirror face the bed can lead to arguments and feelings of infidelity. However, if you’re not able to move the mirror, simply cover it with a cloth or curtain before you go to sleep. Keep the lighting in your room to a minimum. Glaring lights aren’t just irritating, they also ruin the mood and make the surroundings seem stark; not something you need when you want a comforting and warm environment. Also, when considering the color scheme of the room, stay away from dramatic colors like black, grey or red. Instead, choose from more subtle colors such as green or blue. But if they’re too light for your liking, use purple as your main hue. Purple combines the energy of red and the calmness of blue, thus presenting a well-balanced shade that mimics your need for passion and inner comfort. Smaller Decorations When dealing with plants and flowers, stick to the real deal, instead of any artificial decorative choices. Fresh flowers always work when you want to create a romantic atmosphere. As for candles, place your favorite ones in the South-East direction to allow the energy to flow in. But don’t light up too many. Vastu Shastra can be of great help when it comes to rekindling that romance. Hire a professional vastu consultant like Pallavi Chhelavda to guide you. And do all that you can to bring that fire and passion in your love life! Contact Us 407-529-5714 more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 31, 2019

Dispelling Myths about vastu shastra - (Part 2)

Continuing from where we left off in our first blog, let’s dive more into the details of vastu and learn the intricacies of the study of architecture and how it helps us improve our life and home. Myths or Truth – What Do the Teachings of Vastu Say?Vastu is the same as Feng Shui While both vastu and feng shui are designed to provide humans with the correct method of placement and direction, they are not the same. Vastu Shastra’s main focus was on the architecture of Hindu temples in connection with cosmic energy, feng shui was originally implemented on for placing graves in graveyards. In modern culture though, both studies use different elements and different rules to prove their claims. Empty Basements in Your Home Bring Bad Luck Many high-rise buildings and skyscrapers utilize basements for parking purposes, so having empty spaces at times cannot be avoided. However, you can counteract any bad vastu from these spaces by keeping your basement clean, and painted in light colors with bright light fixtures so there’s no possibility for darkness. It’s Bad Luck for Fish to Die in Your Aquarium That is untrue. According to vastu, it is believed that every time a fish dies naturally, a problem in your home or office dies as well. Aquariums are considered very lucky for homes and commercial spaces since they maintain a serene and relaxing atmosphere. Keeping an aquarium in your office attracts wealth for your purposes. You Should Never Grow Peepal tree in a Home’s Vicinity Having a tree in your home has never proven to cause any harm. Nature has its own rules and any creation will emit its own energy and affect yours as well. However, if you have a Peepal tree (sacred fig tree) in your front yard, it would be best to plant a Peepal tree in the backyard as well to create a balance of positive flow of energy. Facing East When Doing Business is Profitable for Business This myth has no basis in vastu. While it is beneficial to sit facing the east when working, changes in the modern world have made it difficult to follow this particular rule. Accordingly, it’s better if you choose the right direction in line with your business to get the most success and profit. Conclusion When learning about vastu Shastra, it’s important to focus on the logical basis of each fact, rather than just going with what you read or hear. By contacting a professional vastu consultant like Pallavi Chhelavda, you too can utilize her knowledge and put her teachings to good use for your home and profession. So hire her and learn to decorate and construct your home to benefit your efforts for a successful and prosperous life. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 30, 2019

Dispelling Myths about vastu shastra - (Part 1)

Do mirrors bring bad luck for your love life? Is it okay to have your doors parallel to one another? Should you keep your cacti plants in the balcony or not at all? If you’re new to vastu, you may have come across these questions frequently, each time with different responses. As a study that encompasses numerous facets of architecture and design, Vastu has an answer to all these inquiries. However, instead of seeking the help of the internet to know truth, your best bet is to contact a professional vastu consultant and let them dispel any confusion. Myths or Truth – What Do the Teachings of Vastu SayMirrors Cause Bad Luck for Your Love Life It’s not the mirror that brings bad luck, it’s the placement. It’s quite common to have a mirror in your bedroom, so the best way to negate any negative energy is by placing it against the north wall or the east wall. Doors Aligned Opposite Each Other in a Line This is a common misconception. According to the rules of vastu, even ancient temples can have doors aligned in a straight line. However, it’s better to have this particular detail designed with the help of a practicing vastu consultant. Your Bathroom should not be in the Northeast Corner While this rule was applicable in the olden days, technology does now present us with cleaner bathrooms so it not necessary to follow such rules now. All you need to do is make some changes to the décor, like adding colors and mirrors and you’ll easily be able to settle with this architectural design.   A Downward Staircase opposite Your Main Entrance Takes Away Your Wealth Although not applicable if you’re living in an apartment with other apartments as well, this rule does not apply to homes either. There is simply no science to this myth when it comes to vastu. It is just something that people began believing in. Vastu does Not Allow the Entrance in the Southeast Direction or the Agni Kund The southeast direction, also known as the Agni Kund can actually be very lucky for some people, whether they’re constructing an entrance for their home or commercial space. There is no need to worry about this direction or location. Keeping a Statue of Lord Ganesha in Your Main Entrance Brings Wealth and Good Fortune Not true. While the idol of Lord Ganesha itself is revered, it should never be placed at the entrance of any building, since showing your back to the idol can bring misfortune and abject poverty. Learning the Truth about Vastu As one of the leading professional vastu consultant, Pallavi Chhelavda offers her guidance and knowledge on vastu and its implementation in your life. So follow her teachings and stay tuned to our blogs to learn more on vastu myths and what you should believe in. more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 30, 2019

Selling a Business in Loss: Conclusion

Based on your inputs we are address a very special topic this week. Businesses often generate profits and losses however the latter makes investment into the business very tough. In this episode we inspect the Vaastu behind investment into a business that is creating losses. We discuss the colors and impact thereof. For more be sure to tune into Vaastu Living on TV Asia Every Sunday and call us during our Live Shows once a month. For more information visit below more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 29, 2019

Selling a Business in Loss: Introduction

Based on your inputs we are address a very special topic this week. Businesses often generate profits and losses however the latter makes investment into the business very tough. In this episode we inspect the Vaastu behind investment into a business that is creating losses. We discuss the colors and impact thereof. For more be sure to tune into Vaastu Living on TV Asia Every Sunday and call us during our Live Shows once a month. For more information visit below more

By Pallavi Chhelavda - Vastu Consultant and Feng Shui Consultant July 29, 2019

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