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Tilapia are the best!!!

Tilapia are the best!!! Tilapia are the new fish of the old world. Tilapia hybrids (pennyfish) can grow from 2 inch fingerlings to incredible edible fish weighing over two pounds each in warm clean water in 8 months. . Tilapia are inexpensive to feed. Tilapia eat almost any food including prepared feeds and digest them efficiently. In a study Tilapia ate bottom mud consisting of dead leaves,bacteria, and anything else drifting to the bottom and digested 70% of the material. So tilapia nearly always have additional nutrient sources. Tilapia eat and digest algae of nearly all types and ground vegetation from almost any source such as coconut hulls, corn, alfalfa, soy, fermentation yeast produced by wineries, beer manufactures, and rum or hard lacquer manufacturers. Tilapia consume milk byproducts such as cheese and yogurt byproducts. Tilapia eat almost any organic product that is ground up. Tilapia eat nearly any microorganism by filtering them out of the water with tiny gill rakers, much like the gill rakers of the Baleen whale. Tilapia clean up water by raking out the small particulate down to one or two microns. Tilapia have been used to increase waste water cleanups from almost any kind of plant such as citrus or orange plants or breading operations for shrimp or fish. Even human sewage cleanup plants (like is done in China) and can be cleaned up or purged by placing them in clean pure water for a week or two. Properly purged Tilapia have no unpleasant odor when cooked on the stove. Purged Tilapia taste like almost any other fish when prepared like the other fish and people who taste test them in test say that they taste like whatever their favorite fish taste like. Tilapia can be mistaken for flounder, bass, snook, grouper, or nearly every other seafood including shrimp and lobster when mixed with a small amount of the other product. Tilapia are almost the “smhoo” from the comic series “Little Abner” that was published in the 50’s and 60’s. Anyone who encountered “smhoo” just thought about what meal he or she would like and the smhoo miraculously metamorphosed into an already cooked meal such as hot steaming baked ham or stuffed turkey, or roast beef, each with all of the sides such as mashed potatoes. corn, or asparagus (umm, I am getting hungry!) . the Tilapia can and do become whatever the cook or chef wants and no one can tell the difference. Tilapia freeze very well and in freezing test run by a national distributor of seafood's, Tilapia improved in flavor the longer it was frozen, The more complements were given by the testers and the higher the overall score for tilapia was given. Tilapia provides a nutritious balanced diet to anyone who eats four or more ounces a day. Tilapia has all of the essential amino acids needed for health diets, and an almost perfect fat to protein ratio. So Tilapia is overall the best fish on the planet and is quickly being recognized. Tilapia grows quickly,and well on nearly any diet, produces more pounds per acre and has one of the highest recovery rates of any farmed animal. Tilapia survive extreme conditions and provide more protein per acre than any other plant or animal, for less money. Tilapia can be improved genetically, due to the quick growth and early maturity of the fish more generations can be sleeted from per year and therefore faster changes can be selected for. Tilapia survive low oxygen conditions well. In A lake in Africa A case has been recorded of 12,000 pounds of tilapia of all sizes living for several weeks with oxygen readings below 2 parts per million, but the tilapia were able top skitter, which is a process of sucking the top layer of oxygen rich water down over their gills which allows them to attain needed oxygen in a low oxygen situation. Tilapia are the best fish to grow, eat and to improve our relationship with nature!. more

By Tilapia Aquaculture ionternational October 26, 2007

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