
Blogs from Pest Exterminators in Boca Raton, FL

Signs You Need Professional Wildlife Removal Company

Raccoons are mischievous creatures but we have to admit that they are cute and cuddly too. But they can are meant to live in the wood, not in homes. If they move from nature to buildings, they can be incredibly dangerous. They carry and spread rabies, roundworm, leptospirosis, and other potentially serious diseases. Don’t take raccoons to be dumb, they are highly intelligent and quite resourceful and adaptable. Being omnivores, they eat both plant and animals or anything that they can get their hands on. So, it is extremely vital to contact Critter control Florida professionals to tackle the situation, rather than dealing with it all by yourself. In case, you are not sure whether you are dealing with raccoon problem or not, look out of the mentioned signs to be certain.  Unusual Noises at Night Raccoons are one of the nocturnal animals, meaning they are more active at night. They are also pretty vocal so if you hear high-pitched crying sounds or unusual scratching and thumping coming from your attic at night, raccoons are to be blamed. To stop them from accessing your home, you can buy the best raccoon deterrent as it will not hurt them but helps in keeping them away.  You Find Nesting Materials As soon as raccoons find a place that is suitable for them, they will immediately start building their nests. Now, this place can be your attic, garage, basement, or a hollowed out tree or base of your home. When raccoons build their nests, they make sure that it is warm and cozy. They serve their purpose by collecting newspapers, clothes, and other material. If you see such things strewn around, you should call the professionals.  Spot Footprints And Claw Marks Well, it doesn’t take someone to be a scientist to know a difference between human footprints and animal footprints. So, this one is an obvious sign. Claw marks on trash cans, flower pots, planters, birdbaths, and other outdoor items are also a way to identify the problem. You can use thebest raccoon repellent to solve this issue at the earliest and without going through any lengthy process. Notice Damage This one is the easiest way to identify raccoon problem, giving you enough reasons to call a wildlife removal company. If you see damages like torn up shingles and siding, missing or damaged gutters, gnaw marks near windows and other entryways, damaged insulation, chewed electrical wires, damaged indoors and outdoors vents etc. it’s time to make that call. These signs speak loud and clear that you are dealing with raccoon problem. Though, there’s nothing to be worried or feared about. Just call in the professional wildlife removal company to solve this issue. Their years of experience and expert knowledge will deal with everything and you don’t have to go through any trouble. Source Url:-https://www.wattpad.com/747147862-critter-pricker-signs-you-need-professional ...read more

By Critter Pricker June 19, 2019

Top 3 Reasons Why Critter Control Is Important For a Healthy Home

People are usually under the impression that keeping their house and surroundings clean will keep the pests, raccoon and other critters away but that’s not always the case. There are many other reasons why racoons enter your home, some of which are as follows: · home is a potential shelter · warmth of the house · garbage that is left outside · swimming pool · open chimney Raccoons and other such animals carry rabies, so it vital to use a raccoon repellent to keep them at bay without causing them deadly harm. Here, are a few more reasons why you need to keep critters and raccoons away. Damages Property And Belongings The very first thing that a raccoon does as soon as it enters your living space is to destroy the property or belongings. They enter human living areas only because they find some source of food. Now, when they have narrowed down their search they do anything to enter your property. Even if they have to destroy it, they will without thinking twice. They also create small spaces to hide so that they go undetected. As a result, your house and belongings are left damaged causing you more problems if not repaired. Food And Health Are At Risk When it comes to food and health, critter repellent is absolutely necessary whether it is in a residential or commercial space. As we have already mentioned earlier, some raccoons carry rabies and they should not get close to you, your family, pets or food in any way. Their bite or even a small scratch can pose a great health risk. The animal has opportunistic feeding habit, meaning that they will feed on anything or anyone. So, these little creatures should not be underestimated, rather one should take preventive measure to keep them away in the first place.  Mess With Ponds And Pools A little pond or a pool makes a property look more lavish and striking but such beauty not only attracts people but also raccoons. If they are fishes or frogs in the pond, raccoons will eat them. Forraccoon deterrent Florida homes must cover the pool and put a mesh steel over the pond so that your beloved fishes stay safe. Bonus: Stress-Free Living Critter control Florida company understands that you are busy working to earn a living. After the day’s hard work, you will not like to welcome any more troubles or deal with unnecessary issues. Something like raccoon infestation can turn out to be a real headache. A simple tool like critter picker can stop the raccoons and other critters from entering your property, giving you the much-needed peace of mind.  The Bottom Line Keeping raccoons away is definitely a priority for any household but that doesn’t mean that they should be harmed or killed. By installing certain measures, you can repel them without hurting or creating unnecessary trouble for yourself. Other simple measures that you can take is to seal shut any open holes, keep the garbage bins tightly covered and putting a mesh on the chimney hole.  ...read more

By Critter Pricker June 04, 2019

Why are Raccoons and Other Rodents So Harmful to Humans?

Raccoons are one of the fastest growing menaces around housing areas especially those areas that are located areas with a lot of greenery and forests. Using the right raccoon repellants is extremely important to protect your property as well as to ensure that your family is safe. Here are a few reasons why raccoons and other rodents are harmful to your property and your family - Raccoons can be rabid A lot of stray raccoons can be carrier or rabies or be rabid themselves. This can be a serious problem if they attack your pets or animals in your area as rabies spreads from one mammal to another extremely quickly. For all you know, you can be attacked by a rabid raccoon too and you will need to go through the entire process of getting the anti-rabies injections and medications. With the raccoon deterrent devices installed on your property, you can prevent raccoons and rodents from entering your property altogether which can protect you and your family. A lot of people have started installing these repellants after cases were reported of rabid raccoons attacking pets and children in different parts of the world. Damage to property A lot of raccoons damage the plants and décor of the backyard as well as dirty the swimming pool areas that are left uncovered. This can be a huge issue especially if you live in an area that has a lot of greenery. Not just that, raccoons and other rodents also manage to sneak into the house and eat the groceries by opening the refrigerators as well as the cabinets in the kitchen. A critter repellent prevents the raccoons from entering the property altogether which in turn protects your property. There are a lot of devices that can be installed in and around the swimming pool area as well torepel raccoons which prevent them from pooping in the area too. The spread of diseases and infection Apart from rabies, which is an extreme scenario, raccoons usually spread a lot of infections through contaminated food and water as well as from their poop. Since raccoons spend a lot of time scavenging meals from the trash or even from gardens where fruit droppings are fallen to the ground, the bacteria, allergens, and fungus easily stick to their fur. This infection spreads from their fur to the house upholstery, water, food as well as utensils. This can be a huge problem even for your pets since infected food can cause health complications for your pets too. With thebest raccoon deterrent, you won’t have to worry about any of this!  If you or anyone you know is suffering from raccoon problems, be sure to install items like the Critter Pricker which can easily prevent raccoons from entering your property without even harming them.  ...read more

By Critter Pricker May 01, 2019

How Professional Critter Control Can Help You?

Are you tired of the presence of raccoons? The raccoons are one of the most daunting wild species that often found in urban areas. They are responsible for creating a good mess in houses and also transmit diseases through raccoon poops, which is harmful to humans. The professionalCritter control Florida provides professional services to the people to get rid of raccoons. It grants people to get professional help to remove pests from the house successfully. People often try some DIYs also to save money and get effective results. However, home remedies not always work successfully and provide suitable results. If you truly want 100% satisfaction, then hiring the professionals is the right option. There are plenty of services available that provide pest control to the people at a very competitive price range. You have to pick the right services to get the best results and make your experience amazing. Here we have discussed how a reliable pest control works for you. 1.   Inspection of your property: The professionals inspect the house wisely to analyze the presence of pests in your house torepel raccoons. They check entry points that are possible for the raccoons as the species always find different ways to get entered in the house. So, the professionals give attention to the entry and exit points. They also discover some hidden ways also to fix them and prevent the entries. The first step that every reliable firm takes is a wise inspection of the property. Besides the inside, they also check the backyard and other places too. 2.   Review and report: The professionals review all the possibilities and prepare a report for the client. The report includes the serious presence of raccoons in different areas, entry points and they also mention some pests that are living in your home. They also share future plans for treatment in the report and provide to the client. It will help you in understanding the seriousness of raccoon presence and choose the best raccoon repellent to get rid of the presence of raccoons. 3.   Discuss possible solutions: The professional services always take care of the client’s needs and requirements and provide a suitable solution to them that perfectly meet all their expectations and desires. They discuss different solutions and possible ways to remove raccoons from your property and keep them away from your house successfully. As every pest comes back to the same place in the hope of food, so, it is important that you keep all the arrangements to prevent it. You can pick the right plan for treatment like raccoon repellents or something else to remove raccoons. 4.   Apply the effective solution: After getting a positive response from the client, the service providers apply the appropriate solution for the removal of raccoons. They work according to the client’s desires and follow their world to remove raccoons without creating any inconvenience for them. They apply the right solution successfully and provide effective results to the clients for good relief. ...read more

By Critter Pricker April 17, 2019

Professional Critter Control: What You Need to Know?

A home is the most comfortable place all over the world that provides true relief to the people. However, what when you find some unwelcomed guests in your cozy place including “raccoons”? The raccoons are one of the most common creates that often find in urban areas and now they have become very habitual to this. Most of the people keep them in their house as a pet and some of them don’t like their presence and consider them as a pest. The raccoons not only create a great mess in the house, but they also transmit some dangerous diseases that are truly harmful. The market is filled withraccoon repellent that you can purchase at a very affordable price. However, if you want effective and long term results, then hiring a professional is a wise decision that will definitely benefit you. What a professional do for critter control? The reliable services forCritter control Florida always follow the essential steps to identify the presence of raccoons in your home. The raccoons often enter in a house form different routes in the search of food. The professionals identify those ways and seal them to prevent the entrance. They make sure that they add sufficient tools to keep the raccoon away from your home and keep it secure. They use the right repellent and tools that provide long term benefits and security to you from the presence of raccoons.  Experienced and qualified professionals are aware of every technique that helps them in applying the right solution according to the needs and condition of the place. Is it possible to remove raccoons without harm? A reliable service provides always follows harmless ways to keep the raccoons away from your house and follow animal-friendly approach. They never hurt them in any way and keep them away from your house. The tools including raccoon spikes, alligator head, and repellent allow people to keep their house pest free without hurting them. So, yes, it is possible that you can remove them without any harm. You need to choose the right professionals who understand it very well and give a good solution to you. Are professional services costly? The professional services are not expensive always. People often avoid hiring professionals due to costly charges of services and raccoon deterrent Florida, which is not true. You can keep your budget secure and receive cost-effective services by following the right steps. All you need to do is just spend time on good research to select the right service provider. Follow the right considerations, compare prices and pick the trustworthy services to make your experience best. You will definitely get the services according to your budget limitation when you research well. So, it is your responsibility that you make the right decision and pick the right place. In a short note: Let’s remove all raccoons from your house instantly with the help of well-qualified professionals.  ...read more

By Critter Pricker April 03, 2019

Tips to Get the Best Services from the Raccoon Controlling Company

Raccoons are one of the animals which can damage your property. They are always in search of food and they can eat anything. This is why you might find them on your rooftop and sometimes in your kitchen too. But you can’t see this happening every day. This is why there are Critter repellent companies which make it easy for us to keep the raccoons away from our place. Sometimes you can get products which cannot handle the raccoons. You should be able to differentiate between a company which can give the best services and a company which cannot satisfy your requirements. This is why to make your decision easy, we have listed a few tips to follow when buying a product from a raccoon controlling company. Experienced: If you go through the market, you can find lots of companies which claim that they can get the raccoons out of your place in the most unique way. But we can’t trust them all. They are well-experienced in this field. An experienced company knows how to do their work because they are present in this field for years. This is what makes everyraccoon repellent company different. A newcomer cannot provide you with the best quality of services. This is why you should always look after the experience of any company. It actually matters. Variety of Products: The raccoons are really smart and intelligent animals. They often get out in the night. These mischievous creatures are always in search of something to eat. This is why they always get into people’s private property. There are various devices and methods used by the raccoon controlling companies. Many of them claim that they can provide you products for any type of situations. But you should take a look at their variety of products. As the raccoons can easily get through any weak barrier, it is recommended to watch out for their product’s quality. You can’t risk buying the product and then realizing that the product can’t get the raccoon out your place. You can go through their categories of products. If you have a pool then you get a fake crocodile head. This way you can keep your place at every end and sleep without worrying about anything.  Reputation: Every raccoon control device making company will promise you the best services which can be unmatched by their competitions. You might hear this a lot. Internet advertisements have also become a great way for the non-reputed companies to grow their business. But as you want the best and most professional products from the Critter control Florida you must always prefer the reputed company. Reviews: At last, if you are not still satisfied with any of the company, then you can scan through the reviews on the Internet which are given by the people who have bought their products in the past. Check if there are any negative reviews about the company. This will definitely give you an idea of the company’s services. Customer Support: The customer support service of the company should be great. They should be responsible enough to help you anytime. If you have any doubt aboutraccoon removal California then you can easily contact them and clear all the doubts if the contact service is good enough. ...read more

By Critter Pricker February 17, 2019

Bed Bugs Control and Treatment in Toronto, Milton, Mississauga Canada

Bed Bugs have become a significant problem not only in Toronto, Mississauga, Milton, Brampton, Vaughan and the surrounding areas, but also in all of Canada and around the world. They have become a major cause of lost business in the entertainment and hospitality industries. They are easily spread and difficult to treat resulting in rapid growth in the number of bed bug outbreaks around the world. The key to beating any bed bug infestation is to raise awareness of what to look for and to ensure bed bugs are dealt with immediately once discovered. Make sure you have Bed Bugs and no other insects Bed Bugs have the appearance of small, flat, oval-shaped insects around your home coincided with tiny bites on your body? Having bed bugs in your home is nothing to be ashamed of and does not indicate that you have a dirty home. Bed bugs can travel into your home unseen on visitors or from neighbors when you live in a close community such as an apartment or townhouse complex. Beds Bugs Maturity Bed bugs control Miltonfeed on your blood in order to help themselves reach maturity. Finding bites on your neck, shoulders, face, and other exposed areas of your skin is the first sign that you may have a problem on your hands. Other signs that you might have bed bugs include finding blood spots on your sheets, bugs feces, and the leftover skin that they have shed. How to identify Bed Bugs Unlike other insects, bedbugs tend to bite in lines, clusters, or zigzag patterns, which makes them easy to identify. The reaction to bed bug bites varies from person to person. Many people don’t react to the bugs’ anticoagulant at all; however, some individuals develop reactions such as swelling, itching, and red welts. Severe reactions can even include extreme swelling and blister-like inflammations. If you get bitten by a bed bug, it’s best to avoid scratching. You should seek the advice of a medical professional if there are any signs that the bites may have become infected, such as swelling, redness, and pus. Bed Bugs Treatment While some people try to kill bed bugs by freezing, heating or vacuuming; these bed bug killing techniques are often not effective and reliable as they are very difficult to deploy. On the other hand, hiring a professional who uses special products developed to get rid of bed bugs remain the best option. Turning to AR Pest Control for Bed Bugs Treatment Hiring an experienced pest control expert definitely helps getting rid of bed bugs. When you look for a professional, make sure to choose a company with a good reputation. AR Pest Control experts not only help identify bed bugs, but they also use products that are developed tocontrol and eliminate Bed Bugs Toronto. If you think you have bed bugs call AR Pest Control right away for a free, no obligation quotation at 1-855-670-7378. AR Pest Control Coverage Area We at AR Pest Control recognize that everybody needs a good night sleep and hence we cover all of GTA including Toronto, Mississauga, Milton, Brampton, Vaughan, Oakville and other surrounding area.Click Herefor our complete coverage area. ...read more

By AR PEST CONTROL January 16, 2019

Learn about the Best Raccoon Deterrent Device Concepts

Raccoon is an omnivorous mammal with a grayish coat comprising of dense underfur on its body. It is a very intelligent creature with a bold nature. These night crawlers have the cunningness and ability to open closed containers and doors. Various studies show that raccoons remember the solution to tasks for around three years.Although these mammals are commonly found in mixed or deciduous forests; several of them have made mountainous and urban areas as their habitats because of their excellent adaptability. If you want to keep away these creatures from vulnerable areas of your home, pool and property, you must use the best raccoon repellent. Use Best Repellent Solutions That Don’t Cause Any Physical Harm To Raccoons   Although you can find several devices available, you must conduct research to identify thebest raccoon deterrent device. Renowned manufacturers have come up with top quality devices that can be installed in an easy way. You don’t even need professional help to install user-friendly devices. Many people in Florida are experiencing different types of problems with raccoons and they always search for a repellent that offers the best results. High quality devices keep away the raccoons from your property and they don’t cause any physical harm to them.  Alligator Head Does Not Guarantee Good Results Many people are using floating alligator head to prevent raccoons from pooping the pool steps. It can deter these creatures to a certain extent, but fails when alligator head getting stuck in the skimmer. The head might get stuck on a wall upside down. Since alligator head fails to generate the expected results, a lot of people are looking for other effective options. Fortunately, there are deterrent devices that are capable of preventing raccoons from pooping at pool steps and entering into your home as well. Best Methods Follow a Humane And Safe Approach More and more people are getting aware of the importance of preserving environment in a responsible way. When you make efforts torepel raccoons, you have to make sure that a humane and safe approach is followed. There are highly reliable devices that keep raccoons away from your home and property without causing any harm to the environment. Since the hands of raccoons are hyper sensitive due to lack of depth perception, advanced methods connect strips to a mat and place in front of the pool step to deter them from advancing further. If you want to buy the best device that deters raccoons, you can rely on Critter Pricker. This product has been found really effective to repel raccoons and several people have been using product to stay protected against the harm caused by these creatures. Ease of useis an important quality of this product and it does not cause any disturbance to the environment as well. You will also never have to worry about causing any harm to the raccoons with Critter Pricker. Since it has been developed after years of research and analyzing the behavioral traits of wildlife, you can enjoy outstanding results.  ...read more

By Critter Pricker December 31, 2018

Hometown Pest Control Blog

Serving Palm Beach and Broward Counties in Florida, Hometown Pest Control provides pest control, lawn and ornamental services. Hometown’s technicans are all registered with the State of Florida Bureau of Entomology and Pest Control and are continuously trained in the latest treatment techniques. Services Include: Bee Control&Removal Mosquito Control Lawn & Ornamental Fertilization Get a free quote If you are in need of pest control or lawn  care services in Palm Beach or Broward County call 561-483-4333 to get a free quote on Hometown’s services Hometown Pest Control 1714 Costa Del Sol Boca Raton, Florida 33432 561-483-4333 http://www.hometownpest.com/ ...read more

By Hometown Pest Control January 17, 2014


TERMITE CONTROL BOCA RATON              TERMITE TREATMENT BOCA RATON (561) 963-1988 Great Southern Environmental Services, Inc. Providing affordable quality Termite Control services for Boca Raton and all South Florida! Great Southern Environmental Services, Inc. has over 23 years experience in providing Termite Control services! We have a variety of services for your pest control needs. Our company guarantees professional and quality service.     Members of the NPMA     Members of the CPCO     Partners of the Termidor Certified Professionals     Graduate of the Texas A&M; University Termite Course     State Certified Fumigator     WDO 1145 Specialists     Fully Licensed&Insured     $1,000,000.00 Insurance Coverage     Drug Free Work Place     7 Day a Week Emergency Service     Locally Owned and Operated     Ownership has over 35 years experience “Dedicated to Excellent Service” Great Southern Environmental Services, Inc. is dedicated to providing the most complete service possible.  We are on the cutting edge of the latest termite control techniques.  Great Southern has implemented the use of Termidor termiticide to form an even stronger barrier to keep those dam- aging termites out!  All Great Southern employees are Termidor Certified Professionals.  Great Southern has a strong commitment to providing all of our employees with continuous training so they are kept up to date on all of the latest techniques for the highest quality in Termite Control. Performing a service that our customers are 100% satisfied with is our #1 goal.   How Great Southern Environmental Services, Inc. was Established As owner of Great Southern, I have over 28 years combined experience in Termite, Plant, Lawn and Ornamental, GHP, and Tent Fumigation in the Pest Control Industry here in Florida. I have had ongoing success as a nursery manager, termite inspector, sales representative, technical representative, as well as supervisory, and managerial positions within the Industry.  With hard work and dedication to the Pest Control Industry, I was able to establish a company with the knowledge and know how to provide the customer with the most advance techniques in order to offer superior services that fit the changing needs of our customers today.                                                     Sean P. Cronin As a homeowner, the need for a reputable and reliable provider of services for Termite Treatment in Boca Raton is of the utmost importance.  These nasty creatures have been known to cause substantial property damage to homes in this tropical location Florida due to its unique coastal environment.  Termite infestations have been known to cause the need for home repairs that are more costly than fire damage, wind damage, or even flood damage in many cases.  Great Southern Environmental Services is an expert provider of Termite Control in Boca Raton that can save you from the costly damages that these wood-eating menaces can cause. Two Types of Termites As professional providers of Termite Treatment in Boca Raton, we are very aware that there are two different types of Termites. There are Termites that live underground, building colonies in the dirt under your foundation, and then there are drywood Termites that can build nests in the hardwood floors, furniture, walls, and framing of your residential home or commercial structure.  Both types of Termites love the warm climate of Boca Raton but can actually be found in every city and state in the country except for Alaska.  Even though there are two different types of Termites, their damage can still be quite enormous. Great Southern Environmental Services for Termite Control in Boca Raton can get rid of both species quickly and effectively. Watch for Interior Signs of Termites Professional services of Termite Treatment in Boca Raton will often recommend that your home should be inspected at least once per month to avoid the onset of these pesky insects.  Once the Termites set up housekeeping in your home or office, it can often be far too long before you begin to see their damaging effects.  However, Great Southern Environmental Services for Termite Control in Boca Raton knows exactly what to look for in order to locate and eradicate these vermin before your home or office is in need of excessive property repairs. Our professional and expert technicians will walk the interior of your home or business, tapping on the walls and wood beams of the roof and floor joists, listening for hollow sounds that indicate the presence of Termites.  We will also be looking for signs on the windowsills and door frames or perhaps near lighting fixtures were Termites tend to nest.  If you or your professional Inspector for Termite Treatment in Boca Raton begin to see signs of shedded wings or wood shavings on or near these areas, this could indicate the presence of Termites. Exterior Signs of Termites Homeowners are generally aware of the common interior signs that Termites tend to leave behind, but they fail to witness some of the more external indications of these pesky creatures.  During your monthly visits by your professional inspectors from Great Southern Environmental Services of Termite Control in Boca Raton, we will be looking around the exterior foundation, downspouts, gutters, and crawlspaces, looking for signs of “mud tubes”.  These are brown tubular constructions built by the Termites themselves as a method to locate and transfer food back to the hive.       Our expert technicians for Termite Treatment in Boca Raton will immediately destroy these access gates into the home and provide you with the protection barrier that you need against further damage.  By locating and eradicating these Termites earlier, you will save significant amounts of money in future property repair costs.  The minimal fees for monthly Termite Control in Boca Raton is far less than the cost to replace drywall, floor joists and ceiling beams. Choosing the Right Company Call Great Southern Environmental Services today for a free quote.  We always guarantee our work and are fully licensed, bonded, and insured against potential damage to your home.  Not everyone is fully aware of the processes for inspection of Termite Treatment in Boca Raton, but our polite and knowledgeable technicians always take the time to explain our methods, answering any questions that you might have along the way.  Many Boca Raton homes are made of exterior materials of stucco or concrete, but this does not mean that you are not at risk for termite infestations.  Great Southern Environmental Services has a variety of affordable plans for Termite Control in Boca Raton, with the ability to provide you with the best option for your individual home construction.  We also take great pride in using the lowest toxicity chemicals available that will eradicate these nasty Termites while providing only the highest levels of safety for you and your family.    Call us today for a free estimate! TERMITE INSPECTION BOCA RATON TERMITE CONTROL BOCA RATON, BOCA RATON TERMITE CONTROL, TERMITE CONTROL, TERMITE TREATMENT BOCA RATON, BOCA RATON TERMITE TREATMENT, TERMITE TREATMENT, TERMITE INSPECTION BOCA RATON, BOCA RATON TERMITE INSPECTION, FL, FLORIDA, 33496, 561, PALM BEACH COUNTY ...read more

By Great Southern Environmental Services, Inc. August 14, 2013


PEST CONTROL BOCA RATON                                    BOCA RATON PEST CONTROL (561) 948-1478 X Terminator, Inc. X Terminator, Inc. is Boca Raton and South Florida's Complete one stop service Pest Control, Lawn&Ornamental, Palm Fertilization, Ficus Whitefly Treatment, Wildlife Trapping, Rodent Control and so much more.  We proudly service Broward and Palm Beach counties with fast and dependable service.  We are proud to be the service provider for a growing number of home owners associations and condominiums here in South Florida. As a family owned and operated local business we are also your neighbor. Small enough to retain the personal touch yet big enough and well equipped to meet the demands of HOA’s. X Terminator, Inc. is a family owned business that has been providing dependable and reliable Residential and Commercial Pest Control services in Boca Raton, Palm Beach County and all South Florida since 2003! We are fully Licensed and Insured in the state of Florida. Our fully trained certified technicians bring many years of experience to each and every job site, ensuring your Pest Control problem is solved correctly, with a professional recommended treatment plan. X Terminator, Inc. offers your home or business the most effective, environmentally smart and reliable service in the industry. We will customize a program to suite your unique needs based on a detailed inspection. We service Broward and Palm Beach Counties with fast and dependable service.  We offer integrated Pest management to eliminate sensitivity issues.  Still offering the full line of Pest Control Services and specialty service such as Bee Removal,  Wildlife Removal, German Roach Control, Whitefly Treatments and more. X Terminator, Inc. offers you and your family effective, environmentally smart, fast and dependable service. Our Pest Control services include: General Household Pest Control, Lawn & Ornamental Treatments, Palm Fertilization, Rodent Control and Bee Removal.  Enjoy your outside paradise pool patio area without having to contend with Mosquitoes driving you inside. We also offer a humane wildlife trapping service, Rodent Control and more. PEST CONTROL                                             EXTERMINATOR PEST CONTROL, PEST CONTROL BOCA RATON, BOCA RATON PEST CONTROL, PEST, CONTROL, BOCA RATON, EXTERMINATOR, EXTERMINATORS, WHITEFLY CONTROL, RODENT CONTROL, ANIMAL CONTROL, BEE REMOVAL, WASP REMOVAL, ANT EXTERMINATOR, ROACH EXTERMINATORS, FLEA AND TICK EXTERMINATOR ...read more

By X Terminator, Inc., Pest Control October 29, 2012

Pest Control Boca Raton | Bill Loughlin Pest Control | Boca Raton

Providing discount pest control services to Boca Raton, Delray Beach&Boynton; Beach. Owner oversees each job personally. High quality product at lower prices. Call Bill today and save.  Pest Control Boca Raton   Pest Control Delray Beach ...read more

By Bill Loughlin Pest Control January 31, 2011

Join Mosquito Squad this Saturday, April 10th, at the JDRF Walk

This Saturday, April 10th, Mosquito Squad will be at Mizner Park in Boca Raton, to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.We will be walking, but we will also have a table set up with money off coupons and a raffle for Free Barrier Sprays, with proceeds going to JDRF.  The raffles will only be $5 each, so buy as many as you'd like so you can increase your chances.  They have a value up to $129!!!Since this is a pet friendly walk, we'll be bringing Teddy along to meet and greet everyone, so be sure to stop by!  Here's a pic of us at the recent Fort Lauderdale AIDS Walk.Here's a link to theJDRF Boca Raton Walk, if you'd like to participate, we'd love to see you there! ...read more

By Mosquito Squad April 06, 2010

Mosquito Borne Illnesses Worry Many

In February there were many meetings in county and city halls in Florida, where concern was voiced regarding mosquito borne illnesses and their impact here. First, dengue fever was reported, mostly in the Keys and moving north, for the first time after being eradicated decades ago.  Although dengue fever is not life threatening, it does cause high fever, severe headaches and muscle and joint aches, thus giving it the name "bonecrusher disease." With the devastating earthquake in Haiti, there are many problems there now with malaria.  Unfortunately, with  the increased travel through our airports to and from Haiti, and the travel to our towns, there is cause for concern that it too will make its way here. The yellow fever mosquito and the asian tiger mosquito, which carry dengue fever, both live and breed in southern Florida.  Unlike most mosquitoes that bite during the morning or evening hours, these guys bite all day! Municipalities here are stretched thin as it is.  The concern has caused then to turn to residents as ask that they take measures to ensure that their families, friends and pets are guarded against mosquitoes or other insect borne disease. This includes being sure that there is no standing water where mosquitoes can breed, wear clothing with long sleeves and pants and using mosquito repellant with DEET.  That's great, if you remember to take care of it  every time you walk out the door. Mosquito Squad can put you on a program to help eliminate these mosquitoes, and your worries, and let you relax and enjoy your yard. Call us at 561-862-7377 or 954-739-9870 for a free consultation. ...read more

By Mosquito Squad April 05, 2010

Mosquito Squad of Boca to participate in AIDS Walk, Ft Lauderdale

Mosquito Squad of Boca Raton will be participating in this Sunday's, March 28th, AIDS Walk in beautiful, sunny Fort Lauderdale.  It will start at the museum, go along Las Olas to the beach and back. We will participate in this 10-kilometer fundraising walkathon to address the AIDS crisis in our community. We'll be joined by thousands of others who understand that we need to take action now to halt the escalating spread of HIV/AIDS in south Florida. We hope we can count on your support. We need caring people like you to sponsor our team's participation in the walk. Click here to find out how you can support our walking team: http://takeaction.aidshealth.org/goto/MosquitoSquadBoca Thank you! ...read more

By Mosquito Squad March 26, 2010

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By RichardBrody

They are very reliable and I haven't seen an ant (the major reason I hired them) since the first day that treated my house. ...read more

X Terminator, Inc., Pest Control


By AnaJackson

Superb company, knowledgeable technicians, great job. I definitely recommend to friends and family. ...read more

X Terminator, Inc., Pest Control


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Very pleased with the pest control service I received. X Terminator, Inc. Pest Control was very professional when I called with a problem. Came out right ...read more

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