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Pardons Canada is a national non-profit organization who is the leading authority and resource on criminal record removal. We assist individuals in obtaining Pardons / Record Suspensions and US Ent...Read More…

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The Advantages Of Pardon That You Can’t Overlook

Criminal convictions can ruin your fair chances to a happy life. The life experiences of people with criminal convictions have never been encouraging. One of the severe disadvantages of criminal convictions for example is refused entry to USA. Securing pardon can revive your happy chances of a fair and successful life once again. Here are the most wonderful advantages of pardon that you cannot overlook. What is pardon? Earlier known as pardon, later this process came to be called as record suspension. Upon fulfillment of some conditions and after the candidate applies for record suspension, pardon or records suspension is granted. Once this happens, the convicted individual’s criminal records are closed and removed out of the database and they will never be shown to the employees or other organizations and individuals who seek them. Hence for all practical purposes, you get to enjoy a happy life once again. Why must you apply for pardon? Majority of employers run a thorough record check before hiring employees for the various positions in their organization. Those with criminal records are filtered out and are not recruited by employers for fear of inviting troubles to their organization. Especially some responsible positions are strictly denied to those candidates with criminal convictions. As per the existing laws, an individual’s criminal records will be furnished to employers who seek them. Some social organizations do not accept volunteers with a criminal record. Hence they too run a record check before accepting people to support their volunteering opportunities. US entries are denied to those with criminal convictions. In this way, some travel opportunities, social service opportunities and employment opportunities are denied to those with criminal convictions. Hence in several fronts of your life, you will find your criminal records having some serious implications. Securing pardon lets your records hidden from the public view and you regain a fair chance to live a happy and successful life. Eligibility to apply For applying for pardon or record suspension, you must have completed your sentence and paid all the penalties if any. For every type of conviction, there is a particular length of waiting period. Upon the completion of the waiting period, you can apply for pardon or record suspension. Record suspension is a cumbersome and challenging process. Find a competent pardons organization that can help you out in securing pardon and takes care of the application process on your behalf. This will let you stay at peace and focus on your other activities and commitments. more

By Pardons Canada July 25, 2019

New Legislation That Modifies Police Record Check In Canada

Those with criminal records and the employers dealing with the criminal record check of the candidates applying for posts in their organization must be aware of the new changes that come into the police record check that took effect on November 1, 2018. The criminal records check conducted on the Canadian Police Database are usually governed by the Police Records Checks Reform Act, 2015. As per this act, the police records checks have not been regulated. He practices with regard to record checks significantly vary depending on where the check is accomplished. However, the new legislation with regard to the police records check has standardized the procedures governing the record check. Consent is needed in two stages As per the new regulation, the candidate whose police records are tobe checked must give his or her written consent in two stages including the following. In the first place, the concerned individual must give his or her written consent for the conduct of the particular kind of check intended. In the second place, after receiving the criminal record check Canada results, the individual must give his or her consent to the provider of police records check to give a copy of the check results tot eh organization or persons requesting the check. The different kinds of checks The three types of police record checks done in Canada include criminal records check, criminal records and judicial matters check and vulnerable sector check. Important points arising from the new legislation The employers and individuals looking forward to conduct the police record check must make sure that the policies and practices adopted for the above checks comply with the Act and all the regulations connected to it. With regard to the specific kind of check intended and with regard to the disclosure of the results of the police record check, the individual being screened will have to give his or her consent in writing. The non-conviction information will never be disclosed to the employers unless they make a request for a vulnerable sector check and provided that the criteria for the exceptional kind of disclosure are adequately met. The act prohibits the seeking of police record check pertaining to an individual in a way other than in compliance with the act or disclosing or using the information gathered for the purposes other than for why it is received and for what purpose it has been authorized by the law. more

By Pardons Canada July 01, 2019

What To Learn From The Lives Of Convicted Felons

Some convicted felons have become highly successful people after they had served their sentence and had returned to normal life. Life holds several surprises that we can hardly believe. We often brand people into something and find it difficult to accept they can change for better. Surprisingly, some convicted felons have made a phenomenal success in their lives and have falsified the branding people had placed on them. Here we list a few lessons to derive from the lives of ex-felons who had made a ‘U’ turn in their lives and proved that life can be different when you develop the right perspectives, attitude and success strategies. Your present situation need not dictate your future Your future ultimately depends on the actions you do today and not the actions that you had done in the past. Even if your life has been tampered by a bad situation you were into, you have decent chances today to prove yourself and move forward successfully to create an altogether new picture of your life. So, develop a proper plan and start painting your life anew. With dedication, sincerity and perseverance, you are most likely to find a beautiful life. Sense of responsibility is very important in life When you cultivate the ability to take full responsibility towards your undertakings or the new course of life you have decided for yourself, you are most likely to succeed. Nevertheless, you must be completely devoted and dedicated in your journey. When you find a particular course of action not working, find something different and pursue it diligently to check if it can give you the desired results. Life and people cannot promise you anything big Life and people are always uncertain. They can turn worse than what they are today. Never depend on life and people too much. You must be able to sustain yourself and keep going when life and people falsify your expectations. Figure out the ways to succeed and prove yourself even if people and life go against you and act in a cruel way. This understanding and approach can help stay calm during storms and betrayals. You have infinite energies and abilities inside you You can achieve much more than what you might imagine. When you are not willing to accept the limitations of what you find on the surface, something better, deeper and more meaningful can emerge out from the bottom. The world might have screwed you too much. It could have punished you and victimized you more than what you actually deserve. However, when you take responsibility for your own future and strive hard to work out your strategies and plans for success in a diligent way, you become unstoppable and amazingly successful. Find creative ways When you cannot achieve or grow using your old ways, resort to something new. Study the lives of some successful people and learn lessons from them. Learn from your role models. Always be willing to experiment something new and interesting so that you sustain your energy and surge forward towards success. Criminal convictions can ruin your life and deprive you of some good chances in life. Apply through a Pardon Services and get your pardon so that you can win a decent chance to live a happy and successful life. For more information about Remove Criminal Record and Pardon Canada Services Please visit : Pardons. more

By Pardons Canada April 26, 2019

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