Top Contractors in Buena Vista, CO

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Blind Ambition


By Robert

The person that wrote the previous review doesn't have their facts straight. The company closed its showroom but still does repairs, and does out standing work. You can still reach them at their old number more

Blind Ambition


By Ken Knezic

We first ordered our blinds in February and did not receive them until July. Two had the pulls on the wrong side. He said he would reorder replacements. Received a call in November that the blinds were on the floor in the back and he would bring them up the following week. Now it's almost a year later. No blinds and no communication. Two neighbors ordered from him before we could talk to them. One waited three months and eventually got their money back. Another waited 6 months and finally had to take him to court. From my understanding he has been taken to court several times before. He told us that he had to fire a secretary that had worked for him. When we met her at a local store she said she had quit. If I could give him less than one star I would. His store is now vacant but I still see advertisements for his business. more

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