Top Alternative Medicine Services in Boulder, CO 80301

Hi I just wanted to share my story and let you know how thankful I am to have found HCG Buy Direct and the HCG diet drops it saved my life. I have struggled my entire life with weight and as I got ...Read More…
Wow! I didn't know what to expect with this product and Suzzette certainly did understate it's power. I've been using it for just a couple of months now and I can't believe how much better I feel. ...Read More…
Carmelia - really appreciate you working with me. I have really seen the results from developing a work out plan. The dedicated, focused, enthusiastic and encouraging time you spent with me provide...Read More…
Comfort and support for individuals with cancer. We match Reiki and Healing Touch energy therapy providers with individuals with cancer for weekly sessions. Modest sliding scale fees insure that ev...Read More…
Amy Keller launched her career as a nutrition specialist with the vision of helping people live healthy lives. She was also motivated by the dream of controlling her own professional destiny and op...Read More…
I specialize in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, stress related symptoms, pre-post surgical, and a variety of special conditions (MS, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Chronic headaches, spinal cord ...Read More…
Dr. Lisa Erikson provides fabulous, crazy effective chiropractic care! She's provides in-depth exams and gives clear and logical explanations as to what is wrong and how she can help you to regain ...Read More…
The Oriental Healing Clinic provides acupuncture in Boulder and Nederland as one component of healing through Chinese Medicine. We go beyond symptom relief and identify the root cause of illness or...Read More…
I am a member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) and have over 2000 hours of training and four years of experience working in a physical therapy clinic with the following modalities...Read More…
Thai Yoga Massage is ancient bodywork from Thailand that is an interactive and unique massage modality developed over many centuries in Thai medical hospitals and temples by leading healing profess...Read More…
We provide the following wellness services: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, functional medicine, nutrition consulting, facial rejuvenation acupuncture, injection therapy, moxibustion, infrared sauna...Read More…
Good Earth Acupuncture services Boulder, Colorado in treating difficult and complex diseases with ancient traditions (acupuncture and herbs) coupled with cutting-edge science (functional medicine) ...Read More…

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Tibetan Medicine & Holistic Healing


By ChristiJ775 at Citysearch

Nashalla and Tsundu Nyinda bring a wonderful blend of two fully trained Tibetan Doctors, one Tibetan and one American. \t\n\t\nThey are skillful listeners and work hard to figure out what choices in diet and habits will support your improved health and life. \t\n\t\nThey support their clients in any number of ways. Take time to check them out - especially if there is something you need new eyes on. holistic-health \t\n\t\n more

Gwilda Wiyaka Shamanic Practitioner


By Anonymous

I was looking for someone to solve my coarse energies boundaries problem. The skills possessed by this practitioner are authentic no doubt about it and there was healing taking place. However, I strongly feel there were inappropriate attachments placed and soul stealing occurring as well. The fear based approach used by this practitioner focused too much on what is not ultimately true and felt quite damaging. It was also a great motivator to keep purchasing more expensive sessions in order to resolve the issues at hand. I strongly feel that part of genuine spiritual healing is setting yourself free and that no one should be harassed in the process spiritually or financially! That being said – people make mistakes, things change, people heal, people do better maybe that’s the case with this practitioner and maybe not. Either way feel free to exercise courage, love and wise discernment in your own odyssey of healing. Thank you for reading my review I sincerely hope it helps:) more

Six Persimmons Apothecary


By firthsuzanne at Citysearch

Just picked up another bottle of Cold Nip and wanted to say that it knocked my cold out in one day. I'm really impressed! more

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Microcosm and Macrocosm

It has been said that God’s warehouse is ever full and overflowing, and that Divine Grace is here and available for everyone. I have also heard Guruji Mahendra Trivedi say that nature is full of justice. Consider the second law of thermodynamics; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Whether we say, “What goes around comes around,” or simply call it karma – the end result is the same: nature is the great balancer. In one sunny room, imagine there are two plants growing. Both have been planted in the same soil and are watered the same amount every day – and yet one of them is thriving while the other is floundering. If it is true that God’s warehouse is ever full to overflowing and nature is full of justice, what is happening with these two plants? Consider some of the qualities at the foundation of good cellular health: high communication and collaboration, efficiency, proactiveness. Healthy cells are continually working, continually asking, “What’s essential for me to do this minute? And what about now?” Even while in deep sleep, there are autonomic functions like breathing and digesting going on and tremendous work being accomplished. Conversely, what is happening when there is a lack of health in the cells? Inability to detoxify. Lack of communication. Buildup of toxins. Ageing. Inefficiency. Many years ago I studied Polarity Therapy, and one of its main tenets was, “As above, so below.” This can refer to the expanse of the mind above and the reflection of the physical body below. It can be The Divine above, and the expression of nature as an outflowing expression of God’s Will. And it can be a physical body and the cells that compose that body. Who we are at the cellular level is who we are in every aspect of our lives from our overall health to our fundamental character, and vice versa. The cell is a system, its own microcosm to our outer macrocosm. If there is a high level of purity in a person’s cells, they will not have any desire or ability to lie. If there is stiffness in the joints, then there is not only a lack of elasticity at the cellular level, there is also a lack of flexibility at the mental and emotional levels, and in other areas as well. And if we don’t communicate in our daily life – if we make excuses for everything that happens… guess what? When the bloodstream bathes the cells in various nutrients – everything from the vitamin C we took that morning to the deep fried fish and chips we ate for lunch, our cells must know what is useful to absorb, and what is essential to ignore or block. When life force is stong, the innate intelligence functioning at the cellular level will refuse to absorb harmful ingredients. Conversely, if the cells absorb anything and everything that passes by, it means they are unable to differentiate between what is useful and what is harmful. If Divine Grace is the ever flowing stream bringing the supply, what are we choosing to absorb? Is it what we truly need? If not, it will be toxic for the cell, toxic for us in our life. But what we need may not look anything like what those in our environment need. Can we recognize what will bring us upward to the next level in our life? Everything has consciousness, even the cell, even the atom itself. Related to our health, the integrity and level of consciousness of the cell is our understanding of life. How we do anything is how we do everything. When there are impurities in our totality, they are reflected in thought processes and behavior, actions and reactions. Hypocracy is one example. On the inside, the cells may be extremely toxic, but on the outside, we smile and say we’re doing fine, thanks. Consider our society, and how well trained we have become in the socially acceptable art of every day hypocracy. We so easily slide right over the truth of our reality in small and large ways, but what we have collectively failed to understand is that the meeting point between our inner world of biochemistry and our outer world of social and behavioral norms does not lie. This then becomes a place full of uncertainty, dishonesty, sadness, disloyalty, disconnection, and failure. Over time, as the gap widens between our authentic self and the mask we wear, we feel more and more hopeless. Full of uncertainy, we cannot make good decisions, and if any good opportunity happens to come our way, we have simply lost the ability to recognize it. Everything begins to slide through our fingers. We lose the ability to sleep well and deeply, and so wake exhausted. Our energy levels plummet and our productivity crashes. Over time, we become sick, and then our consciousness itself falls like dominoes, lower and lower… Quicker rather than slower, the physical body begins to deteriorate. So what can we do to stop what began as a stream but over time turned into a raging current? For those of us who have suffered through any kind of debilitating illness – or are suffering right now – surely the answer is more than merely purging our emotional angst at the local market clerk who asks us how our day is going. Or is it? I am not proposing we corner the poor clerk at the store – more fundamentally, and more importantly, can we be honest within ourselves? In the sacred company of The Divine, can we acknowledge the truth of that painfully aching meeting point, where so much friction and strife is being generated? Or has it become buried so deeply in the basement of ourselves that we have lost the ability to even perceive where the problem originates? One has only to look out at the world we are living in right now; at the statistics on heart disease and asthma and cancer and diabetes. The list goes on and on. With so many ill cells in the body of our society, clearly we, as a culture, have lost touch with our essential selves. The only way forward and through, is to reconnect once again to that which created us, to that Source – no matter what name one uses – that is the author of our original divine blueprint. It is only through that connection that we are sustained and can begin to thrive again. It is only through that connection that our cells can begin to recognize more profoundly what is useful and what must not be absorbed. This is where our true health, wealth, and fortune lie, for whatever we are doing every day in our life, both inwardly and outwardly, microcosmically and macrocosmically… The Divine and nature will reward us accordingly. As originally Posted in more

By Krista Callas April 24, 2019

Gifts – Life Force and Character

Life force and its conductivity are directly proportional to one’s level of purity, one’s level of consciousness, and the level of one’s trust in the source of creation. Life force itself flows out of a strong magnetic alignment with nature and the creative principle (by whatever name you use), and is the essence of light in one’s totality. On the other hand, regardess of whether one’s pursuit is in the spiritual or worldly realm, relying on techniques and practices alone indicates a lack of life force, and a belief that articifical means can produce a successful outcome. I am not speaking of the discipline to hone one’s talents – I am speaking about the level of consciousness necessary to recognize the difference between technique and talent, and the ability to see where our own gifts lie. For example, you can practice singing lessons and vocal scales forever, but that does not guarantee that you can even carry a tune, much less become a successful vocalist. But if the gift is there… If the gift for singing is there within one’s totality, it is a light shining out that attracts its own attention. People will simply gather around and ask for more, for that gift flows from a strong connection to a higher source. It has its own magnetism, its own power, its own authenticity, its own purity. Such gifts reflect an inner alignment with nature, and with source itself. True gifts are not based upon techniques, tactics, practices, or tricks. They are Divinely given and based upon the qualities inherent in that person’s soul. Such character attributes as love, emotions, sentiments, affection, feeling, caringness, sacrifice, compassion – these qualities exist within the totality of the artist. They are not something the artist practices, they are who the artist fundamentally is. It is then the artist’s work to harness the essence of life as they understand it, and express it outward. The question then comes, what are my gifts? And what am I harnessing in my life? Am I struggling to survive, or is The Divine flowing through my totality in a way that benefits myself and others? These foundational character traits underlie our thoughts, our behavior, and the kind of opportunities we are able to attract and recognize. They decide the quality of our lives in every aspect, from physical and mental health to emotional health and relationships, to sexual satisfaction, to financial status. The depth of these character traits will either be reflected in all of these areas – or not. Where they are not functioning properly within us, our perception and our attention will consistently be drawn downward towards a lower common demoninator. This resonance will then insure that we will only harness what is of lower value and impure in nature. And then? Too often, we try to compensate with techniques and practices of all sorts. Some examples of how this might show in our life: We may discover that we make the same mistake over and over again. We cannot seem to learn from our own experience because some part of us is on autopilot and we can’t seem to find the “off” switch. We may consistently choose the wrong people for friends or intimate relationships. We may find ourselves being cheated over and over again. We find ourselves telling the same traumatic story energetically (although in different circumstances) over and over again like a looping tape reel. In trying to find the correct wrench for what we perceive the problem to be, we look outward to other people, more and different workshops, the next hot thing on the market. The mind becomes full of complexity and confusion as we add more and more techniques, more static information. The search can be an endless one, and is often fruitless as well because it lacks the necessary understanding of the compulsion driving the behavior. We have profoundly lost touch with ourselves. We have profoundly lost touch with nature. It is understandable that when we are lost or struggling that we would begin to search everywhere for answers and relief. Unfortunately, all too often, we skim right over the fundamental opportunity within us as we anticipate of the next thing we want to try. In essence, we overlook our lost connection to love, to caringness, to compassion. We overlook our lost connection to nature and source itself. Instead, we enter the realm of compensating. An artist in any field of endeavor is one who can create, and that is a huge and beautiful gift. Even more, they make it look so easy. On the surface, what we are moved by in the vocalist’s song is a purity of spirit that rides the very breath. What we don’t see behind the curtain is that singer’s ability to integrate what is profoundly complex in life into something simple. What we don’t see is the level of organization and discipline in the mind of that artist which reflects an inner alignment so powerful, their very atoms are attuned with nature’s abundant flow. We may not see the high characteristics in the song, but, oh, how powerfully their presence is transmitted and felt! When these traits weave the fabric of our totality, their very purity will reject anything of lesser value, and we will then only harness what is genuinely useful and productive for a positive outcome in our endeavors. This is what builds a strong and unshakable foundation in life; one that will not crumble with every passing storm. When we are aligned with these high character traits, we are also aligned with nature itself, our true inner gifts and with that source which created us, from where all abundant blessings flow. As Originally Posted inKrista more

By Krista Callas April 24, 2019

What is a Life Force Energy Transmission?

Many native cultures across time and distance have expressed an awareness and understanding of life force. In China, it is called Chi, in Japanese Qi, in the Indian Ayurvedic System it is known as Prana. Each of these systems acknowledges that life force is what animates matter and is intrinsic to nature, and to life itself. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, life force is defined as: “The force that gives something its vitality or strength,” and “the spirit which animates living creatures; the soul.” As water flows downhill, so does life force flow from a higher, Divine Source that imbues us with potency, strength, vitality, and adaptability. It is efficient, always active and moving forward pro-actively, and is intimately attuned to the frequency of nature and the earth itself. In fact, we have only to look to nature to see that life force is organized, intelligent, endlessly creative, and so very powerful. Life force is the invisible power that bonds electrons, protons and neutrons in atoms. It is the thread that connects us to the physical body we are living in, and directly reflects our level of health and vitality. Our awareness in every aspect and arena of life is also a direct reflection of the level of our consciousness and the quality of our bond with nature and The Divine. An Energy Transmission is potentizedlife force energythat can be harnessed from nature and transmitted to people, animals, plants or land – even inanimate things – for the purpose of transforming, elevating, and maximizing the recipient’s full potential. It has the ability to deepen and strengthen the bond between ourselves and our Source, from which all Grace flows. Miraculously, this can include raising consciousness to new and higher levels so that perception and behavior change as new understanding emerges. It can unfold new areas of talent and gifts that haven’t yet been recognized, and maximize a person’s health, happiness, and innate potential. Energy Transmissions are a new and emerging science that challenges our current perception of ourselves, each other, and the real nature of the world we live in. Miraculously, it also offers us the opportunity to reconnect with our innate natural blueprint, raise our consciousness, and heal and transform every aspect of our lives. As Originally Posted more

By Krista Callas April 24, 2019

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