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E-Tethering ~ How Men Easily String You Along

As your guy spy I am breaking one of the cardinal rules by telling you our secrets. So have you ever put something on a string because you didn’t want to lose it? It’s called tethering. That’s right, something you might forget but want to make sure you don’t lose. Men do this all the time, it’s called:Electronic Tethering (e-tethering for short). Here’s how it works. Say there’s this guy you seen a few times and you’re really beginning to like him. In the beginning he came on kinda strong and there was chemistry. Then he seemed to stop making plans to see you as much… sure he’s busy with work or has family problems, but you’d still get text from him every so often. He’s at the doctors office “thinking of you”He’s out with his friends “wish you were here”He’s at his parents “can’t wait till you meet my mom” All this communication feels wonderful and you feel connected. Women interpret this text as action saying: “gee he must be into me” Except… It’s activity, not action. That’s right, ever since sleeping with him he hasn’t planned a real date. Has he? This goes on for a few weeks and then the late night text for a rendezvous. You bite because you like the guy and believe he’s finally coming around. Until… The pattern starts all over again. No plans, just text messages. The sign post up ahead… you’re in the e-tethering zone. Read more... more

By Understand Men Now August 28, 2013

To Text or Not to Text… That is the Question

You’re staring at your cell phone, wondering why he hasn’t texted you back. You text him a second time, just to see what he’s up to. Maybe he didn’t get the first text. Still no answer after 20 minutes. You’re wondering what he’s doing, and your brain starts working overtime… Is he out with another girl? Is he lying hurt somewhere? Is he at the bar with the boys? Is he mad at you, or is he ignoring you on purpose? Read more... more

By Understand Men Now August 28, 2013

Scaling The Walls of TRUST Can Be Daunting For Most Men

Why do men have to climb to the highest room in the tallest tower for a woman to unlock her heart? As a dating&relationship coach for women, I’ve noticed that many women approach dating with emotional walls surrounding their heart. These walls are barriers women create, actually more like hoops men must jump through before they open up to love. From what I see, these walls are the result of women who have been hurt in the past and they carry this mistrust in all their future relationships or they don’t trust themselves and often expect a man to scale those walls for them to get the prize. From my experience, this usually leads to failure.  Expecting a man to perform some feat of strength as to climb to the highest room in the tallest tower for her to open up to love, usually ends in failure, because most men prefer the path of least resistance. The truth about men is that we are happiest when relationships are easy and free from drama. If a woman is distrusting right from the beginning, this is usually a total turn off and seems like too much work to continue. Therefore, we quit if it seems too daunting of a task when a woman has created barriers to love.  And when this happens, women see this as another failure hence perpetuating her lack of trust. Not a good cycle. One of my readers says: I believe to distrust someone from the beginning stems from insecurity. However, I do try to pay attention to signs he MAY be untrustworthy… I call that discernment. Yes that’s right, trustworthy or better yet, trustworthy acts. If a man says he’s going to call and doesn’t or if a man plans a date and doesn’t show up, those are acts (actions) to represent he can’t keep his word. Why would you want to date a man who doesn’t keep his word? You wouldn’t. So yes, pay attention to the signs and his action. If a man hasn’t given you any signs to distrust him, they why start off with distrust. So before you choose to put walls when entering a new relationship, try the following approach I outline in my eCourse The Relationship Men Commit To and Why. This approach is called: Dating Passionately Detached Dating passionately detached means being open to all possibilities without any attachment to the outcome.  Imagine entering a relationship free and open to the adventure of making a new friend and just seeing where it goes without any expectation of a destination. If you went to an amusement park for the day, would you feel free to enjoy the rides without knowing how the day would unfold? Of course you would. Then why not approach dating the same way.   If you start any new relationship without trust, you will fail. One of the reasons why most relationships fail, is because if you “expect” a man to earn your trust, most of the time he will let you down or he might leave because it’s too much work.  Men aren’t perfect and chances are he’s gonna screw up sometimes, so if you are waiting or expecting flawless behavior, rarely will he meet your needs. In addition, if you don’t trust right from the beginning, you will be subconsciously expecting him to betray you and guess what? He will. Dating is a leap of faith and if you want love, you have to risk getting hurt… there’s no other way around it. more

By Understand Men Now May 14, 2013

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