Top Paranormal Phenomena Services in Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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Metropolitan Community Church of Santa Rosa


By Maebe

After posting below, I remembered a place in Santa Rosa called Center for Spiritual Living. It is also LBGTQ friendly and I remember it being a very large, upbeat and thriving community with three services every Sunday morning. I'm sure they have a working phone number :-) more

Metropolitan Community Church of Santa Rosa


By Maebe

No working phone number, no website... This stinks. :-( more

East Indian Psychic


By Anonymous

he could not validate, he talked and talked without any precise message. He said things about me that could apply to any human being on earth. This guy is a fake. more

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Magic is the Language of the Subconscious Mind

I call my coaching business Magical-Life Coaching, because it seems to me that magic is the biggest missing element in modern life. So many people these days are on anti-depressant drugs, or addicted to computers, recreational drugs, junk food, shopping, or alcohol, because their lives feel empty. They don't know why they even exist, and they don't feel empowered to change their lives, so they numb themselves with distractions. Interesting, isn't it, that some of our most popular distractions have magical roots? Look at the immense popularity of Harry Potter books and films, Arthurian tales of Camelot, Merlin, and Morgan la Fey, and TV shows like Charmed and Wizards of Waverly Place, and the host of computer games based on magical beings. Somewhere deep in our collective psyche, we long for magic, but our culture denies that it is real. In the Flow Maybe I was just lucky, but I have always been fascinated with anything magical, and that fascination has led me to an understanding of how to fan the inner spark that is literally enthusiasm for life. The word enthusiasm means "filled with  ____" (here we come to difficulty, because there are so many different words people use to fill the blank and so many different reactions to those words. Some would say God or Goddess, but others would immediately stop listening on hearing those words. Others would say Universal Life Force, or Source Energy, or divine grace, or love, or any number of other words. The problem is that words really cannot describe what it is. Yet it is a tangible feeling of excitement, hope, joy, peace, and even bliss at times). That enthusiastic feeling... that wonderful, uplifted feeling of being in the flow is what magic is all about. Even formal ritual magic is aimed at bringing the practitioners into that "magical zone" that I call the "Abundance Zone." It is the state of being in which we can shape our reality in any way we choose. I discovered it by accident, but you can learn it on purpose! How many people feel so empowered that they KNOW without a doubt that they can choose their own level of health, wealth, and well-being? Not many. Yet, as I see it, that is the only possible solution to the problems of greed, crime, fear, poverty, and disease. Of course you can't just wave a magic wand and change all that... or can you? It is a fact that if you REALLY believe you can change anything in your life (with or without a magic wand), it will change... in YOUR life. We don't have the power to change anyone else. Others have free will to do as they choose, but we can change whatever we choose in our own life, because we are making it up as we go along. The only reason it seems so solid and unchangeable is because we keep thinking about it in the same way over and over again, and observing the way it is, which causes us to think about it the same way again. There IS a way out! Some call it Law of Attraction and Law of Allowing, but I like to call it magic, because magic has been around for a very long time. Our ancient ancestors learned how to shape their reality by getting into "the flow" and focusing their thoughts on what they wanted. They called this process magic. They knew that magic was the language of the subconscious mind and that the subconscious controls most of our actions, even though they didn't use those words. How Can YOU Get Into the Flow? You probably do it frequently without even noticing. Every time you laugh, or get excited about something you like, or feel love, or joy, or playfulness, you are in the flow. The trick is to be able to CHOOSE when you are in the flow, and then learn to STAY there as much as possible. One way to do that is to root out all the ways you resist, or say NO to life. EFT is the best tool I have found for that purpose. I use EFT with my clients to clear limiting beliefs, emotional damage from past traumas, physical pain, fears and phobias, or anything else that is bothering them and keeping them from being in the flow. Once those negative patterns of resistance are cleared, we can focus on the positive changes we want to create. The magic is in the choice of actions we take to facilitate change. Since the subconscious controls over 90% of our actions. Doesn't it make sense to speak to it in a language it can understand? Our conscious mind uses words and logic, but words don't make sense to the subconscious mind. It communicates in pictures, symbols, rituals, feelings, and repeated patterns. When we use those symbols, tools, and rituals to engage the powerful subconscious mind we gain a powerful helper in the process of reaching our goals. If you have tried using positive thinking, law of attraction, or just plain hard work without getting the results you wanted, there is a reason. Your subconscious mind obviously wanted something different and it is much more powerful than your conscious mind! Contact me at for assistance in communicating with your subconscious mind, and watch the changes start happening! more

By Magical-Life Coaching May 03, 2009

Read The Latest Newsletter from Metropolitan Community Church of Santa Rosa

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Metropolitan Community Church of Santa Rosa. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Metropolitan Community Church of Santa Rosa March 18, 2009

Coaching for a Magical Life!

I'll bet there is some area of your life that you would like to improve.  For most people it is health, finances, love, or work related. What if all these aspects of your life could be transformed with a simple shift of awareness? In fact, they can. Most of the time it doesn't happen overnight, though I have seen some amazingly fast turn-arounds for people who really "get it' right away. For the rest of us it can take weeks or even months to really see changes in our lives. That's why coaching is so valuable. Because we humans are so prone to backsliding and forgetting about our resolutions for change, your coach can be a valuable alli, offering unconditional support, deep listening, unbiased evaluation, and the magic of synergy (where one plus one equals more than two). You have the power to shift the balance today - toward more hope, joy, fulfillment, health, and abundance in your life. Give me a call at 707-824-0675 or drop me an email at and I'll help you get started. Make your life Magical! more

By Magical-Life Coaching May 01, 2008

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