Top Specialty Schools in Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

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Sugi Health & Fitness


By Absolute Training, LLC

YOU ARE THE BEST !!!!! Thank you for connecting to our network! We will be sending customers your way! We also wish you success in your business! Please contact Absolute Training, LLC at (702) 530-OSHA, (702) 979-GUNS or (702) 580-4358 (you can leave a message or text us as well) if is anything that we can do for you. Best of luck! more

Sugi Health & Fitness


By Chair Caning & Wicker Repair

Chair Caning & Wicker Repair Mooresville, NC. 704-235-8171 (By Appointment Only) – is honored have to you join our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and success. To help with your success here is five stars for your great company. We would also like to extend a special discount to our connections & their clients, just mention Merchant Circle for discount. Let us help on any Chair Caning or Wicker Repair needs. Services Include: Rush - Fiber or Natural, Pressed Cane, Hand/Strand Cane, Splint, Blind Cane, Danish Cord, and Wicker Repair. Visit our website for photos of recent repairs. more

Sugi Health & Fitness


By Classy Scents

Thank you for connecting on MC! I wish Sugi Health & Fitness the best of success! Best wishes, more

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Why Working Out is dangerous

We are pleased to announce that Ofer has started publishing eBooks! The first one, Why Working Out Is Dangerous, is now available on The book can be  downloaded in PDF and all of the popular eBook formats including the PC, Kindle, Palm and other devices. Please support us by purchasing your own copy for only $2! Forward this email to tell your friends and  family. Or buy a gift for that special someone who has been looking for a good resource for health, fitness and wellness inspiration. Take a few minutes to post a review of the book for us. Go to Smashwords and scroll down to the bottom of the page, log in and write your review. It's that simple! Feedback is very important to us and will be considered for inclusion in future editions of the book or in additional books. Please send questions and comments to Ofer at Soon Ofer's books will also be available online at Barnes and Noble, Apple, Sony and other online eBook stores. Yours in Health, Ofer&Amy; Erez more

By Sugi Health & Fitness July 20, 2012

Is your movement good or bad for your health?

You probably know already that your posture can be good for your health (if you have a 'good posture') and it can be bad for your health (if you have a 'bad posture'). Is seems almost everyone knows that. But... Did you know that the way your body moves can be good for your health (if you have good movement) or it can be bad for your health (if you have bad movement) ??? Did you know that your movement has a stronger effect on your health than your posture does? And do you know that it is much easier to have good movement than it is go have a good posture? Most of the time, day in and day out, we move. We do not usually spend any considerable amount of time in one position or one posture. Yet we spend so much time, effort and money on making sure our posture is good. Amazing isn't it? You may know of what is supposed to be a good posture in standing, in sitting and in lifting things off the floor. But that about sums it up. Of all the possible positions in life, most of us know how to have a good posture in three positions. What about having a good posture when you are tying your shoes? Reaching into a cupboard? twisting? folding? bending? Shouldn't you have a good posture while moving? Or better yet, shouldn't you have good movement while moving? To assess if your posture is good or bad for your health you need to take a good look at your posture and in a similar way when you want to assess if your movement is good or bad for your health you need to take a good look at your movement. How to tell what is good movement and what is bad movement will be the topic of the next blog. Peace and health, O more

By Sugi Health & Fitness March 08, 2011

Abuse it and lose it

I believe that everyone has come across the saying "Use it or lose it", but not many people know that it is literally true. Your body operates in such a way that it literally doesn't keep what it doesn't use. Anyone who had a cast for even a few weeks is familiar with the surprising amount of muscle loss that happens so surprisingly quickly. Anyone who has stopped stretching for even a couple of weeks is familiar with the frustration of having lost most, if not all, the flexibility s/he had before. (more on the mismatch between stretching exercises and flexibility in the future). Anyone who is interested in astronauts or space exploration knows about the amazingly rapid loss of bone mass when an astronaut is in space and the skeleton is hardly in use. You can easily confirm from your own experience that "Use it or lose it" is very real. There is another saying that is equally true but you probably never heard of it - "Abuse it and lose it". It is enough to take a look at professional sports to realize that the saying is true. Many of the people who do sports professionally abuse their body horribly and suffer the consequences. Many of them live in pain for decades after their time of glory is over. If you have ever seriously overdone exercise (or play) and got injured you know what I am talking about. When you abuse your body you are very likely to get injured and if you are lucky it will heal by itself. If, on the other hand, you are unlucky, it will not heal so easily and you might end up being in pain (and therefore restricted in your movement) for a very long time. Those of you who have had a chronic injury or chronic pain know what I am talking about and probably prefer to have not abused your body the way you did. When you consider the above it becomes clear that when you do any kind of physical activity, including work and exercise, it is best to do it somewhere in between "Use it or lose it" and "Abuse it and lose it". In other words: you should be very active, but do it carefully. What does it mean when it comes to fitness where body abuse (pushing your body to do more) is the norm? I'll write about it in a future blog. Peace and Health, O more

By Sugi Health & Fitness March 01, 2011

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