Reviews for Private Investigating Services in Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, California


By blakewilson12

After a series of unpleasant experiences with locksmiths, I wasn’t too keen on hiring them, but I simply had no choice – the lock on my front door was completely ruined after a failed break-in attempt. I figured it would give in on another attempt. I reluctantly decided to call a locksmith and found a good one at I never hired them before and decided to give it a shot. There were some good reviews for them, and I believed that so many people can’t be wrong collectively. Sure enough, Locksmith In Los Angeles California was great – and this is coming from a person who is very nitpicky. They were on time, had a vast collection of locks, and offered me a great price on the best ones. It was the first time I’d ever had a good experience with any locksmith in Los Angeles, CA. Will definitely hire them again! more

Los Angeles, California


By JudithPurseraev

Time and again, the technicians from Locksmith In Los Angeles California have proved their mettle. Once, I hired them to change all the locks on my property and another time, they came over to fix a troublesome mailbox lock. I’ve hired them for maintenance work, repair, key cutting, installations and more, and every time, I’ve received nothing but quality workmanship. Being a part of the Los Angeles, CA community, I take pride in the fact that we’ve got such excellent locksmiths working in our midst. I hope you guys keep up the good work for a long time! Trust me, they’re the best and you can never go wrong with hiring them. If you don’t believe me, take a look at their website, read up more on them and then make the right choice. I can’t recommend them enough…. more

Los Angeles, California


By Lawrence Bennett 1

I was locked out. All I did was step out of my home to take the trash out and the door had slammed shut. Frustrated, I turned to the trusted firm Locksmith In Los Angeles California and asked their help. Having discovered them online on a few months back, I have hired them a couple of times, but never under such circumstances. I had all my hopes pinned on them – and sure enough, they did not let me down! Danny arrived within minutes, and unlocked the door in no time. He even altered the lock mechanism so it wouldn’t shut automatically and lock me out again. Excellent services! If you live in Los Angeles, CA, you can’t get any better! Locksmith In Los Angeles California is the BEST!!! more

Los Angeles, California


By Galeno Montalvo

After I’d moved into my new home, the first thing I needed was a lock change. Being new to Los Angeles, CA, I didn’t know any locksmiths and asked my neighbors for suggestions. One of my neighbors was kind enough to pass on the link to me and I called them up. David arrived with his team at my place in less than twenty minutes and carried out a complete assessment. He offered a cheaper solution – rekeying – stating that the locks were relatively new and had enough life in them to last a few more years. Thanks to Locksmith In Los Angeles California I managed to save a hefty sum. Highly recommend! more

Los Angeles, California


By Maryam Zimmerman

It was a job well done! I thought the locks were far too gone to be fixed, but Jack from Locksmith In Los Angeles California worked his magic on them and had them working in no time. I highly recommend them! As far as I know, they’re the best in Los Angeles, CA because I’ve hired just about every other locksmith in the region and none of them comes close to the level of service Locksmith In Los Angeles California provides. Check out their website if you require more info. Do give them a call, trust me, they’re simply AMAZING! A double thumbs-up! more

Los Angeles, California


By Ahmed Olvera

I knew I was being conned when the locksmith I hired for repairs kept trying to convince me into changing my perfectly good locks with new ones. For second opinion, I looked online, found this site and decided to hire them. Turns out, I never needed a lock replacement and my locks would last a few more years, according to Jack from Locksmith In Los Angeles California. Thank you for giving out honest advice and fixing the minor issues with the locks! From now on, I’ll always turn to these guys for any locksmith work. If you live in Los Angeles and around, you should too! They’re simply amazing and offer reasonable prices. Can’t recommend them enough… more

Los Angeles, California


By Odilon Iglesias

How often have you been duped by locksmiths? Perhaps, several times. I, for one, have hired over ten different locksmiths in Los Angeles, CA and I’ve never been completely satisfied with any of them. That is until Locksmith In Los Angeles California came long. I found their website purely by chance and decided to give it a shot. After all, what harm could it bring? I needed a chain lock on my front door. Barely fifteen minutes had passed since I'd made that call to Locksmith In Los Angeles California when my doorbell rang. Jack was extremely friendly and courteous and had the door fitted with a new lock. Despite making a house call, there weren't any convenience charges added in the bill and I found the rates to be very reasonable. I must say, I've finally found a locksmith that I'm going to stick to forever. Can't recommend them enough! more

Los Angeles, California


By Gerald Boggs

Imagine losing your car keys and being shut out of your own car. Well, it happened to me, and worse, it happened at half past midnight. Nearly all the shops were shut, towing services were unavailable and I couldn’t even find a cab back home. It was really fortunate that I found this place online and called them up. Thanks to Locksmith In Los Angeles California, I was able to regain entry. Not only that, John worked right there from his van and made a replacement. Excellent job guys! No. 1 in Los Angeles, CA! Very helpful! FIVE STARS!! more

Los Angeles, California


By Christopher Sproul

Hats off to Locksmith In Los Angeles California! I found them online and they arrived at my store within minutes of calling them. I suspected someone had tried breaking into my shop the previous night and I couldn’t risk a recurrence. I wanted better, stronger locks. Eric was thorough with his job and after a complete assessment, he gave me a list of options that would work. I got a high-security top grade padlock installed and received a good bargain on it. Thank you so much! Will definitely hire them again! And why not? I believe they’re the best in Los Angeles, CA 90017! more

Los Angeles, California


By Kalid Coronado

I was being paranoid perhaps, but when the house next to mine got burgled, I simply needed validation from an expert to know that my house won’t be the next target. After asking around, a colleague shared the link to - a firm that provided free security consultations. I wasn’t going to say no to anything free now, was I? I hired them, and a team from Locksmith In Los Angeles California arrived quickly. Once they inspected every nook and corner of my property, they gave me a complete insight of where the security of my property stood. The door needed repairs and the lock on the front door was apparently too outdated. I was impressed by how thorough they were with their job and asked them to go ahead with the repairs/installation. more

Los Angeles, California


By Anthony Robinson

I called up Locksmith In Los Angeles California to take a look at my malfunctioning lock. Here’s my take on them: Response time: Quick. The technician got there in about fifteen minutes after placing the call Quality: Well, John fixed it in minutes and I haven’t faced trouble with it ever since, so yes, he did a really good job. Price point: This is where Locksmith In Los Angeles California shines! Rates are really low and are easily the lowest in Los Angeles, CA. I know this because I’ve tried out nearly all other locksmiths in the area. My verdict: Thumbs-up!!! Will definitely call them again and recommend the same to all! more

Los Angeles, California


By Greg Smith 4

Not a great fan of locksmiths! When you’ve been tricked into buying unwanted stuff, charged $250 for opening up a locked car or reduced to waiting for hours for the person to get there, I’m sure you’d share the same feelings I used to! But Locksmith In Los Angeles California does have a way with its customers! When I was locked out of my home and I’d exhausted all my other options, a friend passed on their number 310-579-9351 to me. I called them up, a small part of me hoping that these guys would be a little different – and they were! I barely waited ten minutes when a locksmith reached my location and sorted out my issue! They charged me $55 and were off! Wow! What’s my opinion of locksmiths now? Still not a great fan unless it’s someone from Locksmith In Los Angeles California! Easily the best locksmith company in Los Angeles, CA… try them out once if you don’t believe me! more

Los Angeles, California


By David Buckley

Got a couple of key copies made at a hardware store at a cheap price. None of the keys worked and one got stuck in the keyhole of the front door. Contacted Locksmith In Los Angeles California and spoke to Eric who offered me a quote. This happened around 10 pm and Locksmith In Los Angeles California was the only firm that had agreed to my service request. Eric arrived quickly and had the troublesome key removed. Since I was now left without any spare keys, Eric was kind enough to make new copies on-the-spot. It took him less than thirty minutes and the keys worked flawlessly. Extremely satisfied and happy with the services! If I ever need a locksmith in Los Angeles, CA, I’ll turn to Locksmith In Los Angeles California for help! Highly recommended! more

Los Angeles, California


By Mary Jones 2

From experience I know that locksmith services don’t come cheap! I’ve paid countless locksmiths more than a handful in the last couple of months alone. Moving into a new home did bring in its share of challenges. So when I needed spare keys to hand out to my daughter, I had already stashed substantial cash to hand out to the locksmith. But this time – the bill was pretty low. In fact, it wasn’t even half of what I’d expected it to be. What did I do different? I changed my locksmith. I found these guys from Locksmith In Los Angeles California online on and gave them a try! An excellent choice – and I’ve never switched over to another till date. They are the No:1 firm in Los Angeles, CA, I must say! more

Los Angeles, California


By Angela Quinones

INCREDIBLE SERVICE from Locksmith In Los Angeles California! I think the guy who came over was Jeff. Very talented and friendly. He guided me through the entire process so I would know exactly what he was doing. He stayed true to his word, and didn’t charge me a penny extra from what he'd mentioned earlier! Flat rates! Skilled technicians! Quick response ! I don't think any other company in Los Angeles, CA could offer me any better. Their number 310-579-9351 is going down on my favorite's list for good. Highly-recommend that you do the same. more

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