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The Joint ...the chiropractic place


By The Joint ...the chiropractic place

The staff here are super helpful. As a newbie to the whole chiropractic thing they took the time to give me the whole run down. I recently have had back issues from running and Dr. Sander gave me an adjustment that felt like he just released the tension in my spine. I know they say you get what you pay for and I haven't been to any other chiropractors but i'm amazed by the value here. more

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Chiropractic Care For Chronic Neck Pain

Moderate and acute neck pain is one of the most common reasons that people visit their primary care doctors, and is a problem that will affect 75% of Americans at some point in their lives. For many, their only relief from chronic pain is through medications ranging from ibuprofen to narcotics. However, there may be a better way to deal with neck pain. New research, published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, shows that light exercise or a chiropractic adjustment relieves pain more effectively than relying solely on pain medication. How effective is it? Dr. Gert Bronfort, an author of the study and research professor at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Minnesota decided to find out the answer for himself. He and his colleagues gathered 272 adults with neck pain and divided them into 3 groups before following them for 3 months. The 1st group visited a chiropractor for 20 minute sessions throughout the study, averaging about 15 visits each. The 2 group received pain killers like acetaminophen or stronger drugs like muscle relaxers and narcotics. The 3group had 2 sessions with physical therapists who taught them how to do gentle neck exercises at home. They were instructed to do 5-10 reps of neck exercises up to 8 times a day. The results were surprising. After 12 weeks, 33% of those in the medication group, 48% of the home exercisers and 57% of chiropractic patients reported at least a 75% reduction in pain. When the researchers checked in with the subjects a year later, 53% of those who received spinal manipulation still reported a 75% pain reduction, which was similar to the group performing exercises. Only 38% of medication recipients had the same results. Additionally, Dr. Bronfort noted that many of those on pain medication were taking increased doses of drugs. Dr. Bronfort believes that people who take medications are not as active in their own recovery as those in other groups. Taking a hand in your own health care is very important from a holistic standpoint. If you’re currently suffering from neck pain, why not discuss other alternatives with your primary care physician? Being informed and active in your own healthcare almost always leads to a greater level of success. Originally posted from The Joint the chiropractic place Encino, CA more

By The Joint ...the chiropractic place September 26, 2013

See how your birth month affects your health?

According to Russell Foster, an Oxford University scientist, there are definite trends in lifetime health that correlate with when you were born. Scientists have known for some time now that babies born in the fall typically live longer than those who are born in the spring. Foster claims that your health, success, and even height can be predicted fairly accurately depending upon what month you were born in. Here’s how your birthday impacts your life in ways you would never expect. January- People born in this month are statistically more likely to have Crohn’s disease, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease.  According to the UK Office Of National Statistics, this may be because of a lack of sunlight in the womb and during the first few months of life. February- Valentine babies are most likely to develop narcolepsy. Again, the blame is assigned to a lack of sunlight. Many February babies prefer night hours because they weren’t exposed to much sunlight during their early months. March- Again, a lack of sunlight is blamed on health issues. March babies tend to have a higher than normal rate of asthma. This is also blamed on a lack of vitamin D in utero. April- Increased levels of alcoholism, depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and autism. Unsurprisingly, the blame for this is also placed on a lack of sunlight, according to George Ebers, expert of seasons at Oxford University. May- Those who share my birth month must be on the alert for diabetes and glaucoma. Of course, it might not bother us as much as it would others, because we have the lowest IQs of all the birth months. June- While babies born during this month finally get some sunlight in the womb and during the first months of their life, their tendency to contract vision problems is thought to be the result of a lack of sunlight during formative months in the womb. July- July birthdays lead to an optimistic outlook, according to experts. Unfortunately, the same problems that affect June kids also lead to short-sightedness. August- These children have the most difficulty in school, and for once the reason isn’t because of a lack of sunlight. Because they’re the youngest of their classmates, they may have trouble keeping up. This can lead to acting out in class. September- These high achievers are typically a result of being the oldest in their class. They have almost an entire year of development on those born the previous month. October- Thanks to the optimum amount of sunlight in utero, October babies tend to live longer than those born in any other month. November- These babies are most likely to become serial killers. A 2005 Swedish study believes this is because of a lack of dopamine related to (you guessed it) sunlight after birth. They are also most likely to confess that they feel unlucky. December- An increased susceptibility to allergies is thought to be caused by being born during the peak cold and allergy season. Of course, our birthdates don’t map out our entire lives, and they don’t speak for all of us (my I.Q. is just fine, thank you very much!). However, if you’re expecting a baby during the early spring you may want to speak to your obstetrician and your chiropractor about how to get the right amount of sunlight for your growing fetus. It would appear to be an important part of growing a healthy baby. Originally posted from The Joint the chiropractic place Encino, CA more

By The Joint ...the chiropractic place September 26, 2013

Hug and Kiss Your Way to Better Health

With Valentine’s Day not to far, we can learn a lesson from it on how to live a happier and healthier life the other 364 days of the year. That’s right, Cupid has some love tips that are healthy (and fun!) all year round.  According to recent survey performed by the Medical University of Vienna, hugging somebody that you care about can reduce stress and anxiety and can have a lowering effect on your blood pressure. It may even be able to help improve your memory.  Unfortunately, these benefits only come from hugging someone that you know and care about. A hug from a stranger has the opposite effect, resulting in the release of the stress hormone, cortisol. This means that purchasing hugs from corner vendors is out of the question. If you want to feel better, you’re going to have to get your hugs the old fashioned way. Scientists link this feeling of well-being to the release of the hormone oxytocin. They say that regular hugs appear to stimulate release of this “feel good” hormone. Another study showed that a brief hug in the morning from someone you love can even help reduce stress all through your workday. Of course, love experts know that hugging is just one of the ways to get your oxytocin flowing. Here are a few more ways to feel better while getting closer: Snuggling Canoodling can have lots of benefits besides the obvious bond it helps to create with your mate or children. Snuggling is like a really long hug; it has the same hormone releasing benefits, and it’s a wonderful way of saying “I love you” in a completely nonverbal way. It is also one of the best ways to keep warm during cold winter evenings. If you’re feeling chilly, just pop in a DVD and offer to share your blanket on the couch with your spouse. When the movie’s over, you’ll probably find that your feeling of well-being isn’t entirely the work of Hollywood.  Kissing Kissing is another way to stimulate oxytocin levels, and is also a great way to reduce stress. A somewhat surprising benefit of kissing is increased saliva production, which helps rinse the bacteria off of your teeth and reduces plaque. Maybe that’s not the sexiest image in the world, but there’s no denying that kissing is good for your oral health. Happy and well-adjusted people live longer, are generally healthier and are less prone to disease. People who spend quality time with people that they love are in better shape physically, as well as emotionally. So, if you want to have more time on this earth and enjoy the time you do have, spend it with people that you love and let them know every chance you get how much they mean to you.  Originally posted from The Joint the chiropractic place Encino, CA more

By The Joint ...the chiropractic place September 25, 2013

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