Learning an instrument can provide the following advantages to students:

Mila and Caleb Rosenthal-Vincenti

Mila and Caleb Rosenthal-Vincenti

  • build self-esteem
  • develop initiative
  • provide outlet for creativity
  • develop sense of responsibility for possession
  • develop sense of responsibility for being well behaved
  • develop sense of responsibility for making an honest effort
  • prepare foundation for drama, dance, and other arts activities
  • develop attention span and concentration level
  • develop visual memory
  • develop aural memory
  • develop time-management and organizational skills
  • develop goal-setting and task-completion skills
  • develop problem-solving skills
  • develop confidence in facing new situations and challenges

For pre-schoolers and kindergarteners, there are additional pre-academic skills and attitudes fostered by piano study in particular:

Ashleigh and Trevor Stepanyan

Ashleigh and Trevor Stepanyan

  • develop small muscle skills (writing)
  • develop differentiation between left and right (reading, writing, following directions)
  • develop visual tracking (reading, writing, math)
  • develop aural short-term memory (following directions)
  • develop visual discrimination (reading, writing, math)
  • develop aural discrimination (following directions)
  • provide practice in sequencing letters and numbers (reading, writing, math)