The Woodland Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to their legislators in Olympia emphatically opposing any repeal to the Washington State Sales Tax Exemption for Oregon residents. The letter dated April 26, 2011 was posted on their website and then voted on by members at the Chamber's weekly lunch meeting on May 3rd. Representative Ed Orcutt of the 18th District was on hand to witness the vote.


In addition to their own letter, Woodland joined other Southwest Washington Association of Business Leaders (SWWABL) in a joint letter to legislators stating "We strongly oppose any effort to repeal the current sales tax exemption for out of state shoppers."


Both organizations moved very quickly when the issue came before the State legislators. Darlene Johnson and Mary Urban, both Board of Trustees Officers for the Woodland Chamber of Commerce, made the drive to Olympia to testify at the hearing on April 21, 2011, as did Kelly Parker, CEO&President of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce.


"This is a huge issue for border communities," states Tammie Howard, Executive Director of the Woodland Chamber. "Our businesses can't afford to lose sales, even if it is only a small percentage, it makes a difference. We feel the impact."


Johnson, a CPA and business owner in Woodland, agrees. "What small amount the state might make in sales tax they will lose in business revenue when sales decline and unemployment goes even higher," she states. In an area where the effective unemployment rate remains over 12%, that is a real concern. Both letters can be viewd at .