Dear Sensei Warren, why is your Fitness Boot Camp the best in the Five Towns area?
A. That's an easy one, for so many reasons!Quick results. We conduct a unique program that helps you burn up to 1,000 calories in just one 60-minute class. We use many different physical activities such as band training, ball exercises, dumbbells, calisthenics, plyometrics, kickboxing routines, and resistance training. This combination of exercises will boost results much quicker than typical exercises and workout classes.Helps you push yourself harder. Most people rarely push themselves as hard as an exercise professional will. We will push you to work harder than you normally would on your own. This helps you build stronger muscles faster, develop better endurance, and accelerate your fitness goals.Support group. Much like any program or association, when people are all going through the same thing together a common bond is formed. Boot camp is no different; you will form friendships within your group. This helps you stick with your workout program, and provides you with instant "accountability" partners. Everyone works to keep you on target and feeling good about yourself.Cheaper than a personal trainer. Get all the benefits of a personal trainer, with less than half the cost. Fitness Boot Camp is much more cost-effective than hiring a personal trainer. Because the boot camp is conducted in a small group of people per class period, we can extend to the participants much cheaper prices . . . but still provide you with all the benefits of a personal trainer.Fitness Kickboxing and Boot Camp is a wonderful workout program, regardless of your level of fitness. Anyone can do this class and you do not need any previous martial arts training to participate and have fun working out!Shihan Warren Levi holds a 6th degree black belt in shotokan karate. He has a bachelor's degree in physical education/exercise physiology. He has won numerous world titles.