Digital marketing is the advertising and promotion of businesses and their brands through digital media channels. Digital media, right now, incorporates websites, social media, radio, TV, mobile and even forms of traditionally non-digital media, for example, billboards and transit signs. Essentially any marketing media that is delivered electronically is viewed as digital marketing.

This leaves only different forms of person to-person (P2P) marketing, print advertising and direct marketing outside of the digital marketing umbrella. And still, after all that, print ads, direct mail, print directories, billboards and posters are all starting to connect to their digital partners. With things like URL landing pages, QR codes, web banner advertising, online directories and text codes, traditional marketing and advertising quite often has a digital marketing connection.

For businessmen, many types of digital marketing are very low cost. Having a web presence, engaging clients in discussions through social media and email marketing are low cost alternatives to print advertising and direct mail. These digital channels are available to companies of any size, and help to even the playing field for start-ups, small businesses and independent consultants looking for new business.

For the most efficient and professional digital marketing services in San Antonio, call in to Tuanis Media.

Click here for details.