There is no place on earth like New York City during the holidays. Our trips start with a drop off at the weekend TODAY show....wear your santa hats and antlers! Don't forget to bring a toy to donate to the huge Toys for Tots NBC drive. Enjoy skating under the glory of Rockefeller mascot Prometheus. You'll feel like you just stepped off a Christmas card ! Hark the Heralded Angels and their trumpets of glory in the courtyard of 30 Rock 
  • and you'll have that Christmas tune in your brain all day. Use the Rockefeller Christmas tree as a back drop for holiday pictures that will make you the envy of every elf. 
    Cross the street to take in the holiness of Christmas and see the creche at St Patrick's Cathedral . There are four Radio City Rockette shows a day. Head over to the show and get in the mood for's a classic ! Venture over to Dylan's Candy Bar to get those visions of sugar plums in your head ! A few doors down is the eatery Serendipity made famous in the 2001 John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale movie. Famous for it's "Frozen Hot Chocolate"... pick up the movie before you make your winter visit to NYC. My daughter's favorite designer Betsey Johnson is just steps away... crazy Betsey is known to make surprise appearances in her trendy boutique.Time to head down Broadway to join my friend Natasha Malinsky and her Shop NYC Tours visit her website [see links] If you want to be on your own by purchasing a self guided tour or if you prefer Natasha with hook you up with an escorted shopping adventure. You may recognize her name from VH1's "Tough Love" a reality show [not a the tacky kind you think of when I mentioned reality] I am signing up for the "Recessionista" shopping tour to snag some holiday bargains.Next, I am off to Fifth Ave for holiday window display viewing and holiday light tricked out buildings.[included in your trip will be a walking tour map for holiday windows] don't for get to check out FAO Swartz ... the soldiers ,the toys ,toys toys...speaking of toys..Toys R Us  on Broadway has a ferris wheel in side ! Talk about a child's delight ! Check outCentral Park for a view of the Plaza Hotel ... think Home Alone 2 and Kevin 's adventures in the Big Apple. Take time to see Central Park in style by hopping in a horse drawn carriage. Time is running out ... I have to experience the Miracle on 34th Street....Macy's to end a perfect day. Grab some Garrett's popcorn for the ride home...snooze your way back home on the bus with...[I can't resist ]....visions of New York City sugar plums in your head ! 