This blog is devoted to helping you climb in music, entertainment,  arts and use the media industries. What ever help you need, services you need content you need and intorductions you need may be introduced through a number of confidential and public formats with The Thiess Christian Company, and any PublicityThiessMedia broadcast, stream , podcast and pay per view services, email and telephone calls.We provide publicity and media consulting, content and services to clients under retainer, or per project as requested. We supply planning, annual media campaigns and a gamut of ala carte media services, including coaching , training and teaching a full range of media education to help any artist and business advance.Please us the following locations to place your This email is devoted to Religious organizations in need of publicity, media and content services, event planning and intellectual property for forming and growing their financial and ministry side of the religious organization, church, synogogue, etc. You may request our GBBQuarterly publications, magazine(s), books, blank journals, newsletter(s) and RSS feeds by subscription.  This email is devoted to private philanthropic dinner experiences, conversations discussions around the issues of where to place your money and questions you may have about a particular organization, foundation, event, sponsorship, investment and global charity issues. This is a philanthropist only opportunity and only millionaires interested in new donations, support and giving are invited to email this address. You may request our DADPublications by subscription. None of your information will ever be shared with any one for any reason unless you provide written permission to us.  This email is open to any one who desires to purchase product from the Thiess Christian Company, notify us of their news and events, or book and schedule the artist or the exhibitions of Thiess' paintings six to twelve months in advance. Business only to this email address. global and north American request are accepted and confirmation is provided via this email. You may request our gallery website and passcode then purchase on line, reviewing weekly products available in one of a kind, licensing and the like for your industry or retail stores. Shipping is with tracking to 38 countires. Catalogues Available For Purchase upon request.  This email address is devoted to you;
  • Recording Company
  • Producer
  • Director
  • Performing Artist
  • Writer
  • Filmmaker
  • Corporation

    You, who is in need of publicity services
    , a publicist and media education, media campaigns, media releases, media adviseries, media solutions, broadcast, advertisement, shows, interviews, and the like. This email will greatly help you to connect with us for what ever you are in need of right away.
    We will offer you the help, services and immediate assistance you stand in need of to blow up and to boost your public presence...including touring and retail distribution with touring. We have your media advise, from image and wardrobe to every area and aspect of taking you where God wants yo to go. What ever your life is to do , we support and supply your vision. 
    Agent services and referals, contracts offered, negotiations and representation provided through this email address. Label your email with your name and "new artistclient or "new artist referal", "new record label client" or "new record label referal", etc. 
    Our company does pay finder's fees for clients refered whom we sign into contracts.
    For More InformationContact Media Staff: Gabriel