Acrylic nails are a great way to achieve long, impeccably manicured nails.  They do not chip and break like natural nails, and are an easy way to look well-groomed.  However, acrylic nails do require maintenance and special attention to stay healthy.  Poorly fitted acrylic nails may develop fungal growth in the gap between the acrylic and natural nails. Infections can also develop when a person wears acrylic nails for an extended period of time without regular care and maintenance from a LICENSED PROFESSIONAL.  We know that you love us because our nails last and last; no popping off, no lifting, etc.  However, we need to see you more than once a month, every other month, or every three months for your Fill-in.  We love you, but more important, we love your nails too!!!  Our goal is to give you long, healthy nails that you can be proud to show off. So, here are five ways to maintain healthy acrylic nails and prevent unwanted damage.


Apply Nail and Cuticle Oil Daily

Healthy nails are clean nails, and acrylic nails require daily cleaning.  Oil should be applied to the nail several times per day to maintain flexibility, eliminate separation between the natural and acrylic nail, to prevent the nail from cracking or peeling, and to promote blood circulation and nail growth.  We recommend focusing primarily on the free edge of the acrylic nail and the cuticle.  Cleaning with antibacterial soap and water, and a small nail brush several times a week also helps minimize the risk of infection.  Make sure to towel-dry thoroughly after washing.   Always pay close attention to and moisturize your cuticles to avoid dryness; which can lead to cracking of the skin and infections.


Check Daily to Determine if Nails are Loosening

When acrylic nails loosen from the natural nail, fungus and bacteria can develop in the gap.  If nails are loose, schedule an appointment with a professional salon quickly in order to repair the damage. The risk of infection can be reduced by dipping the nail in rubbing alcohol prior to repair.  Never use household glue for nail repairs.  This can lead to serious damage of the nail.


Always Wear Rubber Gloves when Handling Chemicals

Acrylic nails can be weakened, discolored, or stained by household chemicals including detergents and cleaning products.  Wearing gloves when handling chemicals at home or at work, prolongs the life of these nails.  Gloves should also be worn when gardening.




Treat Acrylic Nails like Jewels, not Tools

Acrylic nails are beautiful accessories, but they do not have the same utility as natural nails.  Do not use them to pry open anything, especially pop tops.  Learn to use fingertips rather than fingernails to prevent breakage.  Need to open that can of soda?  Use a coin.  Need to remove your ATM or credit card from the machine?  Keep a pair of tweezers handy.  Acrylic nails should always be maintained at an appropriate length for your lifestyle and activity level.


Touch-up Acrylic Nails every 2-3 Weeks

As the natural nail grows out, fills are needed to stabilize the artificial nail and eliminate the bump between the acrylic and natural nail.  A visit to the salon is recommended every 2-3 weeks or sooner if your nails grow quickly or start to wear and the gap between the acrylic and the cuticle becomes noticeable.  Ignoring the maintenance of your acrylic nails can lead to fungal infections and serious damage to your natural nails; including loss of your nail or inhibited nail growth.   Never remove acrylic nails by prying them off.  The application and removal of acrylic nails takes lots of practice and should ALWAYS be applied and removed properly by a LICENSED PROFESSIONAL to avoid damage to the natural nail plate.