Remember Crazy Eddy, Crazy Mike and the other self proclaimed Craze's that dominated the 80's of advertising. They usually were car, appliance, or electronic dealers that were flamboyant, loud and somewhat colorful in every way. Crazy Eddy was giving away "Crazy Deals", and his prices were "INSANE – but you better come now before he came to his senses." Eddy knew that you had to be crazy to stand out, and/or make your prices a little lower, your advertising memorable, and your salespeople knowledgeable in order to  get noticed in a growing industry.

What crazy thing have you done to make your business memorable?

While you don't have to be loud, flamboyant or low (prices I mean), in order to be seen, you should choose one "crazy" thing to be memorable. Just one memorable quality could be crazy enough to boost your sales.

For personal service industries – a Birthday Card with a special discount to your customers; A car dealer offering a free year of AAA membership; A car wash with your oil change; Wrappings at Christmas; Roses at Valentine's Day… The list of Crazy ideas are endless, and the ability to be memorable is continual.

Choose something crazy, and make it your own. Your name doesn't have to be Eddy to be crazy…..but come to think of it, maybe Eddy wasn't so crazy after all.