The best way to keep your employees safe when using your company cars is to fit those cars with adequate safety features. Aside from preventing accidents, the safety features can also improve the market value of the automobile if you are to sell it in the future. In this write-up, you will learn about various safety features to look for when buying a company car. Bear in mind that some of these safety features can also be installed after purchase of the automobiles.

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

The system is concerned with detecting when the pressure gauge of your tires has dropped below the standard PSI. The pressure in the tire can be affected positively or negatively by the change in temperature. Abnormal pressure gauge in the tire can culminate in increased wear and blowouts. This system can tell you when the pressure in the tire has dropped below the normal level or it has gone higher. Despite the effectiveness of this tool, it is advisable to still check the tires on the company cars using a manual gauge about once in a month.

Adaptive Headlights

This is one of the best safety tools to include in a company car. Its main function is to improve night vision so that the company vehicle can move safely at night or when there is poor visibility. The system equally comes with sensors that can monitor the elevation and direction of the vehicle. It will effectively illuminate the road ahead and make movement very easy, irrespective of the level of visibility. The headlights are built to lower the glare so that other road users can see you clearly. Consequently, it puts the comfort and safety of other road users into consideration while brightening the path of the company vehicle at night.


Seat belts are standard safety features in automobiles, but this does not make them less important, which informs the mention of seat belts in this write-up. Seat belts can protect you from a lot of injuries in the case of an auto crash. It will also keep you well secure while in the car. In the case of an accident, the seat belt can reduce your chance of colliding with the windshield, dashboard or steering wheel, which can have a fatal outcome. Seat belt technology has improved over time. These days, certain features have been included that improve the performance of the seat belt.

·       Adjustable upper belts

·       Seat belt pretensioner

·       Energy management features

·       Rear center seat lap or shoulder belts


Airbags are also standard inclusions in automobiles, just like seatbelts. The airbags get inflated once the vehicle is in a collision with other vehicles. The extent of the inflation depends on the speed of the vehicle at impact. The stiffness of the object the vehicle collides with can equally determine the extent of inflation. The inflated airbags prevent the driver and the occupants of the company car from colliding with the windshield, steering wheel, the dashboard, the front seat and so on. Bear in mind that airbags are also fitted at the back for protecting passengers sitting at the back seats.

The inclusion of airbags as standard safety feature started in 1998 and it was also made a standard inclusion in trucks in 1999. This has proved to be one of the best decisions in the automobile world. 

HGV LED lights warning systems

The HGV LED lights warning systems are designed to improve the driving experience and also ensure the safety of other road users. It is designed to intimate other road users that you are about to turn to the left; this way, they can clear off your path, and this will prevent them from getting injured. The system produces an audible sound that the road users can understand easily so that they can clear off the path before the company vehicle comes too close for comfort. The warning system can be fitted to virtually any company vehicle, be it a car, bus, truck or even a coach; this makes it a reliable heavy goods vehicles safety technology. The technology is built to last for long, and it will give you top value for money. Aside from protecting the occupants of the vehicle from injuries, the system can also protect the other road users. It can equally prevent damage to the car.


The safety features above can make a lot of difference in the safety of everyone in the company's car at all times. While some of the available safety features are normally included in automobiles, the others can be fitted on demand or bought separately. Whatever the case may be, including safety features in the company's car will prove to be the perfect investment you can ever make. You will always get top value for your money. What is more, the safety features can prolong the lifespan and functionality of the company vehicle, aside from increasing its market value.