Hard Drive Problems? Thumb Drive Problems? Camera Cards ??




There are so many issues that people think are hopeless with there data storage devices. They Can be helped and saved.

  • Drive or Card Say it needs to be formatted

Many times a camera card, thumb drive, or external hard drive might say they need to be formatted in order to be used. If you want your data back DON’T format it. It is still retrievable if it is formatted but the quality of the recovery will be better if you leave it the way it is and call us and bring it in.


  • Windows Won’t Boot Up 

Your windows won’t boot up it seems all is lost and you don’t have a backup. It can be saved all your precious family photos and documents ect can be saved.


  • House Fire / Business Fire 

Believe it or not many times even from a fire data off drives, camera cards, thumb drives and computers can be saved.


  • Deleted Pictures

Did you accidentally delete files or pictures from one of the above they can be saved too. Our Data Recovery Workstations are tuned to pull data in all sorts of issues problems, deletions and formatted.








