Packing is very time consuming if done by the book. Realistically, as professional movers, we never seen anyone have a full checklist and pictures of all their belonging. If I had seen that person, he or she will most likely be more stress out than necessary.

 So here are real tips that will make it worth your while. Here is a realistic list of moving tips before your move:

Tip #1: Always start earlier. It usually takes longer than expected. Packing and wrapping takes the longest while the actual move doesn’t take much time in comparison.

        However, time is limited. And if you are like most people, you have waited          till the last minute.  So the following steps should help you.

Tip #2: Start off by throwing everything away you don’t need or give it away. You may find this to relief a lot of stress alone.

          Do you really need all those old National Geographic magazines?

Tip #3: Pack a "Need Box". These are things like, toothbrushes, alarm clock, and a change of clothes. Once everything is moved to your new place, it may take longer than you think to unpack everything. The "Need Box" will make your life easier.

           Don't forget the toilet paper!

Tip#4: Pick a working room.  This will be a place nearest the front door where you will put packed boxes ready to go.   This will help you work in  other areas but make sure you use a labeling system (see Tip #7).

            Also, this will help the movers to quicken the move.

Tip #5: Pack the kitchen last. Water and food is still going to be a needed and you don’t want to be going though 3 boxes just to find a spoon.

Tip #6: Labeling is very important but it takes a lot of time. Keep it simple by buying colored coded stickers. The bigger the sticker, the better. Color stickers are great for this. A blue sticker for the living room, a green for kitchen, etc. I have never seen anyone have a full checklist and pictures of items and where they belong. It will be perfect but it’s too time consuming on a day where you have enough to do. The sticker system is easy to use, and as a mover, I know where exactly where to put the boxes without stopping to ask.

             This too will make the movers job faster and save you money.

Tip #7:Keep your packing simple. If you try to make it perfect, chances are you may give up on that system that looked so perfect on " Keep the new place in mind. Make a  box for one room in the new house. Everything that goes into that new room will go into that box. If you don’t know where you are going to put a particular object, then make a “I don’t know yet box” Use the color codes stickers in Tip 6.

In conclusion, This will save you from a lot of hassles when the movers are handling your boxes. The less you have to stop and scratch your head during the move, the better. And the easier it will be for the movers to finish the job.

 These tips are good for when you need to pack up in a hurry. Even if you have enough time, these tips should still save you a lot of time and headache.

 Good luck on your move and keep it simple.

 If you have any questions, you may call, email, or text your question even if you don’t use our services. We will be happy to help.

Swift Movers